Está Vd. en

Documento DOUE-L-1997-81072

Decisión del Consejo de 24 de marzo de 1997, relativa a la eliminación de los derechos relativos a los productos de tecnología de la información.

Publicado en:
«DOCE» núm. 155, de 12 de junio de 1997, páginas 1 a 59 (59 págs.)
Comunidades Europeas



Visto el Tratado Constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea y, en particular, su artículo 113, en relación con la primera frase del apartado 2 de su artículo 228,

Vista la propuesta de la Comisión,

Considerando que en la nueva Agenda transatlántica adoptada en la cumbre de Madrid de 13 de diciembre de 1995 entre la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos se decidió tratar de celebrar un Acuerdo sobre tecnología de la información;

Considerando que, como consecuencia de los informes de la Comisión acerca de sus consultas exploratorias con países terceros, el 16 de noviembre de 1996 el Consejo decidió iniciar negociaciones con países terceros con objeto de celebrar un Acuerdo sobre tecnología de la información;

Considerando que el 13 de diciembre de 1996 en la primera Conferencia de la Organización Mundial del Comercio celebrada en Singapur la Comunidad Europea aprobó una Declaración ministerial sobre el comercio de productos de tecnología de la información; que esta Declaración establece ciertas condiciones previas para la eliminación de los aranceles realtivos a los productos de tecnología de la información; que se han cumplido estas condiciones previas;

Considerando que la Declaración ministerial sobre el comercio de productos de tecnología de la información junto con sus Anexos y anejos forman parte del Acuerdo sobre comercio de productos de tecnología de la información;

Considerando que el Programa Comunidad Europea-Acuerdo sobre productos de ternología de la información CXL, que modifica el Programa comunitario exixtente debería ser sometido a la Organización Mundial del Comercio;

Considerando que el Acuerdo sobre productos de tecnología de la información junto con la Declaración acerca de su aplicación deberían ser aprobados en nombre de la Comunidad;


Artículo 1

Queda aprobado en nombre de la Comunidad el Acuerdo sobre el comercio de productos de tecnología de la información junto con la Declaración sobre su aplicación.

El texto del Acuerdo y de la Declaración se adjuntan a la presente Decisión.

Artículo 2

Tal como se establece en el apartado 4 del Anexo de la Declaración, el Consejo:

i) toma nota de que han notificado su aceptación participantes que representan aproximadamente el 90% del comercio mundial de productos de tecnología de la información; y

ii) aprueba en nombre de la Comunidad las solicitudes de escalonamiento de algunos participantes en el ATI.

Artículo 3

El Consejo autoriza a la Comisión a presentar a la Organización Mundial del Comercio las modificaciones al programa de la Comunidad Europea, tal como se enuncian en el Programa Comunidad Europea-Acuerdo sobre produtos de tecnología de la información CXL.

Artículo 4

Se autoriza al Presidente del Consejo para que designe a la persona facultada para firmar el Acuerdo/Protocolo a fin de obligar a la Comunidad.

Artículo 5

La presente Decisión será publicada en el Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas.

Hecho en Bruselas, el 24 de marzo de 1997.

Por el Consejo

El Presidente



sobre el comercio de productos de tecnología de la información


13 de diciembre de 1996


Singapur, 9-13 de diciembre de 1996


Singapur, 13 de diciembre de 1996


EN REPRESENTACION de los siguientes miembros de la Organización Mundial del Comercio («OMC») y Estados o territorios aduaneros distintos en proceso de adhesión a la OMC, que han llegado a un acuerdo sobre la expansión del comercio mundial de productos de tecnologia de la información, y que representan un porcentaje bastante superior al 80% del comercio mundial de esos productos («partes»):



Comunidades Europeas

Hong Kong






Territorio Aduanero Distinto de Taiwán, Penghu,Kinmen y Matsu


Suiza (1)


Estados Unidos

CONSIDERANDO la función clave que desempeña el comercio de productos de tecnología de la información en el desarrollo de las industrias de la información y en la expansión dinámica de la economía mundial,

RECONOCIENDO los objetivos de elevación de los niveles de vida y expansión de la producción y el comercio de mercancías,

DESEOSOS de conseguir la máxima libertad del comercio mundial de productos de tecnología de la información,

DESEOSOS de fomentar el desarrollo tecnológico continuo de la industria de la tecnología de la información en todo el mundo,

CONSCIENTES de la contribución positiva que hace la tecnología de la información al crecimiento económico y al bienestar mundiales,

HABIENDO acordado llevar a efecto los resultados de estas negociaciones que implican concesiones adicionales a las incluidas en las Listas anexas al Protocolo de Marrakech anexo al Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y

Comercio de 1994, y

RECONOCIENDO que los resultados de estas negociaciones implican también algunas concesiones ofrecidas en negociaciones conducentes al establecimiento de Listas anexas al Protocolo de Marrakech,

DECLARAN lo siguiente

1. El régimen de comercio de cada parte deberá evolucionar de manera que aumenten las oportunidades de acceso a los mercados para los productos de tecnología de la información.

(1) En nombre de la unión aduanera de Suiza y Liechtenstein.

2. De conformidad con las modalidades establecidas en el Anexo de la presente Declaracion, cada parte consolidará y eliminará los derechos de aduana y los demás derechos o cargas de cualquier clase, en el sentido de la letra b) del apartado 1 del artículo II del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio de 1994, con respecto a los siguientes productos:

a) todos los productos clasificados (o clasificables) en las partidas del sistema armonizado de 1996 («SA») enumeradas en el apéndice A del Anexo de la presente Declaración; y

b) todos los productos especificados en el apéndice B del Anexo de la presente Declaración, estén o no incluidos en el apéndice A;

mediante reducciones iguales de los tipos de los derechos de aduana a partir de 1997 y hasta 2000, reconociendo que, en limitadas circunstancias, podría ser necesario ampliar el escalonamiento de las reducciones y, antes de la aplicación, los productos comprendidos.

3. Los ministros manifiestan su satisfacción por el gran número de productos comprendidos que figuran en los apéndices del Anexo de la presente Declaración. Encomiendan a funcionarios de sus gobiernos respectivos que hagan esfuerzos de buena fe para finalizar las conversaciones técnicas plurilaterales que se celebrarán en Ginebra sobre la base de esas modalidades y que completen esa tarea no más tarde del 31 de enero de 1997, con el fin de conseguir que la presente Declaración sea aplicada por el mayor número posible de participantes.

4. Los ministros invitan a los ministros de los demás miembros de la OMC y de los Estados o territorios aduaneros distintos en proceso de adhesión a la OMC a que impartan instrucciones análogas a funcionarios de sus gobiernos respectivos, con el fin de que puedan tomar parte en las conversaciones técnicas a que se hace referencia en el apartado 3 supra y participar plenamente en la expansión del comercio mundial de productos de tecnología de la información.

Anexo: Modalidades y productos comprendidos

Apéndice A: Lista de partidas del SA

Apéndice B: Lista de productos



Todo miembro de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, o Estado o territorio aduanero distinto en proceso de adhesión a la OMC, podrá participar en la expansión del comercio mundial de productos de tecnología de la información de conformidad con las modalidades siguientes:

1. Cada participante incorporará las medidas descritas en el apartado 2 de

la Declaración a su lista anexa al Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio de 1994 y, además, a nivel de línea arancelaria de su arancel o a nivel de 6 dígitos del sistema armonizado de 1996 («SA»), a su arancel oficial o a cualquier otra versión publicada del arancel de aduanas, si fuera esa otra la utilizada comúnmente por los importadores y los exportadores. Cada uno de los participante que no sea miembro de la OMC aplicará estas medidas de manera autónoma, en espera de la culminación de su adhesión a la OMC, y las incorporará a su lista sobre acceso a los mercados para las mercancías, anexa al Acuerdo sobre la OMC.

2. A estos efectos, cada participante proporcionará a los demás participantes lo antes posible, y en todo caso el 1 de marzo de 1997 a más tardar, un documento que contenga, a) los pormenores sobre cómo preverá el trato arancelario adecuado en su lista de concesiones anexa al Acuerdo sobre la OMC, y b) una lista de las partidas detalladas del SA a las que correspondan los productos especificados en el apéndice B. Estos documentos se examinarán y se aprobarán por consenso, y el proceso de examen se terminará el 1 de abril de 1997 a más tardar. En cuanto haya terminado este proceso de examen de cualquiera de esos documentos, ese documento se presentará como modificación de la Lista del participante de que se trate, de conformidad con la Decisión de 26 de marzo de 1980 sobre procedimientos para la modificación o rectificación de las listas de concesiones arancelarias (IBDD 27S/25).

a) Las concesiones que debe proponer cada participante como modificaciones de su Lista consolidarán y eliminarán, de la forma que a continuación se indica, todos los derechos de aduana y los demás derechos o cargas de cualquier clase aplicados a los productos de tecnología de la información:

i) la eliminación de dichos derechos de aduana se llevará a cabo mediante reducciones en tramos iguales de los tipos, a no ser que los participantes acuerden lo contrario. Salvo acuerdo en contrario de los participantes, cada participante consolidará a más tardar todos los aranceles aplicados a los productos enumerados en los apéndices el 1 de julio de 1997 y hará efectiva a más tardar la primera de esas reducciones de los tipos el 1 de julio de 1997, la segunda el 1 de enero de 1998 y la tercera el 1 de enero de 1999, y la eliminación de los derechos de aduana quedará completada el 1 de enero de 2000 a más tardar. Los participantes acuerdan alentar la eliminación autónoma de los derechos de aduana antes de las fechas indicadas. En cada fase, el tipo reducido deberá redondearse al primer decimal; y

ii) la eliminación de los demás derechos y cargas de cualquier clase citados, en el sentido de la letra b) del apartado 1 del artículo II del Acuerdo General, quedará completada el 1 de julio de 1997, a no ser que en el documento facilitado por el participante a los demás participantes para su examen se indique lo contrario.

b) Las modificaciones de su Lista que debe proponer un participante para llevar a cabo la consolidación y eliminación de los derechos de aduana aplicados a los productos de tecnología de la información tendrán ese resultado:

i) en el caso de las partidas del SA que se indican en el apéndice A, mediante la creación, cuando proceda, de subdivisiones en la Lista de ese

participante a nivel de línea arancelaria de su arancel nacional; y

ii) en el caso de los productos especificados en el apéndice B, mediante la adición a la Lista de ese participante de un anexo en el que estarán incluidos todos los productos del apéndice B, en el que han de especificarse las partidas detalladas del SA correspondientes a dichos productos a nivel de línea arancelaria de su arancel nacional o de 6 dígitos del SA.

Cada participante modificará inmediatamente su arancel nacional de aduanas para recoger en él las modificaciones que haya propuesto, tan pronto como éstas hayan comenzado a surtir efecto.

3. Los participantes se reunirán periódicamente bajo los auspicios del Consejo del comercio de mercancías a fin de examinar los productos comprendidos que se especifican en los apéndices, con miras a acordar por consenso si, a la luz de la evolución de la tecnología, la experiencia en la aplicación de las concesiones arancelarias o los cambios de la nomenclatura del SA, deberán modificarse los apéndices para incorporar productos adicionales, y a fin de celebrar consultas sobre los obstáculos no arancelarios al comercio de productos de tecnología de la información. Dichas consultas no afectarán a los derechos y obligaciones dimanantes del Acuerdo sobre la OMC.

