Está Vd. en

Documento DOUE-L-1983-80359

Reglamento (CEE) nº 2189/83 del Consejo, de 28 de marzo de 1983, referente a la celebración del Canje de Notas relativo a la adaptación del Anexo B del Acuerdo con los Estados Unidos de América relativo a los intercambios de determinados productos siderúrgicos.

Publicado en:
«DOCE» núm. 215, de 5 de agosto de 1983, páginas 1 a 9 (9 págs.)
Comunidades Europeas




Visto el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea y , en particular , su artículo 113 ,

Vista la propuesta de la Comisión ,

Considerando que , mediante el Reglamento ( CEE ) n º 2869/82 (1) , el Consejo ha aprobado la celebración de un Acuerdo con los Estados Unidos de América relativo a los intercambios de determinados productos siderúrgicos ;

Considerando que el Anexo B del Acuerdo preveía que la lista de los códigos Nimexe cubiertos por dicho Acuerdo sería objeto de verificaciones y de enmiendas posteriores , convenidas por los expertos de ambas Partes ;

Considerando que dichas verificaciones han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad

de determinar con mayor precisión , en códigos Nimexe , los productos cubiertos por el Acuerdo ,


Artículo 1

1 . Queda aprobado en nombre de la Comunidad Económica Europea el Canje de Notas relativo a la adaptación del Anexo B del Acuerdo con los Estados Unidos de América relativo a los intercambios de determinados productos siderúrgicos , en la medida en que dicho Acuerdo se refiere a productos sujetos al Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea .

2 . El texto del Canje de Notas se adjunta al presente Reglamento .

Artículo 2

Se autoriza al Presidente del Consejo para que designe a la persona facultada para proceder al Canje de Notas a fin de obligar a la Comunidad Económica Europea .

Artículo 3

El presente Reglamento entrará en vigor el día de su publicación en el Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas .

El presente Reglamento será obligatorio en todos sus elementos y directamente aplicable en cada Estado miembro .

Hecho en Bruselas , el 28 de marzo de 1983 .

Por el Consejo

El Presidente


(1) DO n º L 307 de 1 . 11 . 1982 , p. 1 .


Relativo a la modificación del Anexo B del Acuerdo con los Estados Unidos de América relativo a los intercambios de determinados productos siderúrgicos

Department of Commerce ,

Washington DC 20230 ,


Brussels , ... 1983

Dear Mr ... ,

As indicated in Appendix B to the Arrangement concerning trade in certain steel products between the European Coal and Steel Community and the United States , this Appendix has been verified by experts of both parties , who agreed on certain amendments to the NIMEXE codes referred to in the Appendix .

These changes are reflected in the enclosed new Appendix B , as amended .

I should be grateful if you would confirm the agreement of the US Government with the content of this letter .

Yours faithfully ,

( s. ) ...


Appendix B

Product coverage

Description NIMEXE code TSUSA No ( 1983 )

Hot-rolled carbon steel sheet and strip 73.08-01 (9) 607.66-10

73.08-03 (39) 607.67-10

73.08-05 607.67-20

73.08-07 607.67-30

73.08-21 (39) 607.67-40

73.08-25 607.83-42

73.08-29 608.19-20

73.08-41 (39) 608.21-20

73.08-45 608.23-20


73.10-16 (1)

73.10-49 (1) (7) (34)

73.12-11 (2) (9)

73.12-19 (2)

73.12-40 (2) (7) (34)

73.12-88 (2) (7) (34)

73.12-89 (2) (7) (34)

73.13-11 (7) (9) (41)

73.13-16 (7) (9) (41)

73.13-17 (3)

73.13-19 (3) (39)







73.13-62 (7) (34) (36) (41)

73.13-88 (7) (34) (41)


73.63-29 (1)

73.63-79 (1) (34)

73.64-20 (2)

73.64-72 (2) (34)

73.64-79 (2) (34)

73.65-21 (3)



73.73-35 (1) (21)

Hot-rolled alloy steel sheet and strip 73.72-11 (5) (9) 607.81-00

73.72-19 (4) (5) 608.38-20 (7)

73.73-35 (5) (6) (22) 608.55-20 (7)

73.73-36 (5) (6) 608.67-20 (7)

73.73-39 (4) (5) (6)

73.73-89 (4) (5) (6) (34)

73.74-21 (5) (9)

73.74-29 (4) (5)

73.74-89 (4) (5) (34)

73.75-11 (5) (7) (9)

73.75-19 (5) (7) (9)

73.75-39 (4)

73.75-49 (4)

73.75-79 (4) (5) (7) (34)

Cold-rolled carbon steel sheet 73.08-03 (40) 607.82-20

73.08-21 (40) 607.83-50

73.08-41 (40) 607.83-55

73.10-30 (6) (8) 607.83-60

73.10-49 (6) (8) (31) (34)