4. Los participantes se reunirán tan pronto como sea factible pero en todo caso no más tarde del 1 de abril de 1997 para examinar la situación de las aceptaciones recibidas y evaluar las conclusiones que deban extraerse. Los participantes podrán en aplicación las medidas previstas en la presente Declaración a condición de que para entonces hayan notificado su aceptación participantes que representen aproximadamente el 90% del comercio mundial(1) de productos de tecnología de la información, y a condición de que se haya acordado el escalonamiento a satisfacción de los participantes. Para determinar si se han de poner en aplicación las medidas previstas en la Declaración, en el caso de que el porcentaje del comercio mundial representado por los participantes sea algo inferior al 90% del comercio mundial de productos de tecnología de la información los participantes podrán tener en cuenta el grado de participación de los Estados o territorios aduaneros distintos que representen para ellos el volumen sustancial de su propio comercio de dichos productos. En esa reunión los participantes comprobarán si se han cumplido estos criterios.

5. Los participantes se reunirán cuantas veces sea necesario y en todo caso el 30 de septiembre de 1997 a más tardar para examinar las discrepancias que puedan existir entre ellos en lo que respecta a la clasificación de los productos de tecnología de la información, comenzando por los productos especificados en el apéndice B. Los participantes se fijan el objetivo común de establecer, en su caso, una clasificación común para esos productos dentro de la nomenclatura actual del SA, tomando en consideración las interpretaciones y decisiones del Consejo de cooperación aduanera (conocido también como Organización Mundial de Aduanas, «OMA»). En caso de que persista una discrepancia en cuanto a la clasificación, los participantes examinarán la posibilidad de hacer una propuesta conjunta a la OMA con respecto a la actualización de la nomenclatura existente del SA o a la solución de la discrepancia en la interpretación de la nomenclatura del SA.

6. Los participantes entienden que el artículo XXIII del Acuerdo General será aplicable a la anulación o menoscabo de ventajas resultantes directa o indirectamente para un miembro de la OMC de la aplicación de la presente Declaración como consecuencia de la aplicación de cualquier medida por otro miembro de la OMC participante, esté o no dicha medida en conflicto con las disposiciones del Acuerdo General.

7. Cada participante examinará con comprensión cualquier solicitud de celebración de consultas que formule otro participante con respecto a los compromisos enunciados supra. Dichas consultas se entenderán sin perjuicio de los derechos y obligaciones dimanantes del Acuerdo sobre la OMC.

8. Los participantes, actuando bajo los auspicios del Consejo del comercio de mercancías, informarán de las presentes modalidades a los demás miembros de la OMC y a los Estados o territorios aduaneros distintos en proceso de adhesión a la OMC y entablarán consultas con miras a facilitar su participación en la expansión del comercio de productos de tecnología de la información sobre la base de la presente Declaración.

9. En las presentes modalidades se entenderá por «participante» todo miembro de la OMC, o todo Estado o territorio aduanero distinto en proceso de adhesión a la OMC, que el 1 de marzo de 1997 a más tardar haya proporcionado el documento descrito en el apartado 2.

10. El presente Anexo estará abierto a la aceptación de todos los miembros de la OMC y de cualquier Estado o territorio aduanero distinto en proceso de adhesión a la OMC. Las aceptaciones se notificarán por escrito al director general, quien las comunicará a todos los participantes.

There are two Attachments to the Annex.

Attachment A lists the HS headings or parts thereof to be covered.

Attachment B lists specific products to be covered by an ITA wherever they are classified in the HS.

(1) Este porcentaje será calculado por la secretaría de la OMC sobre la base de los datos más recientes de que se disponga en el momento de la reunión.

Attachment A, Section 1

HS 96 HS description

3818 Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in form of

discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for

use in electronics

8469 1 Word processing machines

8470 Calculating machines and pocket-size data recording, reproducing

and displaying machines with a calculating function; accounting

machines, postage franking machines, ticket-issuing machines and

similar machines, incorporating a calculating device;

cash registers:

8470 10 Electronic calculators capable of operating withour an external

source of electric power and pocket size data recording,

reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions

8470 21 Other electronic calculating machines incorporating a-printing


8470 29 Other

8470 30 Other calculating machines

8470 40 Accounting machines

8470 50 Cash registers

8470 90 Other

8471 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic

or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data

media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not

elsewhere specified or included:

8471 10 Analogue or hybrid automatic, data processing machines

8471 30 Portable digital automatic data processing machines, weighing no

more than 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing

unit, a keyboard and a display

8471 41 Other digital automatic data processing machines comprising in

the same housing at least a central processing unit and an input

and output unit, whether or not combined

8471 49 Other digital automatic data processing machines presented in

the form of systems

8471 50 Digital processing units other than those of subheading 8471 41

and 8471 49, whether or not containing in the same housing one

or two of the following types of units: storage units, input

units, output units

8471 60 Input or output units, whether or not containing storage units

in the same housing

8471 70 Storage units, including central storage units, optical disk

storage units, hard disk drives and magnetic tape storage units

8471 80 Other units of automatic data processing machines

8471 90 Other

ex 8472 90 Automatic teller machines

8473 21 Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8470 of the

electronic calculating machines of subheading 8470 10, 8470 21

and 8470 29

8473 29 Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8470 other

than the electronic calculating machines of subheading 8470 10,

8470 21 and 8470 29

8473 30 Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8471

8473 50 Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with machines of

two or more of the headings Nos 8469 to 8472

ex 8504 40 Static converters for automatic data processing machines and

units thereof, and telecommunication apparatus

ex 8504 50 Other inductors for power supplies for antomatic data processing

machines and units thereof, and telecommunication apparatus

8517 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy,

including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and

telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or

for digital line systems; videophones:

8517 11 Line telephone sets with cordless handsets

8517 19 Other telephone sets and videophones

8517 21 Facsimile machines

8517 22 Teleprinters

8517 30 Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus

8517 50 Other apparatus, for carrier-current line systems or for digital

line systems

8517 80 Other apparatus inciuding entry-phone systems

8517 90 Parts of apparatus of heading 8517

ex 8518 10 Microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 KHz with a

diameter not exceeding 10 mm and a height not exceeding 3 mm,

for telecommunication use

ex 8518 30 Line telephone handsets

ex 8518 29 Loudspeakers, without housing, having a frequency range of 300

Hz to 3,4 KHz with a diameter not exceeding 50 mm, for

telecommunication use

8520 20 Telephone answering machines

8523 11 Magnetic tapes of a widlh not exceeding 4 mm

8523 12 Magnetic tapes of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding

6,5 mm

8523 13 Magnetic tapes of a width exceeding 6,5 mm

8523 20 Magnetic discs

8523 90 Other

8524 31 Discs for laser reading systems for reproducing phenomena other

than sound or image

ex 8524 39 Other:

- for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound,

and image, recorded in a machine readable binary forre, and

capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a

user, by means of an automatic data processing machine

8524 40 Magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena other than sound or


8524 91 Media for reproducing phenomena other than sound or image

ex 8424 99 Other

- for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound,

and image, recorded in a machine readable binary forre, and

capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a

user, by means of an automatic data processing machine

ex 8525 10 Transmission apparatus other than apparatus for

radio-broadcasting or television

8525 20 Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus

ex 8525 40 Digital still image video cameras

ex 8527 90 Portable receivers for cailing, alerting or paging

ex 8529 10 Aerials or antennae of a kind used with apparatus for

radio-telephony and radio-telegraphy

ex 8529 90 Parts of:

transmission apparatus other than apparatus for

radio-broadcasting or television

transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus

digital still image video cameras

portable receivers for calling, alerting or paging

8531 20 Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or

light emitting diodes (LED)

ex 8531 90 Parts of apparatus of subheading 8531 20

8532 Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set):

8532 10 Fixed capacitors designad for use in 50160 Hz circuits and

having a reactive power handling capacity of not less than 0,5

kvar (power capacitors)

8532 21 Tantalum fixed capacitors

8532 22 Aluminium electrolytic fixed capacitors

8532 23 Ceramic dielectric, single layer fixed capacitors

8532 24 Ceramic dielectric, multilayer fixed capacitors

8532 25 Dielectric fixed capacitors of paper or plastics

8532 29 Other fixed capacitors

8532 30 Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors

8532 90 Parts

8533 Electrical resistors (including rheostats and potentiometers),

other than heating resistors:

8533 10 Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types

8533 21 Other fixed resistors for a power handling capacity not

exceeding 20 W

8533 29 Other fixed resistors for a power handling capacity of 20 W or


8533 31 Wirewound variable resistors, including rheostats and

potentiometers, for a power handiing capacity not exceeding 20 W

8533 39 Wirewound variable resistors, including rheostats and

potentiometers, for a power handling capacity of 20 W or more

8533 40 Other variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers

8533 90 Parts

8534 Printed circuits

ex 8536 50 Electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and

output circuits (Insulated thyristor AC switches)

ex 8536 50 Electronic switches, including temperatura protected electronic

switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip (chip-on-

chip technology) for a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V

ex 8536 50 Electromechanical snap-action switches for a current not

exceeding 11 amps

ex 8536 69 Plugs and sockets for co-axial cables and printed circuits

ex 8536 90 Connection and contact elements for wires and cables

8541 Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices;

photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic

cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into

panels; light-emitting diodes; mounted piezo-electric crystals:

8541 10 Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-emitting diodes

8541 21 Transistors, other than photosensitive transistors, with a

dissipation rate of less than 1 W

8541 19 Transistors, other than photosensitive transistors, with a

dissipation rate of 1 W or more

8541 30 Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than photosensitive devices

8541 40 Photosensitive semiconductor devices, inciuding photovoltaic

cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into

panels; light emitting diodes

8541 50 Other semiconductor devices

8541 60 Mounted piezo-electric crystals

8541 90 Parts

8542 Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies

8542 12 Cards incorporating an electronic integrated circuit ('smart'


8542 13 Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS technology)

8542 14 Circuits obtained by bipolar technology

8542 19 Other monolithic digital integrated circuits, including circuits

obtained by a combination of bipolar and MOS technologies (BIMOS


8542 30 Other monolithic integrated circuits

8542 40 Hybrid integrated circuits

8542 50 Electronic microassemblies

8542 90 Parts

8543 81 Proximity cards and tags

ex 8543 89 Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions

ex 8544 41 Other electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V,

fitted with connectors, of a kind use for telecommunications

ex 8544 49 Other electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, not

fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications

ex 8544 51 Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not

exceeding 1 000 V, fitted with connectors, of a kind used for


8544 70 Optical fibre cables

9009 11 Electrostatic photocopying apparatus, operating by reproducing

the original image directly onto the copy (direct process)

9009 21 Other photocopying apparatus, incorporating an optical system

9009 90 Parts and accessories

9026 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow,

level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for

example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters),

excluding instruments and apparatus of heading Nos 9014, 9015,

9028 or 9032:

9026 10 Instruments for measuring or checking the flow or level of


9026 20 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure

9026 80 Other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking of

heading 9026

9026 90 Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus of heading


9027 20 Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments

9027 30 Spectrometers, spectrophotometers and spectrographs using

optical radiations (LJV, visible, IR)

9027 50 Other instruments and apparatus using optical radiations (LTV,

visible, IR) of heading No 9027

9027 80 Other instruments and apparatus of heading No 9027 (other than

those of heading No 9027 10)

ex 9027 90 Parts and accessories of products of hegding 9027, other than

for gas or smoke analysis apparatus and microtomes

9030 40 Instruments and apparatus for measuring and checking, specially

designed for telecommunications (for example, cross-talk meters,

gain measuring instruments, distorsion factor meters,


Attachment A, Section 2

Semiconductor manufacturing and testing equipment and parts thereof

HS code Description Comments

ex 7017 10 Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for For Attachment B

insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces

for production of semiconductor wafers

ex 8419 89 Chemical vapor deposition apparatus for semi- For Attachment B

conductor production

ex 8419 90 Parts of chemical vapor deposition apparatus For Attachment B

for semiconductor production

ex 842l 19 Spin dryers for semiconductor wafer processing

ex 8421 91 Parts of spin dryers for semiconductor wafer


ex 8424 89 Deflash machines for cleaning and removing

contaminants from the metal leads of semicon-

ductor packages prior to the electroplanting


ex 8424 89 Spraying appliances for etching, stripping or

cleaning semiconductor wafers

ex 8424 90 Parts of spraying appliances for etching,

stripping or cleaning semiconduror wafers

ex 8456 10 Machines for working any material by removal of

material, by laser or other light or photo beam

in the production of semiconductor wafers

ex 8456 91 Apparatus for stripping or cleaning semiconduc- For Attachment B

tor wafers

8456 91 Machines for dry-etching patterns on semiconduc-

tor materials

ex 8456 99 Focused ion beam milling machines to produce or

repair masks and reticles for patterns on semi-

conductor devices

ex 8456 99 Lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks in For Attachment B

semiconductor production by laser beam

ex 8464 10 Machines for sawing monocrystal semiconductor For Attachment B

boules into slices, or wafers into chips

ex 8464 20 Grinding, polishing and lapping machines for

processing of semiconductor wafers

ex 8464 90 Dicing machines for scribing or scoring semicon-

ductor wafers

ex 8466 91 Parts for machines for sawing monocrystal semi- For Attachment B

conductor boules into slices, or wafers into


ex 8466 91 Parts of dicing machines for scribing or sco- For Attachment B

ring semiconductor wafers

ex 8466 91 Parts of grinding, polishing and lapping ma-

chines for processing of semiconductor wafers

ex 8466 93 Parts of focused ion beam milling mac hines to

produce or repair masks and reticles for pat-

terns on semiconductor devices

ex 8466 93 Parts of lasercutters for cuttingcontacting For Attachment B

tracks in semiconductor production by laser


ex 8466 93 Parts of machines for working any material by

removal of material, by laser or other light

or photo beam in the production of semiconduc-

tor wafers

ex 8466 93 Parts of apparatus for stripping or cleaning For Attachment B

semiconductor wafers

ex 8466 93 Parts of machines for dry-etching patterns on

semiconductor materials

ex 8477 10 Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semi- For Attachment B


ex 8477 90 Parts of encapsulation equipment For Attachment B

ex 8479 50 Automated machines for transport, handling For Attachment B

and storage of semiconductor wafers, wafer

cassettes, wafer boxes and other material for

semiconductor devices

ex 8479 89 Apparatus for growing or puiling monocrystal For Attachment B

semiconductor boules

ex 8479 89 Apparatus for physical deposition by sputtering For Attachment B

on semiconductor wafers

ex 8479 89 Apparatus for wet etching, developing, strip- For Attachment B

ping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat

panel displays

ex 8479 89 Die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders, For Attachment B

and wire bonders for assembly of semiconductors

ex 8479 89 Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semi- For Attachment B


ex 8479 89 Epitaxial deposition machines for semiconductor


ex 8479 89 Machines for bending, folding and straightening For Attachment B

semiconducior leads

ex 8479 89 Physical deposition apparatus for semiconductor For Attachment B


ex 8479 89 Spinners for coating photographic emulsions on For Attachment B

semiconductor wafers

ex 8479 90 Part of apparatus for physical deposition by For Attachment B

sputtering on semiconductor wafers

ex 8479 90 Parts for die attach apparatus, tape automated For Attachment B

bonders, and wire bonders for assembly of semi-


ex 8479 90 Parts for spinners for coating photographic For Attachment B

emulsions on semiconductor wafers

ex 8479 90 Parts of apparatus for growing or pulling mono-

crystal semiconductor boules

ex 8479 90 Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, For Attachment B

stripping or cleaning semiconductors wafers and

flat panel displays

ex 8479 90 Parts of automated machines for transport, For Attachment B

handling and storage for semiconductor wafers,

wafer cassettes, wafer boxes and other material

for semiconductor devices

ex 8479 90 Parts of encapsulation equipment for assembly For Attachment B

of semiconductors

ex 8479 90 Parts of epitaxial deposition machines for se-

miconductor wafers

ex 8479 90 Parts of machines for bending, folding and For Attachment B

straightening semiconductor leads

ex 8479 90 Parts of physical deposition apparatus for se- For Attachment B

miconductor production

ex 8480 71 Injection and compression moulds for the

manufacture of semiconductor devices

ex 8514 10 Resistance heated furnaces and ovens for the

manufacture of semiconductor devices on semi-

conductor wafers

ex 8514 20 Inductance or dielectric furnaces and ovens

for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on

semiconductors wafers

ex 8514 30 Apparatus for rapid heating of semiconductor For Attachment B


ex 8514 30 Parts of resistance heated furnaces and ovens

for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on

semiconductor wafers

ex 8514 90 Parts of apparatus for rapid heating of wafers For Attachment B

ex 8514 90 Parts of furnaces and ovens of Headings No 8414

10 to No 8514 30

ex 8536 90 Waafer probers For Attachment B

8543 11 Ion implanters for doping semiconductor mate-


ex 8543 30 Apparatus for wet etching, developing, strip- For Attachment B

ping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flar

panel displays

ex 8543 90 Parts of apparatus for wet etching, develo- For Attachment B

ping, stripping or cleaning semiconductor

wafers and flat panel displays

ex 8543 9Q Parts of and implanters for doping semiconduc-

tor materials

9010 41 Apparatus for projection, drawing or plating

to circuit patterns on sensitized serniconductor

9010 49 materials and flat panel displays

ex 9010 90 Parts and accessories of the apparatus of

Headings No 9010 41 to 9010 49

ex 9011 10 Optical stereoscopic microscopes fitted with For Attachment B

equipment specifically designad for the hand-

ling and transport of semiconductor wafers

or reticles

ex 9011 20 Photomicrographic microscopes fitted with For Attachment B

equipment specifically designad for the hand-

ling and transport of semiconductor wafers

or reticles

ex 9011 90 Parts and accessories of optical stereoscopic For Attachment B

microscopes firted with equipment specifically

designad for the handling and transport of

semiconductor wafers or reticles

ex 9011 90 Parts and accessories of photomicrographic mi- For Attachment B

croscopes fitted with equipment specifically

designad for the handling and transport of

semiconductor wafers or reticles

ex 9012 10 Electron beam microscopes fitted with equipment For Attachment B

specifically designad for the handling and

transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles

ex 9012 90 Parts and accessories of electron beam micros- For Attachment B

copes fitted with equipment specifically

designed for the handling and transport of semi-

conductor wafers or reticles

ex 9017 20 Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for For Attachment B

producing masks or reticles from photoresist

coated substrates

ex 9017 90 Parts and accessories for pattern generating For Attachment B

apparatus of a kind used for producing masks or For Attachment B

reticles from photoresist coated substrates

ex 9017 90 Parts of such pattern generating apparatus

9030 82 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or

checking semiconductor wafers or devices

ex 9030 90 Parts and accessoires of instruments and appa-

ratus for measuring or checking semiconductor

wafers or devices

ex 9030 90 Parts of instruments and appliances for mea-

suring or checking semiconductor wafers or


ex 9031 41 Optical instruments and appliances for inspec-

ting slimiconductor wafers or devices or for

inspecting masks, photomasks or reticles used

in rnanufacturing semiconductor devices

ex 9031 49 Optical instruments and appliances for

measuring surface particulate contamination

on semiconductor wafers

ex 9031 90 Parts and accessories of optical instruments

and appliances for inspecting semiconductor

wafers or devices or for inspecting masks,

photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing

semiconductor devices

9031 90 Parts and accessories of optical instruments

and appliances for measuring surface par-

ticulate contamination on semiconductor wafers

Attachment B

Positive list of specific products to be covered by this agreement wherever they are classified in the HS.

Where parts are specified, they are to be covered in accordance with HS Notes 2 (b) to Section XVI and Chapter 90, respectively.

- Computers: automatic data processing machines capable of (1) storing the processing program or programs and at least the data immediately necessary for the execution of the program; (2) being freely programmed in accordance with the requirements of the user; (3) performing arithmetical computations specified by the user; and (4) executing, without human intervention, a processing program which requires them to modify their execution, by logical decision during the processing run.

The agreement covers such automatic data processing machines whether or not they are able to receive and process with the assistance of central processing unit telephony signals, television signals, or other analogue or digitally processed audio or video signals. Machines performing a specific function other than data processing, or incorporating or working in conjunction with an automatic data processing machine, and not otherwise specified under Attachment A or B, are not covered by this agreement,

- Electric amplifiers when used as repeaters in line telephony products falling within this agreement, and parts thereof,

- Flat panel displays (including LCD, electro luminescence, plasma and other technologies) for products falling within this agreement, and parts thereof,

- Network equipment: local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) apparatus, including those products dedicated for use solely or principally to permit the interconnection of automatic data processing machines and units thereof for a network that is used primarily for the sharing of resources such as central processor units, data storage devices and input or output-including adapters, hubs, in-line repeaters, converters, concentrators, bridges and routers and printed circuit assemblies for physical incorporation into automatic data processing machines and units thereof,

- Monitors: display units of automatic data processing machines with a cathode ray tube with a dot screen pitch smaller than 0,4 mm not capable of receiving and processing television signals or other analogue or digitally processed audio or video signals without assistance of a central processing unit of a computer as defined in this agreement. The agreement does not,

therefore, cover televisions, including high definition televisions (1),

- Optical disc storage units, for automatic data processing machines (including CD drives and DVD-drives), whether or not having the capability of writing/recording as well as reading, whether or not in their own housings,

- Paging alert devices, and parts thereof,

- Plotters whether input or output units of HS heading No 8471 or drawing or drafting machines of HS heading No 9017,

- Printed circuit assemblies for products falling within this agreement, including such assemblies for external connections such as cards that conform to the PCMCIA standard.

Such printed circuit assemblies consist of one or more printed circuits of heading 8534 with one or more active elements assembled thereon, with or without passive elements "Active elements" means diodes, transistors, and similar semiconductor devices, whether or not photosensitive, of heading 8541, and integrated circuits and micro assemblies of heading 8542,

- Projection type flat panel display units used with automatic data processing machines which can display digital information generated by the central processing unit,

- Proprietary format storage devices including media therefore for automatic data processing machines, with or without removable media and whether magnetic, optical or other technology, including Bernouilli Box, Syquest, or Zipdrive cartridge storage units,

- Multimedia upgrade kits for automatic data processing machines, and units thereof, put up for retail sale, consisting of, at least, speakers and/or microphones as well as a printed circuit assembly that enables the ADP machines and units thereof to process audio signals (sound cards),

- Set top boxes which have a communication function: a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange.