73.12-21 (8) (10)

73.12-25 (8) (9)

73.12-29 (8) (10)

73.12-40 (8) (31) (34)

Description NIMEXE code TSUSA No ( 1983 )

73.12-88 (8) (31) (34)

73.12-89 (8) (31) (34)

73.13-11 (9)

73.13-16 (9)

73.13-19 (40)





73.13-49 (10)

73.13-50 (10)

73.13-62 (8) (31) (34) (36)

73.13-88 (34)

73.63-50 (6) (8)

73.63-79 (6) (8) (31) (34)

73.64-50 (8)

73.64-79 (8) (31) (34)


73.65-55 (10)

73.65-70 (10) (34)

73.73-55 (6) (8) (21)

Cold-rolled alloy steel sheet 73.73-55 (5) (6) (8) (22) 607.93-20

73.73-59 (4) (5) (6) (8)

73.73-89 (4) (5) (6) (8) (31) (34)

73.74-51 (5) (8) (9)

73.74-52 (5) (8) (9)

73.74-59 (4) (5) (8)

73.74-89 (4) (8) (31) (34)

73.75-11 (5) (9) (31)

73.75-19 (5) (9) (31)

73.75-59 (4) (5)

73.75-69 (4)

73.75-79 (4) (31) (34)

Carbon steel plate ( including clad plate ) 73.09-00 (11) 607.66-15 (17)

73.10-16 (6) (11) (12) (13) 607.94-00

73.10-42 (6) (15) 608.07-10

73.10-45 (6) (8) 608.11-00

73.10-49 (6) (35)

73.12-11 (9) (11) (12) (13)

73.12-19 (11) (12) (13)

73.12-40 (12) (14) (32)

73.12-51 (8) (12)

73.12-59 (8) (12)

73.12-61 (12) (14)

73.12-63 (12) (14)

73.12-65 (12) (14)

73.12-71 (15)

73.12-75 (8)

73.12-81 (12) (14)

73.12-85 (12) (14)

73.12-87 (12) (14)

73.12-88 (12) (14) (32)

73.12-89 (12) (14) (42)

73.13-11 (7) (9) (12) (13)

73.13-16 (7) (9) (12) (13)

73.13-17 (13)

73.13-19 (13) (39)

73.13-62 (37)

73.13-64 (12)

73.13-65 (12)

73.13-67 (12)

73.13-68 (12)

73.13-72 (12)

73.13-74 (12)

73.13-76 (12)



73.13-84 (12)

73.13-86 (12)

73.13-87 (12)

Description NIMEXE code TSUSA No ( 1983 )

73.13-88 (12) (32)

73.13-89 (12) (42)

73.62-30 (11)

73.63-29 (6) (11) (12) (13)

73.63-72 (6) (15)

73.63-74 (6) (8)

73.63-79 (6) (35)

73.64-72 (15)

73.64-75 (8)

73.64-79 (35)

73.65-21 (13)

73.65-70 (38)

73.73-35 (6) (11) (12) (31) (21)

73.73-72 (6) (15) (16)

73.73-74 (6) (8) (16)

73.73-83 (6) (16) (33)

73.73-89 (6) (16) (33)

73.74-72 (15)

73.74-74 (8)

73.74-83 (16) (33)

73.74-89 (16) (33)

73.75-73 (16)

73.75-79 (16)

Alloy steel plate 73.72-11 (4) (9) (12) 607.78-00 (17)

73.72-19 (4) (12) 607.91-00

73.72-39 (4) (11) 608.14-20

73.73-35 (6) (11) (12) (22)

73.73-36 (6) (11) (12)

73.73-39 (4) (6) (11) (12)

73.73-55 (6) (8) (12) (22)

73.73-59 (4) (6) (12)

73.74-21 (9) (11) (12)

73.74-29 (4) (11) (12)

73.74-72 (11) (12) (18)

73.74-74 (8) (12) (18)

73.74-83 (8) (12) (18) (32)

73.74-89 (12) (14) (18) (32)

73.75-11 (9) (12)

73.75-19 (9) (12)

73.75-29 (4)

73.75-59 (4) (12)

73.75-73 (12) (18) (32)

73.75-79 (12) (18) (32)

Carbon steel structural shapes 73.11-11 (19) 609.80-05

73.11-12 609.80-15

73.11-14 609.80-35

73.11-16 609.80-41

73.11-19 (19) 609.80-45

73.11-20 (19)

73.11-31 (19)

73.11-39 (19)

73.63-10 (19) (20)

73.63-29 (19) (20)

73.63-50 (19) (20)

73.73-35 (20) (21)

73.73-55 (20) (21)