(1) Participants will conduct a review of this product description in January l999 under the consultation provisions of paragraph 3 of the Declaration

EC - ITA - Schedule CXL

CN 97 Label

3818 00 Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the

forra of discs, wafers or similar forras; chemical compounds

doped for use in electronics

3818 00 10 - Doped silicon

3818 00 90 - Other

7020 00 Other articles of glas

7020 00 05 - Quartz reactor tubes and holders designad for insertion

into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for production

of semiconductor wafers

7020 00 10 - Of fused quartz or other fused silica

7020 00 30 - Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not

exceeding 5 x 10-6 per Kelvin within a temperature rango

of OºC to 300ºC

7020 00 80 - Other

8419 Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or

not electrically heated, for the treatment of materials

by a process involving a chango of temperature such as

heating, cooking, roasting, destilling, rectifying, steri-

lizing, pasteurizing, steaming, drying, evaporating, vapou-

rizing, condensing or cooling, other than machiriery or

plant of a kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or

storage water heaters, non-electric:

8419 89 - Other

8419 89 10 - - - Cooling towers and similar plant for direct

cooling (without a separating wall) by means of

recirculated water

8419 89 15 - - - Aparatus for rapid heating of semiconductor wafers

8419 89 20 - - - Apparatus for chemical vapour deposition on semi-

conductor wafers

8419 89 25 - - - Apparatus for physical vapour deposition by electronic

beam or evaporation on semiconductor wafers

8419 89 30 - - - Vacuum-vapour plant for the deposition of metal

8419 89 95 - - - Other

8419 90 - Parts

8419 90 10 - - - Of heat exchange units, for use in civil aircraft

8419 90 20 - Of subheading 8419 20 00

8419 90 30 - - For apparatus of subheading 8419 89 15 to 8419 89 25

8419 90 80 - - Other

8421 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering

or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases:

8421 19 - - Other

8421 19 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - - Other

4421 19 91 - - - - Centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories

- - - - Centrifuges of a kind used in the manufacturing

of semiconductors wafers:

8421 19 93 - - - - - Spinners for coating photographic emulsions

on simiconductor wafers

8421 19 95 - - - - - Other

8421 19 97 - - - - Other

- Parts

- - - Of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers

842l 91 10 - - - For apparatus of subheading 8421 19 93 or 8421 19 95

8421 91 90 - - - Other

8421 99 00 - - Other

8424 Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated)

for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders;

fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and

gimilar appliances; stearn or sand blasting machines

and similar jet projecting machines:

8424 89 - - Other

8424 89 20 - - - Spraying appliances for etching, stripping

cleaning semiconductor waters

8424 89 30 - - - Deflash machines for cleaning and removing contami-

nants from the metal leads of semiconductor packages prior

to the electropiating process

8424 89 80 - - - Other

8424 90 - Parts

8424 90 10 - Of apparatus of subheading 8424 89 20

8424 90 90 - - Other

8428 Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery

(for example, lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics):

8428 39 - - Other

8428 39 10 - - - For use in civil aircraft

- - - Other

8428 39 91 - - - - Roller conveyors

8428 39 93 - - - - Automated material handling machines for

transport, handling and storage of semiconductor

wafers, wafer cassettes, wafer boxes and other

material for semiconductor device

8428 39 98 - - - - Other

8431 Parts suitable for use sotely or principally with the

machinery of heading Nos 8425 to 8430:

8431 39 - - Other

8431 39 10 - Of rolling-mill machinery of subheading 8428 90 30

8431 39 20 - - - Of machinery of subheading 8428 39 93

8431 39 80 - - - Other

8456 Machine-tools for working any material by removal of

material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultra-

sonic, electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam,

ionic-beam or plasma arc processes:

8456 l0 - Operated by laser or other light or photon beam


8456 lO 10 - - Of a kind used in the manufacturing of semiconductor

wafers or devices

8456 10 90 - - Other

8456 91 00 - - For dry-etching patterns on semiconductor materials

8456 99 - - Other

8456 99 10 - - - Focused ion beam milling machines for producing

or repairing masks and reticles for patterns

on semiconductor devices

8456 99 30 - - - Apparatus for stripping or cleaning semiconductor


8456 99 90 - - - Other

8462 Machine-toois (including presses) for working metal by

forging, hamniering or die-stamping; machine-tools (including

presses) for working metal hy bending, folding, straightening,

flattening, shearing, punching or notching; presses for working

metal or metal carbides, not specified above:

- Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines

(including presses)

8462 21 - - Numerically controlled

8462 21 05 - - - Of a kind used in manufacturing semiconductor devices

8462 21 10 - - - For working flat products

8462 21 80 - - - Other

8462 29 - - Other

8462 29 05 - - - Of a kind used in manufacturing semiconductor devices

- - - For working flat products8462 29 91

- - Other

8462 29 99 - - -Hydraulic

8462 29 99 - - - Other

8464 Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete,

asbestos-cement or like mineral materials o for cold working


8464 10 - Sawing machines

8464 10 10 - - For sawing monocrystal semiconductor boules into slices,

or wafers into chips

8464 10 90 - - Other

9464 20 - Grinding or polishing machines

8464 20 05 - - For working semiconductor wafers

- - For working glass

8464 20 11 - - - Optical glass

8464 20 19 - - - Other

8464 20 80 - - Other

8464 90 - Other

8464 90 10 - - For scribing or scoring semiconductor wafers

8464 90 90 - - Other

8466 Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or

principally with the machines of heading Nos 845 to 8465,

including work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads,

dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-

tools; tool holders for any type of tool for working in

the hand:

- Other

8466 91 - - For machines of heading No 8464

8466 91 15 - - - For machines of subheading 8464 10 10, 8464 20 05

or 8464 90 10

8466 91 20 - - - Of cast iron or cast steel

8466 91 95 - - Other

8466 93 - - For machines of heading Nos 8456 to 8461

8466 93 15 - - - For machines and apparatus of subheading 8456 10 10,

8456 91 00, 8456 99 10 or 8456 99 30

8466 93 20 - - - Of cast iron or cast steel

8466 93 95 - - - Other

8466 94 - - For machines of heading No 8462 or 8463

8466 94 10 - - - For machines of subheading 8462 21 05 or 8452 29 05

8466 94 90 - - - Other

- Automatic typewriters and word-processing machines

8469 11 00 - - Word-processing machines

8470 Calculating machines and pocket-size data recording,

reproducing and displaying machines with calculating

functions; accounting machines, postage-franking machines,

ticket-issuing machines and similar machines, incorpo-

rating a calculating device; cash registers:

8470 10 - Electronic calculators capable of operation without

an external source of electric power and pocket-size

data recording, reproducing and displaying machines

with calculating functions

8470 10 10 - - Electronic calculators capable of operation without

an external source of electric power

8470 10 90 - - Pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying

machines with calculating functions

- Other electronic calculating machines

8470 21 00 - Incorporating a printing device

8470 29 00 - Other

847O 30 00 - Other calculating machines

8470 40 00 - Accounting machines

8470 50 00 - Cash registers

8470 90 00 - Other

8471 Automatic data-processing machines and units thereof;

magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data

onto data media in coded form and machines for processing

such data, nor elsewhere specified or included:

8471 10 - Analogue or hybrid automatic data-processing machines

8471 10 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

8471 10 90 - - Other

8471 30 00 - Portable digital automatic data-processing machines,

weighing not more than 100 kg, consisting of at least

a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display

- Other digital automatic data-processing machines

8471 41 - - Comprising in the same housing at least a central

processing unit and an input and output unit, whether

or not combined

8471 41 10 - - - For use in civil aircraft

8471 41 90 - - - Other

8471 49 - - Other, presented in the form of systems

8471 49 10 - - - For use in civil aircraft

8471 49 90 - - - Other

8471 50 - Digital processing units other than those of subheadings

No 8471 41 and 8471 49, whether or not containing in

the same housing one or two of the following types of unit:

storage units, input units, output units

8471 50 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

8471 50 90 - - Other

8471 60 - Input or output units, whether or not containing

storage units in the same housing

8471 60 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8471 60 40 - - - Printers

8471 60 50 - - - Keyboards

847l 60 90 - - - Other

8471 70 - Storage units

8471 70 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8471 70 40 - - - Central storage units

- - - Other

- - - - Disk storage units

847l 70 51 - - - - - Optical, including magneto-optical

- - - - - Other

8471 70 53 - - - - - - Hard disk drives

8471 70 59 - - - - - - Other

8471 70 60 - - - - Magnetic tape storage units

8471 70 90 - - - - Other

8471 80 - Other units automatic data-processing machines

8471 80 10 - Peripheral units

8471 80 90 - - Other

8471 90 00 - Other

8472 Other office machines (for example, hectograph or stencil

duplicating machines, addressing machines, automatic

banknote dispensers, coin-sorting machines, coin-counting

or wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening machines, perfo-

rating or stapling machines):

8471 90 00 - Other

8472 90 - Other

8472 90 10 - - Coin-sorting, coin-counting or coin-wrapping machines

8472 90 30 - - Automatic teller machines

8472 90 80 - Other

8473 Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases

and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with

machines of heading Nos 8469 to 8472:

8473 10 - Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8469

8473 10 11 - - Printed circuit assemblies for products of subheading

No 8469 11

8473 10 19 - - Other

8473 21 - - Of the electronic calculating machines of subheading

8470 10, 8470 21 or 8470 29

8473 21 10 - - Electronic assemblies

8473 21 90 - - - Other

8473 29 - - Other

8473 29 10 - - - Electronic assemblies

8473 29 90 - - - Other

8473 30 - Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8471

8473 30 10 - - Electronic assemblies

8473 30 90 - Other

8473 40 - Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8472

8473 40 11 - Printed circuit assemblies for products of subheading

No 8472 90 30

8473 40 19 - Other

8473 50 Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with machines

of two or more of the headings Nos 8469 to 8472

8473 50 10 - Electronic assemblies

8473 50 90 - Other

8477 Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the

manufacture of products from these materials, not specified

or included elsewhere in this chapter:

8477 10 - Injection-moulding machines

8477 10 10 - - Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors

8477 10 90 - - Other

8477 59 - - Other

8477 59 05 - - - Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors

8477 59 10 - - - Presses

8477 59 90 - - - Other

8477 90 - Parts

8477 90 05 - - For machines of subheadings 8477 10 10 and 8477 59 05

8477 90 10 - - Of cast iron or cast steel

8477 90 80 - - Other

8479 Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions,

not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter:

8479 89 - - Other

8479 89 10 - - - The following goods, for use in civil aircraft:

hydropneumatic batteries; mechanical actuators for thrust

reversers; toilet units specially designad; air humidi-

fiers and dehumidifiers; servo-mechanisms, non-electric;

non-electric starter motors; pneumatic starters

for turbo-jets, turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other

gas turbines; windscreen wipers, non-electric;

propeller regulators, non-electric

- - - Other

8479 89 30 - - - - Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports

8479 89 60 - - - - Central greasing systems

8479 89 65 - - - - Apparatus for growing or pulling monocrystal semi-

conductor boules

8479 89 70 - - - Apparatus for epitaxial deposition on semiconductor wafers

8479 89 75 - - - - Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping

or cleaning semiconductor wafers

8479 89 76 - - - - Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping

or cleaning liquid crystal display substrates

8479 89 77 - - - - Die attach apparatus and tape automated bonders

for the assembly of semiconductors

8479 89 79 - - - - Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors

8479 89 95 - - - - Other

8479 90 - Parts

8479 90 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8479 90 50 - - - Of machines of subheadings 8479 89 65, 8479 89 70, 8479

89 75, 8479 89 76, 8479 89 77 or 8479 89 79

8477 90 - Parts

8477 90 05 - - For machines of subheadings 8477 10 10 and 8477 59 05

8477 90 10 - - Of cast iron or cast steel

8477 90 80 - - Other

8479 Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions,

not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter:

8479 89 - - Other

8479 89 10 - - - The following goods, for use in civil aircraft:

hydropneumatic batteries; mechanical actuators for

thrust reversers; toilet unitl specially designad; air

humidifiers and dehumidifiers; servo-mechanisms, non-

electric; non-electric starter motors; pneumatic

starters for turbo-jets, turbo-jets, turbo-propellers

and other gas turbines; windscreen wipers, non-

electric; propeller regulators, non-electric

- - - Other

8479 89 30 - - - - Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports

8479 89 60 - - - - Central greasing systems

8479 89 65 - - - - Apparatus for growing or pulling monocrystal

semiconductor boules

8479 89 70 - - - - Apparatus for epitaxial deposition on semiconductor


8479 89 75 - - - - Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping

or cleaning semiconductor wafers

8479 89 76 - - - - Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping

or cleaning liquid crystal display substrates

8479 89 77 - - - - Die attach apparatus and tape autornated bonders

for the assembly of semiconductors

8479 89 79 - - - Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors

8479 89 95 - - - - Other

8479 90 - Parts

8479 90 10 - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8479 90 50 - - - Of machines of subheadings 8479 89 65, 8479 89 70,

8479 89 75, 7 8479 89 77 or 8479 89 79

8479 90 92 - - - Of cast iron or cast steel

8479 90 98 - - - Other

8480 Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding

patterns; moulds for metal (other thap ingot moulds), metal

carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics:

- Moulds for rubber or plastics

8480 71 - - Injection or compression types

8480 71 10 - - - of a kind used in the manufacturing of semiconductor


8480 71 90 - - - Other

8504 Electrical transformers, static converters (for

example, rectifiers) and inductors:

8504 40 - Static converters

8504 40 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

- - - Of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus

and, automatic data- processing machines and units


8504 40 30 - - - - Power supply units of a kind used with

automatie data-processing machines

8504 40 35 - - - - Other

- - - Other

8504 40 50 - - - - Polycrystalline semiconductors

- - - - Other

S504 40 93 - - - - - Accumulator chargers

- - - - - Other

8504 40 94 - - - - - - Rectifiers

- - - - - - Inverters

8504 40 96 - - - - - - - Having a power handling capacity not

exceeding 7,5 kVA

8504 40 97 - - - - - - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding

7,5 kVA

8504 40 99 - - - - - - Other

8504 50 - Other inductors

8504 50 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8504 50 30 - - - Of a kind used for telecommunication apparatus

and power supplies for automatic dat a processing

machines and units thereof

8504 50 80 - - - Other

8504 90 - Parts

- - Of transformers and inductors

8504 90 05 - - - - Printed circuit assemblies for products of subheading

8504 50 30

- - - Other

8504 90 11 - - - - Ferrite cores

8505 90 18 - - - Other

- - - - Of static converters

8504 90 91 - - - - Printed circuits assemblies for products of

subheadings 8504 40 30 and 8504 40 35

8504 90 99 - - - - Other

8514 Industrial or laboratory electric (including induction

or dielectric) furnaces and ovens; other industrial or

laboratory induction or dielectric heating equipment:

8514 10 - Resistance heated furnaces and ovens

8514 10 05 - - For the manufacture of semiconductor devices on

semiconductor wafers

- - Other

8514 10 10 - - - Bakery and biscuit ovens

8514 10 90 - - - Other

8514 20 - Induction or dielectric furnaces and ovens

8514 20 05 - - For the manufacture of semiconductor devices on

semiconductor wafers

- - - Other

8514 20 10 - - Induction furnaces and ovens

8514 20 90 - - Dielectric furnaces and ovens

8514 30 - Other furnaces and ovens

- - Infra-red radiation ovens

8514 30 11 - - - For the manufacture of semiconductor devices

on semiconductor wafers

8514 39 19 - - - Other

- - - Other

8514 30 91 - - - For the manufacture of semiconductor devices

on semiconductor wafers

8514 30 99 - - - Other

8514 90 - Parts

8514 90 10 - - Of apparatus of subheading 8514 10 05, 8514 20 05,

8514 30 11 or 8514 30 91

8514 90 90 - - Other

8515 Electric (including electrically heated gas), laser or

other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electron beam,

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering, brazing or welding

machines and apparatus, whether or not capable of cutting;

electric machines and apparatus for hot spraying of metals

or cermets

- Brazing or soldering machines and apparatus

8515 11 00 - - Soldering irons and guns

8515 19 00 - - Other

- Machines and apparatus for resistance welding of metal

8515 21 00 - - Fully or partly automatic

8515 29 - - Other

8515 29 10 - - - For butt welding

8515 29 90 - - - Other

- Machines and apparatus for arc (including plasma arc)

welding of metals

8515 31 00 - - Fully or partly automatic

8515 39 - - Other

- - - For manual welding with coated electrodos, complete

with welding or cutting devices, and consigned with

8515 39 13 - - - - Transformers

8515 39 18 - - - - Generators or rotary converters or static

converters, rectifiers or rectifying apparatus

8515 39 90 - - - Other

8515 80 - Other machines and apparatus

8515 80 05 - - Wire bonders of a kind used for manufacturing semi-

conductor devices

- - Other

- - - For treating metals

8515 80 11 - - - - For welding

8515 80 19 - - - - Other

- - - Other

8515 80 91 - - - - For resistance welding of plastics

8515 80 99 - - - - Other

8515 90 - Parts

8515 90 10 - For machines of subheading 8515 80 05

8515 90 90 - Other

8517 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line

telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless

handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current

line systems or for digital line systems; videophones:

- Telephone sets; videophones

8517 11 00 - - Line telephone sets with cordless handsets

8517 19 - - Other

9517 19 10 - - - Videophones

8517 19 90 - - - Other

- Facsimile machines and teleprinters

8517 21 00 - - Facsimile machines

8517 22 00 - - Teleprinters

8517 30 0O - Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus

8517 50 - Other apparatus, for carrier-current line systems

or for digital line systems

8517 5O 10 - - For carrier-current line systems

8517 50 90 - - Other

8517 80 - Other apparatus

8511 80 10 - - Entry-phone systems

8517 80 9O - - Other

8517 90 - Parts

- - Of apparatus for carrier-current line systems of

subheading 8517 50 10

8517 90 11 - - - Electronic assemblies

85l7 90 19 - - - Other

- - Other

8517 90 82 - Electronic assemblies

8517 90 88 - - - Other

8518 Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether

or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones, earphones

and combined microphonelspeaker sets; audio-frequency

electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets:

8518 10 - Microphones and stands therefor

8518 10 10 - - Other

8518 10 20 Microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 KHz

with a diameter not exceeding 10 mm and a height not

exceeding 3 mm, for telecommunications use

8518 10 80 - - - Other

8518 29 - - Other

8518 29 10 - - - For use in civil aircraft

8518 29 20 - - - Loudspeakers having a frequency range of 300 Hz

to 3,4 KHz with a diameter not exceeding 50 mm,

for telecommunications use

8518 29 80 - - - Other

8518 30 - Headphones, earphones and combinad microphonelspeaker sets

8518 30 10 - For use in civil aircraft

8518 30 20 - Line telephone handsets

8518 30 80 - - Other

8520 Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording

apparatus, whether or not incorporating a sound

reproducing device:

8520 20 00 - Telephone answering machines

8522 Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally

with the apparatus of headings Nos 8519 to 8521

8522 10 00 - Pick-up cartridges

8522 90 - Other

8522 90 10 - Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of twp or more

parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for

apparatus falting within subheading 8520 90, for use

in civil aircraft

- Other

8522 90 30 - - - Styl; diamonds, sapphires and other precious

or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or

reconstructed) for styli, whether or not mounted

- - - Other

- - Electronic assemblies

8522 90 51 - - - Printed circuit assemblies for products of subheading,

8520 20 00

8522 90 59 - - - - - Other

8522 90 93 - - Single cassette-deck assemblies with a total thickness

not exceeding 53 mm, of a kind used in the manufacture

of sound recording and reproducing apparatus

8522 90 98 - - - - Other

8523 Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar

recording of other phenomena, other than products of

Chapter 37:

- Magnetic tapes

8523 11 00 - - Of a width not exceeding 4 mm

8523 12 00 - - Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6,5 mm

8523 13 00 - - Of a width exceeding 6,5 mm

8523 20 - Magnetic discs

- - Rigid

8523 20 11 - - - With a thin film metallic coating, having

a coercivity exceeding 600

Oersted and an externas diameter not exceeding 231 mm

8523 20 19 - - - Other

8523 20 90 - - Other

8523 90 00 - Other

8524 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound

or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices

and masters for the production of records, but excluding

products of Chapter 37:

- Discs for laser reading systems

8524 31 00 - - For reproducing phenomena other than somd or image

8524 32 00 - - For reproducing sound only

8524 39 - - Other

8524 39 10 - - - For reproducing representations of instructions,

data, sound and image recorded in a machine

readable binary forre, and capable of being

manipulated or providing interactivity to the user,

by means of an automatic data processing machin

8524 39 90 - - - Other

8524 40 - Magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena other than

sound or image

8524 40 10 - Bearing data or instructions of a kind used in

automatic data-processing machines

- - Other

8524 40 91 - - - Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6,5 mm

8524 40 99 - - - Other

- Other

8524 91 - - For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image

8524 91 10 - - - Bearing data or instructions of a kind used in

automatic data-processing rpachines

8524 91 90 - - - Other

8524 99 - - Other

8524 99 10 - - - Por reproducing representations of instructions,

data, sound and image recorded in a machine readable

binary forre, and capable of being manipulated

or providing interactivity to the user, by means

of an automatic data protessing machine

8524 99 90 - - - Other

8525 Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony,

radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television,

whether or not incorporating reception apparatus

or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television

cameras; still image video cameras and other video

camera recorders:

8525 10 - Transmission apparatus

- - Radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic apparatus:

8525 10 10 - - - for use in civil aircraft

- - - Other

8525 10 50 - - - - Radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic apparatus

8525 10 80 - - - Other

8525 20 - Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus

8525 20 10 - - Radio-telegraphic or radio-telcphonic apparatus,

for use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8525 20 91 - - - For cellular networks (mobile telephones)