Alloy steel structural shapes 73.73-13 (20) 609.82-00

73.73-14 (20)

73.73-19 (20)

73.73-33 (20)

73.73-34 (20)

73.73-35 (20) (22)

73.73-36 (20)

73.73-39 (20)

73.73-43 (20)

73.73-49 (20)

73.73-53 (20)

73.73-54 (20)

73.73-55 (20) (22)

73.73-59 (20)

Description NIMEXE code TSUA No ( 1983 )

Carbón wire rod 73.10-11 (23) 607.14-00

73.10-16 (24) (25) 607.17-00

73.63-21 (23) 607.22-00

73.63-29 (24) (25) 607.23-00

73.73-25 (21) (23)

73.73-35 (21) (24) (25)

Hot-rolled carbon steel bar 73.09-00 (30) 606.83-10

73.10-11 (26) 606.83-30

73.10-16 (27) (28) 606.83-50

73.10-49 (27) (29)

73.12-11 (9) (12) (30)

73.12-19 (12) (30)

73.62-30 (30)

73.63-21 (26)

73.63-29 (27) (28)

73.63-79 (27) (29)

73.64-20 (12) (30)

73.64-72 (12) (30) (34)

73.64-79 (7) (12) (30) (34)

73.73-35 (21) (27) (28)

Hot-rolled alloy bar 73.73-25 (26) 606.97-00

73.73-26 (26)

73.73-29 (4) (26)

73.73-35 (22) (27) (28)

73.73-36 (27) (28)

73.73-39 (4) (27) (28)

73.73-89 (4) (27) (29)

73.74-21 (9) (12) (30)

73.74-29 (9) (12) (30)

Carbon coated sheet ( galanizad carbon steel sheet other carbn coated steel ) 73.10-42 (5) (6) (8) (32) 608.07-30

73.10-45 (5) (6) (8) (32) 608.13-10

73.10-49 (5) (6) (8) (32) 608.13-20

73.12-40 (5) (8) (32) 608.13-30

73.12-61 (5) (8) 608.13-40

73.12-63 (5) (8) 608.13-50

73.12-71 (5) (8) (32)

73.12-75 (5) (8) (32)

73.12-81 (5) (8)

73.12-85 (5) (8)

73.12-87 (5) (8)

73.12-88 (5) (8) (32)

73.12-89 (5) (8) (32)

73.13-62 (5) (32) (43)

73.13-67 (5)

73.13-68 (5)

73.13-72 (5)

73.13-84 (5)

73.13-86 (5)

73.13-87 (5)

73.13-88 (5) (32)

73.13-89 (5) (32)

73.63-72 (5) (6) (8) (32)

73.63-74 (5) (6) (8) (32)

73.63-79 (5) (6) (8) (32)

73.64-72 (5) (8) (32)

73.64-75 (5) (8) (32)

73.64-79 (5) (8) (32)

73.65-70 (5) (42)

Alloy coated sheet and terne plate and sheet 73.12-65 (5) (8) 608.01-00

73.13-74 (5) 608.14-40

73.73-72 (5) (6) (8) (32)

73.73-74 (5) (6) (8) (32)

73.73-89 (5) (6) (8) (32)

73.74-72 (5) (8) (32)

73.74-74 (5) (8) (32)

73.74-83 (5) (8) (32)

73.74-89 (5) (8) (32)

73.75-73 (5) (32)

73.75-79 (5) (32)

Description NIMEXE code TSUSA No ( 1983 )

Tin plate 73.12-51 (5) (8) 607.96-00

73.12-59 (5) (8) 607.97-00

73.13-64 (5) 607.99-00

73.13-65 (5)

73.13-76 (5)

Carbon and alloy rails 73.16-14 610.20-10

73.16-16 610.20-20

73.16-17 610.21-00


Carbon and alloy sheet piling 73.11-50 609.96-00


(1) Covered if of rectangular section . If three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness , excluded if eight inches or less in width or if not in coils .

(2) If three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness , excluded if cut to length , or eight inches or less in width .

(3) Covered if in coil .

(4) Excluding " tool steel " , " high-speed tool steel " , " tool steel of the type described in headnote 2 ( H ) ( VII ) " and " chipper knife steel " , as defined in subparagraph B 2 ( H ) ( V ) , ( VI ) , ( VII ) and ( VIII ) of Part 2 of Schedule 6 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States ( annotated ) .

(5) Covered if less than three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness .

(6) Covered if of rectangular section .

(7) Covered if hot-rolled .

(8) Covered if over 12 inches in width .

(9) Excluding " silicon electrical steel " , as defined in subparagraph B 2 ( H ) ( IX ) of Part 2 of Schedule 6 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States ( annotated ) .