8525 20 99 - - - Other

8525 40 - Still image video cameras and other video camera


- Still image video cameras

8525 40 11 - - Digital

8525 40 19 - - - Other

- - Other video camera recorders

8525 40 91 - Only able to record sound and images taken by the

television camera

8525 40 99 - - - Other

8527 Reception appar@tus for radio-telephony, radio-

telegraphy or radio-broadcasting, whether or not combinad,

in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing

apparatus or a clock:

8527 90 - Other apparatus

8527 90 10 For radio-telephony or radio-telwgraphy, for use

in civil aircraft

- - Other

8527 90 92 - - - Portable receivers for calling, alerting or paging

8527 90 98 - - - Other

8528 Reception apparatus for television, whether or not

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound

or video recording or reproducing apparatus; video

monitors and video projectors:

- Reception apparatus for television, whether or not

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video

recording or reproducíng apparatus

8528 12 - - Colour

8528 12 10 - - - Apparatus combined with an automatic data

processing machine, freely programmable by the user

- - - Other

- - - - Television projection equipment

8528 12 14 - - - - - With scanning parameters not exceeding

625 linos

- - - - With scanning parameters exceeding 625 lines

8528 12 16 - - - - - - With a vertical resolution of less than 700 lines

8528 12 18 - - - - - - With a vertical resolution of 700 lines or more

- - - - Apparatus incorporating a video recorder

or reproducer

8528 12 22 - - - - - With a screen width/height ratio less than 1,5

8528 12 28 - - - - - Other

- - - - Other

- - - With integral tubo

- - - - - - With a screen width/height ratio less than

1,5, with a diagonal measurement of the


8528 12 52 - - - - - - - Not exceeding 42 cm

8528 12 54 - - - - - - - Exceeding 42 cm but not exceeding 52 cm

8528 12 56 - - - - - - - Exceeding 52 cm but not exceeding 72 cm

8528 12 58 - - - - - - - Exceeding 72 cm

- - - - - - Other

- - - - - - - With scanning parameters not exceeding 625 linos,

with a diagonal measurement of the screen

8528 12 62 - - - - - - - - Not exceeding 75 cm

8528 12 66 - - - - - - - - Exceeding 75 cm

- - - - - - - With scanning parameters not exceeding 625 lines

8528 12 72 - - - - - - - - With a vertical resolution of less than

700 lines

8528 12 76 - - - - - - - - With a vertical resolution of 700 lines or more

- - - - - Other

- - - - - - With screen

8528 12 81 - - - - - - - With a screen widthlheight ratio less than 1,5

8628 12 89 - - - - - - - Other

- - - - - - Without screen

- - - - - - - Video tuners

8528 12 90 - - - - - - - - Printed circuit assemblies for physical

incorporation into an automatic data processing


- - - - - - - Other

8528 12 92 - - - - - - - - Digital (including mixed digital and analogue)

8528 12 94 - - - - - - - - Other

8528 12 98 - - - - - - Other

8528 13 - - - Black and white or other monochrome

8528 13 10 - - - Apparatus combinad with an automatic data proc essing

machine, freely programmable by the user 6,8

8528 13 90 - - - Other

8528 30 - Video projectors

8528 30 05 - - Of the flat panel type, capable of displaying

digital information generated by the central processing

unit of an automatic data processing machine 14

- - Other

8528 30 20 - - - Colour

8528 30 90 - - -Black and white or other monochrome

8529 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the

apparatus of heading Nos 8525 to 8528:

8529 10 - Aerials and serial reflectors of all kinds; parts

suitable for use therewith

8529 10 10 - - For use in dvd aircraft

- Other

- - - Aerials

8529 10 15 - - - - Aerials of a kind used with apparatus for

radio-telephony and radio-telegraphy

8529 10 20 - - - - Telescopic and whip-type aerials for portable

apparatus or for apparatus for litting in motor


- - - - Outside aerials for radio or television broadcast


8529 10 31 - - - - - For reception via satellite

8529 10 39 - - - - - Other

8529 10 40 - - - - Inside aerials for radio or television broadcast

receivers, including built-in types

8529 10 50 - - - - Other

8529 10 70 - - - Aerial filters and separators

8529 10 80 - - - Other

8529 90 - Other

8529 90 10 - Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more

parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for

apparatus failing within subheadings 8526 10 10,

8526 91 11, 8526 91 19 and 8526 92 10, for use in civil


- - Other

8529 90 40 - - - Parts of apparatus failing within subheadings

8525 10 5O, 8525 20 99, 8525 40 11 or 8527 90 92

- - - Cabinets and cases

8529 90 51 - - - - Of wood

8529 90 59 - - - - Of other materials

8529 90 70 - - - Electronic assemblies

- - - Other

8529 90 81 - - - - For television cameras of subheading No 8525 30

and apparatus of heading Nos 8527 and 8528

8529 90 89 - - - - Other

8531 Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (for

example, bells; sirens, indicator panels, burglar or

fire alarms), other than those of heading No 8512 or 8530:

8531 20 - Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices

(LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED)

8531 20 10 - For use in civil aircraft

- Other

8531 20 30 - - - Incorporating light emitting diodes (LED)

- - - Incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD)

- - - Incorporating active matrix liquid crystal devices (LCD)

8531 20 51 - - - - - Colour

8531 20 59 - - - - - Black and white or other monochrome

8531 20 80 - - - Other

8531 80 - Other apparatus

8531 80 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

8531 80 30 - - - Flat panel display devices

8531 80 80 - - - Other

8531 90 - Parts

8531 90 10 - - Of apparatus of subheading No 8531 20

8531 90 30 - - Of apparatus of subheading 8531 80 30

8531 90 80 - - Other

8532 Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable


8532 10 00 - Fixed capacitors designad for use in 50160 Hz circuits

and having a reactive power handling capacity of not less

than 015 kvar (power capacitors)

- Other fixed capacitors

8532 21 00 - - Tantalum

8532 22 00 - - Aluminium electrolytic

8532 23 00 - - Ceramic dielectric, single layer

- - Ceramic dielectric, multilayer

8532 24 10 - - With connecting leads

8532 24 9O - - - Other

8532 25 00 - - Dielectric of paper or plastics

8532 29 00 Other

8532 30 00 Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors

8532 90 00 Parts

8533 Electrical resistors (including rheostats and potentio-

meters), other than heating resistors:

8533 10 00 - Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types

- Other fixed resistors

8533 21 00 - - For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W

8533 29 00 - - Other

- Wirewound variable resistors, including rheostats

and potentiometers

8533 31 00 - - For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W

8533 39 00 - - Other

8533 40 - Other variable resistors, including rheostats an poten-


8533 40 10 - - For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W

8533 40 90 - - Other

8533 90 00 - Parts

8534 Printed circuits

- Consisting only of conductor elements and contacts

8534 00 11 - - Multiple circuits

8534 00 19 - - Other

8534 00 90 - With other passive elements

8536 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting

electrical circuits, or for making connections to or

in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays,

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders,

junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V:

8536 50 - Other switches

8536 50 03 - Electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled

input and output circuits (insulated thyristor

AC switches)

8536 50 05 - Electronic switches, including temperatura

protected electronic switches, consisting of a tran-

sistor and a logic chip (chip-on-chip technology)

8536 50 07 - Electromechanical snap-acion switches for a current

not exceeding 11 ames

- - Other

- - - For a voltage not exceeding 60 V

8536 50 11 - - - - Push-button switches

8536 50 15 - - - - Rotary switches

8536 50 19 - - - - Other

8536 50 90 - - - Other

8536 69 - - Other

8536 69 10 - For co-axial cables

8536 69 30 For printed circuits

8536 69 90 Other

8536 90 Other apparatus

8536 90 01 - Prefabricated elements for electricál circuits

8536 90 10 - Connections and contact elements for wire and cables

8536 90 20 - Wafer probers

8536 9O 85 - - Other

8541 Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices;

photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovol-

taic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made

up into panels; light-emitting diodes; mounted piezo-

electric crystals:

8541 10 - Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-

emitting diodes

8541 10 10 - - Wafers not yet cut into chips


8541 10 91 - - - Power rectifier diodes

8541 10 99 - - - Other

- Transistors, other than photosensitive transistors

8527 90 98 - - - Other

8541 21 - - With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W

8541 21 10 - - -Wafers nót yet cut into chips

8541 21 90 - - -Other

8541 29 - - Other

8541 29 10 - - - Wafers not yet cut into chips

8541 29 20 - - - PowerMOS field effective transistors

8541 29 30 - - - Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)

8541 29 80 - - - Other

8541 30 - Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than photosen-

sitive devices

8541 30 10 - - Wafers not yet cut into chips,

8541 30 90 - - Other

8541 40 - Photosensitive semiconductor devices, including

photovoltaic cells whether or not assembied in

modules or made up into paneis; light-emitting


- - Light-emitting diodes

8541 40 11 - - -Laser diodes

8541 40 19 - - -Other

- - Other

8541 40 91 - - - Solar celis whether or not assembled in modules

or made up into panels

8541 40 93 - - - Photodiodes, phototransistors, photothyristors

or photocouples

8541 40 99 - - - Other

8541 50 - Other semiconductor devices

8541 50 10 - - Wafers not yet cut into chips

8541 50 90 - - Other

8541 60 00 - Mounted piezo-electric crystals

8541 90 00 - Parts

8542 Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies:

- Monolithic digital integrated circuits

8542 12 00 - - Cards incorporating an electronic íntegrated circuit

('smart' cards)

8542 13 - - Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS technology)

8542 13 01 - - - Wafers not yet cut into chips

8542 13 05 - - - Chips

- - - Other

- - - - Memories

- - - - - Dynamic random-access memories (D-RAMs)

8542 13 11 - - - - - - With a storage capacity not exceeding

4 Mbits

8542 13 13 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 4 Mbits

but not exceeding 16 Mbits

8542 13 15 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 16 Mbits

but not exceeding 64 Mbits

8542 13 17 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 64 Mbits

- - - - - Static random-access memories (S-RAMs), including

cache random-access memorias (cache-RAMs)