(10) Excluded if less than 0,0142 of an inch in thickness and if black plate meeting ASTM specifications A-625 or A-650 .

(11) Covered if over eight inches in width .

(12) Covered if three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness .

(13) Covered if not in coils .

(14) Covered if hot-rolled and over eight inches in width or if cold-rolled and over 12 inches in width .

(15) If less than three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness , covered if over 12 inches in width . If three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness , covered if over eight inches in width .

(16) Covered if clad .

(17) Excluding semi-finished products , over six inches in thickness , produced by rolling on a primary ( slabbing ) mill .

(18) Excluded if clad .

(19) Covered if having a maximum cross-sectional dimension of three inches or more .

(20) Covered if structural shapes .

(21) Covered if contains 0,35 % or less lead or sulfur .

(22) Covered if contains over 0,35 % lead or sulfur .

(23) Covered if of circular section and 0,2 of an inch or over in diameter .

(24) Covered if coiled and if 18,8 mm or less in diameter .

(25) Covered if of circular section .

(26) Covered if cross-section , in the form of segments of circles , ovals isosceles triangles , rectangles , hexagons , octagons or quadrilaterals with only two sides parallel and the other two sides equal , and not hollow . If of rectangular section , covered if three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness and eight inches or less in width .

(27) Covered if cross-section , in the form of circles , segments of circles , ovals , isosceles triangles , rectangles , hexagons , octagons or quadrilaterals with onyl two sides parallel and the other two sides equal , and not hollow . If of rectangular section , covered if three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness and eight inches or less in width . If of circular section , covered if over 18,8 mm in diameter , or if 18,8 mm or

less in diameter , and not in coils .

(28) Excluding round blooms and billets , semi-finished products of circular cross-section , having a length several times greater than the maximum cross-sectional dimension . A bloom is at least 36 square inches in cross-sectional area . A billet is less than 36 square inches but not less than three square inches in cross-sectional area .

Note : Billet rolled to bar tolerances or ordered to specifications could be classified as bar under the TSUSA .

(29) Excluded if cold formed .

(30) Covered if eight inches or less in width .

(31) Covered if cold-rolled .

(32) Covered if coated or plated with metal .

(33) If less than three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness , covered if over 12 inches in width . If three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness , covered when cold-rolled if over 12 inches in width and when hot-rolled if over eight inches in width .

(34) Excluded if coated , plated or clad with metal .

(35) Covered if clad , or plated or coated with metal , or otherwise surface-worked . If clad and if less than three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness , covered if over 12 inches in width . If clad or plated or coated with metal and if over three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness , covered if eight inches or more in width when not cold-rolled and if 12 inches or over in width when cold-rolled . If otherwise surface-worked , covered if not in coils , if three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness and eight inches or over in width and hot-rolled .

(36) Covered if enamelled .

(37) Covered if clad . If coated or plated with metal , but not silvered , gilded or platinum plated , covered if three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness .

(38) Covered if clad . If three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness , covered if coated or plated with metal . If three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness and otherwise surface-worked , covered if hot-rolled and cut to length .

(39) If three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness , covered if not pickled .

(40) Covered if three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness and pickled .

(41) If three-sixteenths of an inch or over in thickness , excluded if cut to length .

(42) If cold-rolled , covered if coated or plated with metal . If hot-rolled , covered if coated or plated with metal or , if not coated or plated with metal , if cut to length .

(43) Excluded if silvered gilded or platinum plated .

Sir Roy Denman

The Head of the Delegation

Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities

210 M Street , N. W.

Suite 707

Washington , DC 20037

Dear Sir Roy

This is in response to your letter of 29 March 1983 transmitting to the US Government a revised version of Appendix B to the Arrangement concerning trade in certain steel products between the European Communities and the United States . I am pleased to confirm that the revised Appendix B reflects the agreement reached by both parties in January to make certain amendments to the NIMEXE codes referred to in Appendix B .

The above is without prejudice to changes that may be required to cover any discrepancy in Appendix B found by either party subsequent to the January agreement .

Sincerely ,

Lionel H. OLMER


  • Rango: Reglamento
  • Fecha de disposición: 28/03/1983
  • Fecha de publicación: 05/08/1983
  • Fecha de entrada en vigor: 05/08/1983
  • Contiene Acuerdo de 29 de marzo de 1983, ADJUNTO al mismo.
Referencias anteriores
  • MODIFICA el Anexo B del Acuerdo aprobado por Reglamento 2869/82, de 21 de octubre (Ref. DOUE-L-1982-80418).
  • Acero
  • Acuerdos internacionales
  • Comunidad Económica Europea
  • Estados Unidos de América
  • Productos siderúrgicos


Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado

Avda. de Manoteras, 54 - 28050 Madrid