8542 13 22 - - - - - - With a storage capacity not exceeding

256 Kbits

8542 13 25 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 256 Kbits

but not exceeding 1 Mbit

8542 13 27 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding l-Mbit

- - - - - UV erasable, programmable, read only memories


8542 13 32 - - - - - - With a storage capacity not exceeding 1 Mbit

8542 13 35 - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 1 Mbit

but not exceeding 4 Mbits

8542 13 37 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 4 Mbits

- - - - - Electrically erasable, programmable, read only

memories (E2PROMS), including FLASH E2PROMs

- - - - - - FLASH E2PROMs

8542 13 41 - - - - - - - With a storage capacity not exceeding

1 Mbit

8542 13 43 - - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding

1 Mbit but not exceeding 4 Mbits

8542 13 45 - - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding

4 Mbits but not exceeding 16 Mbits

8542 13 47 - - - - - - - With a storage capaciry exceeding 16 Mbits

8542 13 49 - - - - - - Other

8542 13 51 - - - - - Read only memories, non-programmable (ROMs);

content addressable memories (CAMs); first-

in/first-out read/write memories (FIFOs);

last-inlfirst-out read/write memories

(LIFOs); ferroelectric memories

8542 13 53 - - - - - Other memories

8542 13 55 - - - - Microprocessors

- - - - - Microcontroliers and microcomputers

8542 13 61 - - - - - With a processing capacity not exceeding

4 bits

8542 13 63 - - - - - With a processing capacity exceeding

4 bits but not exceeding 8 bits

8542 13 65 - - - - - With a processing capacity exceeding 8 bits

but not exceeding 16 bits

8542 13 67 - - - - - With a processing capacity exceeding 16 bits

but not exceeding 32 bits

8542 13 69 - - - - - With a processing capacity exceeding 32 bits

- - - - Other

8542 13 70 - - - Microperipherals

- - - - - Other

8542 13 72 - - - - - - Full custom logic circuits

8542 13 74 - - - - - - Gate arrays

8542 13 76 - - - - - - Standard cells

8542 13 82 - - - - - - Programmable logic circuits

8542 13 84 - - - - - - Standard logic circuits

- - - - - - Other

8542 13 91 - - - - - - - Control circuits; interface circuits;

interface circuits capable of performing

control functions

8542 13 99 - - - - - - - Other

8542 14 - - Circuits obtained by bipolar technology

8542 14 01 - - - Wafers not yet cut into chips

8542 14 05 - - - Chips

- - - Other

- - - - Memories

8542 14 10 - - - - - Dynamic random-access memories (D-RAMs)

8542 14 15 - - - - - Static random-access memories (S-RAMs),

including cache random-access memories

(cache-RAMs); read only memories, non-

programmable (ROMs); content addressable

memorias (CAMs); first-in/first-out read/

write memories (FIFOs); last-in/first-

out read/write memories (LIFOs); ferro-

electric memories

8542 14 20 - - - - - Electrically erasable, programmable, read

only memories (E 2 PROMS), including


8542 14 22 - - - - - UV erasable, programmable, read only

memories (EPROMS)

8542 14 29 - - - - Other memories

8542 14 30 - - - - Microprocessors

- - - - Microcontrollers and microcomputers

8542 14 42 - - - - - With a processing capacity not exceeding

4 bits

8542 14 44 - - - - - With a processing capacity exceeding 4 bits

- - - - Other

8542 14 50 - - - - - Microperipherals

- - - - - - Other

8542 14 60 - - - - - - Full custom logic circuits

8542 14 65 - - - - - - Gate arrays

8542 14 70 - - - - - - Standard cells

8542 14 75 - - - - - - Programmable logic circuits

8542 14 80 - - - - - - Standard logic circuits

- - - - - - Other

8542 14 91 - - - - - - - Control circuits; interface

circuits; interface circuits capable

of performing control functions

8542 14 99 - - - - - - - Other 8542 19 Other, including circuits

obtained by a combination of bipolar

and MOS tehnologies (BIMOS technology),

8542 19 01 - - - Wafers not yet cut into chips

8542 19 05 - - - Chips

- - - Other

- - - - Memories

8542 19 15 - - - - - Dynamic random-access memories (D-RAMs)

- - - - - Static random-access memories (S-RAMs),

including cache random-access memories


8542 19 22 - - - - - - With a storage capacity not exceeding 256 Kbits

8542 19 25 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 256 Kbits

but not exceeding 1 Mbit

8542 19 27 - - - - - - With a storage capacity exceeding 1 Mbit

8542 19 31 - - - - - UV erasable, programmable, read only memories


8542 19 35 - - - - - Electrically erasable, programmable, read only

memories (E 2 PROMS), including FLASH E2PROMs

8542 19 41 - - - - - Read only memories, non-programmable (ROMs);

content addressable memories (CAMs); first-

in/first-out read/write memories (FIFOs);

last-in/first-out read/write memories

(LIFOs); ferroelectric memories

8542 19 49 - - - - Other memories

8542 19 55 - - Microprocessors

- - - - Microcontrollers and microcomputers

8542 19 62 - - - - - With a processing capacity not exceeding 4 bits

8542 19 68 - - - - - With a processing capacity exceeding 4 bits

- - - - Other

8542 19 71 - - - - - Microperipherals

- - - - - Other

8542 19 72 - - - - - - Full custom logic circuits

8542 19 74 - - - - - - Gate arrays

8542 19 76 - - - - - - Standard celis

8542 19 82 - - - - - - Programmable logic circuits

8542 19 84 - - - - - - Standard logic circuits

- - - - - - Other

8542 19 92 - - - - - - - Control circuits; interface circuits;

interface circuits capable of performing

control functions

8542 19 98 - - - - - - - Other

8542 30 - Other monolithic integrated circuits

8542 30 10 - - Wafers not yet cut into chips

8542 30 20 - - Chips

- - Other

8542 30 30 - - - Amplifiers

8542 30 50 - - - Voltage and current regulators

- - - Control circuits

8542 30 61 - - - - Smartpower circuits

- - - - Other

8542 30 65 - - - - - Mixed analogue-digital circuits

8542 30 69 - - - - - Other

8542 30 20 - - Chips

8542 30 70 - - - Interface circuits; interface circuits capable

of performing control functions

- - - Other

8542 30 91 - - - Smartpower circuits

- - - - Other

8542 30 95 - - - - - Mixed analogue-digital circuits

8542 30 99 - - - - - Other

8542 40 - Hybrid integrated circuits

8542 40 10 - - Microprocessors, microcontrollers and microcomputers

8542 40 30 - - Converters

8542 40 50 - - Amplifiers

8542 40 90 - - Other

8542 50 00 - Electronic microassemblies

8542 90 00 - Parts

8543 Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual

functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this


- Particle accelerators

8543 11 00 - - Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials

8543 30 - Machines and apparatus for electropiating, electrolysis

or electrophoresis

8543 30 10 - - Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or

cleaning semiconductor wafers

8543 30 20 - - Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping

or cleaning liquid crystal display substrates

8543 30 90 - - Other

- Other machines and apparatus

8543 81 00 - - Proximity cards and tags

8543 89 - - Other

8543 89 10 - - - Flight recorders, for use in civil aircraft

8543 89 15 - - - Electrical machines with translation or dictionary


8543 89 17 - - - Apparatus combined with an automatic data

processing machine, freely programmable by

the user

8543 89 20 - - - Aerial amplifiers

- - - - Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning


- - - - For fluorescent tubes using ultraviolet A rays

8543 89 51 - - - - - With a maximum tube length of 100 cm

8543 89 55 - - - - - Other

8543 89 59 - - - -Other

- - - Apparatus for physical deposition on semiconductor


8543 89 70 - - - - by sputtering on semiconductor wafers

8543 89 72 - - - - Other

8543 89 73 - - - Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors

8543 89 79 - - - Multimedia upgrade kits, for automatic data processing

machines and units thereof, put up for retail sale,

consisting of, at least, speakers, and/or microphones,

and a printed circuit assembly that enables the

automatic data processing and units thereof to process

audio signals (sound cards)

8543 89 90 - - - Other

8543 90 - Parts

8543 90 10 - - Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more

parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for flight

recorders, for use in civil aircraft

8543 90 20 - - Printed circuit assemblies for physical incorporation

into an automatic data processing machine

8543 90 30 - - Of apparatus of sltbheadings 8543 11 0O, 8543 30 l0,

8543 30 20, 8543 89 70, 8543 89 72 and 8543 89 73

8543 90 90 - - Other

8544 Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable

(including coaxial cable) and other insulated

electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connec-

tors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually

sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric

conductors or fitted with connectors:

- Other electric conductors, for a voltage not excepding

80 V

8544 41 - - Fitted with connectors

8544 41 10 - - - Of a kind used for telecommunications

8544 41 90 - - - Other

8544 49 - - Other

8544 49 20 - - - Of a kind used for telecommunications

8544 49 80 - - - Other

- Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding

80 volts but not exceeding 1 000 volts

8544 51 - - Fitted with connectors

8544 51 10 - - Of a kind used for telecommunications

8544 51 90 - - - Other

8544 70 00 - Optical fibre cables

8548 Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and

electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent

primary batteries and spent electric accumulators;

electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not

specified or included elsewhere in this chapter

8548 10 - Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries

and electric accumulators; spent primary cells,

spent primary batteries and spent electric


8548 10 10 - - Spent primary cells, spent primary batteries

- - Spent electric accumulators

8548 10 21 - - - Lead-acid accumulators

8548 10 29 - - - Other

- - Waste and scrap of primary celis, primary batteries

and electric accumulators

8548 10 91 - - - Containing lead

8548 10 99 - - - Other

8548 90 00 - Other

8548 90 10 - - Dynamic random-access memories (D-RAMs) in multi-

combinational forms such as 'stack D-RAMs' and modules

8548 90 90 - - Other

9006 Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras; photo-

graphic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs other than

discharge lamps of heading No 8539:

9006 10 - Cameras of a kind used for preparing printing plates

or cylinders

9006 10 10 - - Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for

producing masks or reticles from photoresist

coated substrates

9006 10 90 - - Other

- Parts and accessories:

9006 91 00 - - For cameras

- - 0ther

9006 99 10 - of apparatus of subheading 9006 10 10

9006 99 90 - Other

9009 Photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system or

of the contact type and thermo-copying apparatus:

- Electrostatic photocopying apparatus

9009 11 00 - - Operating by reproducing the original iniage directly

onto the copy (direct process)

- Other photocopying apparatus

9009 21 00 - - Incorporating an optical system

9009 90 - Parts and accessories

9009 90 10 - - Of electrostatic photocopying apparatus or other

photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system

9009 90 90 - - Other

9010 Apparatus and equipment for photographic (including

cinematographic) laboratorios (including apparatus for the

projection of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor

material), not specified or included elsewhere in this

chapter, negatoscopes, projection screens

- Apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns

on sensitized semiconductor

9010 41 00 - - Direct write-on-wafer apparatus

9010 42 00 - - Step and repeat aligners

9010 49 00 - Chher

- - Other apparatus and equipment for photographic (including

cinematographic) laboratories; negatoscopes

9010 50 10 - - - Apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit

patterns on sensitized flat panel displays substrates

9010 50 90 - - - Other

9010 90 - Parts and accessories

9010 90 10 - - Of apparatus of subheading 9010 41 00, 9010 42 00,

9010 49 00 or 9010 50 10

9010 90 90 - - Other

9010 90 90 - - Other

9011 Compound optical microscopes, including those for

photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or micro-


9011 10 - Stereoscopic microscopes

9011 10 10 - - fitted with equipment specifically designad for the

handling and transport of semiconductor wafers

or reticles

9011 10 90 - - Other

9011 20 - Other microscopes, for photomicrography, cinephoto-

micrography or micro-projection

9011 20 10 - - fitted with equipment specifically designad for the

handling and transport of semiconductor wafers

or reticles

9011 20 90 - - Other

9011 90 - Parts and accessories

9011 90 10 - - Of apparatus of subheadings 9011 10 10 or 9011 20 10

9011 90 90 - - Other

9012 Microscopes other than optical microscopes, diffraction


9012 10 - Microscopes other than optical microscopes and diffraction


9012 10 10 - - Electron beam microscopes fitted with equipment

specifically designad for the handling and transport

of semiconductor wafers or reticles

9012 10 90 - - Other

9012 90 - Parts and accessories

9012 90 10 - - Of apparatus of subheading 9012 10 00

9012 90 90 - - Other

9013 Liquid crystal devices not constituting articles provided

for more specifically in other headings; lasers, other than

laser diodes; other optical appliances and instruments,

not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter

9013 80 - Other devices, appliances and instruments

- Liquid crystal devices:

- Active matrix liquid crystal devices

9013 80 11 - - - - Colour

9013 80 19 - - - - Black and white or other monochrome

9013 80 30 - - - Other

9013 80 90 - - Other

9013 90 - Parts and accessories

- - Other

9013 90 10 - - - For liquid crystal devices (LCD)

9013 90 90 - - - Other

9017 Drawing, marking-out or mathematicat calculating ins-

truments (for example drafting machines, pantographs,

protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc calcu-

lators); instruments for measuring length, for use in

the hand (for example, measuring rods and tapes,

micrometers, callipers), not specified or included

elsewhere in this chapter:

9017 10 - Drafting tables and machines, whether or not automatic

9017 10 10 - - Plotters

9017 l0 90 - - Other

9017 20 - Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical

calculating instruments

- - Drawing instruments

9017 20 05 - - - Plotters

9017 20 11 - - - Drawing sets

9017 20 19 - - - Other

- - Marking-out instruments

9017 20 31 - - - Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for

producing masks or reticles from photoresist

coated substrates

9017 20 39 - - - Other

9017 20 90 - - Mathematical calculating instruments (including slide

rules, disc calculators and the like)

9017 90 - Parts and accessories

9017 90 10 - - For apparatus of subheading 9017 20 31

9017 90 90 - - Other

9026 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking

the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids

or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers,

heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading

Nos 9014, 9015, 9028 or 9032:

9026 10 - For measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids

9026 10 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

- - - Electronic

9026 10 51 - - - - Flow meters

9026 10 59 - - - - Other

- - - Other

9026 10 91 - - - -Flow meters

9026 10 99 - - - -Other

9026 20 - For measuring or checking pressure

9026 20 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

- - Other

9026 20 30 - - - Electronic

- - - Other

- - - - Spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges

9026 20 51 - - - - - Appliances for measuring and non-autolna-

tically regulating tyre pressure

9026 20 59 - - - - - Other

9026 20 90 - - - -Other

9026 80 - Other ínstruments or apparatus

9026 80 10 - for use in civil aircraft

- Other

9026 80 91 - - - Electronic

9026 80 99 - - - Other

9026 90 - Parts and accessories

9026 90 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

9026 90 90 - - Other

9027 Incruments and apparatus for chemical analysis (for

example, polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers,

gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus

for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion,

surface tension or the like; instrumeílts and apparatus for

measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light

(including exposure meters); microtomes:

9027 20 - Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments

9027 20 10 - - Chromatographs

9027 20 90 - - Electrophoresis instruments

9027 30 00 - Spectrometers, spectrophotometers and spectrographs

using optical radiations (UV, vinible, IR)

9027 50 00 - Other instruments and apparatus using optical

radiations (UV, visible, IR)

9027 80 - Other instruments and apparatus

- - Electronic

9027 80 11 - - - pH meters, rH meters and other apparatus for

measuring conductivity

9027 80 15 - - - Apparatus for performing measurements of the

physical properties of semiconductor

materials or associated insulating and conducting

layers during the semiconductor wafer production


9027 80 18 - - - Other

- - Other

9027 80 91 - - - Viscometers, porosimeters and expansion meters

9027 80 95 - - - Apparatus for performing measurements of the

physical properties of semiconductor materials

or associated insulating and conducting layers

during the semiconductor wafer pmduction process

9027 80 98 - - - Other

9027 90 - Microtomes; parts and accessories

9027 90 10 - - Microtomes

9027 90 50 - - Parts and accessories of apparatus of subheadings

9027 20 to 9027 80

9027 90 80 - - Parts and accessories of inicrotomes or of gas or

smoke analysis apparatus

9O30 Oscilloscopes spectrum analysers and other instruments

and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical

quantities, excluding meters of heading No 9028;

instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting

alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionizing


9030 40 - Other instruments and apparatus, specially designed

for telecommunications (for example, cross-talk

meters, gain measuring instruments, distortion factor

meters, psophometers)

9030 40 10 - - For use in civil aircraft

9030 40 90 - - Other

- Other instruments and apparatus

9030 82 00 - - For measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or


9030 90 - - Parts and accessories

903090 10 - For use in civil aircraft

903090 20 - For apparatus of subheading 9030 82 00

903090 80 - Other

9031 Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines,

not specified or included eisewhere in this chapter; profile


- Other optical instruments and appliances

9031 41 00 - - For inspecting semiconductor wafers or reticles

or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used

in manufacturing semiconductor devices

9031 49 - - Other

9031 49 10 - - - For measuring surface particulate contamination

on semiconductor wafers

9031 49 90 - - - Other

9031 90 - Parts and accessories

9031 90 10 - - Of instruments, appliances and machines of subheading

9031 80, for use in civil aircraft

9031 90 20 - - For apparatus of subheadings 9031 41 00 and 9031 49 10

9031 90 90 - - Other

Final bound Implementation

CN 97 Base rate rate july 1997 1998 1999 2000

3818 00 10 6,9 free 5,2 3,5 1,7 free

3818 00 90 6,9 free 5,2 3,5 1,7 free

7020 00 05 4 free 3,0 2,0 1,0 free

8419 89 15 free free free free free free

8419 89 20 free free free free free free

8419 89 25 free free free free free free

8419 90 30 2,7 free 2,0 1,4 0,7 free

8421 19 93 free free free free free free

8421 19 95 1,5 free 1,1 0,8 0,4 free

8421 91 10 2,5 free 1,9 1,3 0,6 free

8424 89 20 free free free free free free

8424 89 30 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8424 90 10 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8428 39 93 free free free free free free

8431 39 20 1,6 free 1,2 0,8 free free

8456 10 10 4,7 free 3,5 2,4 1,2 free

8456 91 00 free free free free free free

8456 99 10 free free free free free free

8456 99 30 free free free free free free

8462 21 05 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8462 29 05 1,7 free 1,3 0,8 0,4 free

8464 10 10 free free free free free free

8464 20 05 free free free free free free

8464 90 10 free free free free free free

8466 91 15 1,9 free 1,4 0,9 0,5 free

8466 93 15 1,9 free 1,4 0,9 0,5 free

8466 94 10 1,9 free 1,4 0,9 0,5 free

8469 11 00 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,5 free

8470 10 10 8,4 free 6,3 4,2 2,1 free

8470 10 90 5,0 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8470 21 00 8,4 free 6,3 4,2 2,1 free

8470 29 00 8,4 free 6,3 4,2 2,1 free

8470 30 00 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8470 40 00 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8470 50 00 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8470 90 00 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8471 10 10 free free free free free free

8471 10 90 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

8471 30 00 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

8471 41 10 free free free free free free

8471 41 90 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

8471 49 10 free free free free free free

8471 49 90 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

8471 50 10 free free free free free free

8471 50 90 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

8471 60 10 free free free free free free

8471 60 40 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 60 50 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 60 90 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 70 10 free free free free free free

8471 70 40 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 70 51 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 70 53 1,6 free 1,2 0,8 free free

8471 70 59 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 70 60 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 70 90 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 80 10 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8471 80 90 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8472 90 30 3,1 free 2,3 1,6 0,8 free

8473 10 11 3,4 free 2,5 1,7 0,8 free

8473 21 10 4,3 free 3,2 2,1 1,1 free

8473 21 90 2,5 free 1,9 1,3 free free

8473 29 10 3,4 free 2,5 1,7 0,8 free

8473 29 90 1,6 free 1,2 0,8 free free

8473 30 10 3,3 free 2,5 0,8 free free

8473 30 90 1,6 free 1,2 0,8 free free

8473 40 11 3,4 free 2,5 1,7 0,5 free

8473 50 10 3,4 free 2,5 1,7 0,8 free

8473 50 90 1,6 free 1,2 0,8 free free

8477 10 10 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8477 59 05 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8477 90 05 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 89 65 free free free free free free

8479 89 70 free free free free free free

8479 89 75 free free free free free free

8479 89 76 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 89 77 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 89 79 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 90 50 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8477 90 05 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 89 65 free free free free free free

8479 89 70 free free free free free free

8479 89 75 free free free free free free

8479 89 76 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 89 77 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 89 79 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 90 50 2,8 free 2,1 1,4 0,7 free

8479 71 10 2,5 free 1,9 1,3 0,6 free

8504 40 30 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8504 40 35 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

8504 50 30 4,8 free 3,6 2,4 1,2 free

8504 90 05 3,1 free 2,3 1,6 0,8 free

8504 90 91 3,1 free 2,3 1,6 0,8 free

8514 10 05 3 free 2,3 1,5 0,8 free

8514 20 05 3 free 2,3 1,5 0,8 free

8514 30 11 free free free free free free

8514 30 91 free free free free free free

8514 90 10 3 free 2,3 1,5 0,8 free

8515 80 05 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8515 90 10 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8517 11 00 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

9517 19 10 14 free 10,5 7,0 3,5 free

8517 19 90 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 21 00 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 22 00 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 30 00 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 50 10 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

8517 50 90 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 80 10 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 80 90 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 90 11 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

8517 90 19 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

8517 90 82 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8517 90 88 7,5 free 5,6 3,8 1,9 free

8518 10 20 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

8518 29 20 3,8 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8518 30 20 4 free 3,0 2,0 1,0 free

8520 20 00 5,2 free 3,9 2,6 1,3 free

8522 90 51 4,7 free 3,5 2,4 1,2 free

8523 11 00 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8523 12 00 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8523 13 00 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8523 20 11 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8523 20 19 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8523 20 90 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8523 90 00 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8524 31 00 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8524 40 10 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8524 40 91 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8524 40 99 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8524 91 10 2 free 1,5 1,0 free free

8524 91 90 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8525 10 50 4,1 free 3,1 2,0 1,0 free

8525 20 10 free free free free free free

8525 20 91 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

8525 20 99 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

8525 40 11 4,9 free 3,7 2,5 1,2 free

8527 90 92 9,6 free 7,2 4,8 2,4 free

8528 12 10 14 free 10,5 7,0 3,5 free

8528 12 90 14 free 10,5 7,0 3,5 free

8528 13 10 6,8 free 5,1 3,4 1,7 free

8528 30 05 14 free 10,5 7,0 3,5 free

8529 10 15 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8529 90 40 4,7 free 3,5 2,4 1,2 free

8531 20 10 free free free free free free

8531 20 30 4,2 free 3,2 2,1 1,1 free

8531 20 51 4,2 free 3,2 2,1 1,1 free

8531 20 59 4,2 free 3,2 2,1 1,1 free

8531 20 80 4,2 free 3,2 2,1 1,1 free

8531 80 30 3,1 free 2,3 1,6 0,8 free

8531 90 10 4,2 free 3,2 2,1 1,1 free

8531 90 30 3,1 free 2,3 1,6 0,8 free

8532 10 00 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8532 21 00 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8532 22 00 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8532 23 00 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8532 24 10 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8532 24 90 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8532 25 00 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8532 29 00 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

8532 30 00 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8532 90 00 4,7 free 3,5 2,4 1,2 free

8533 10 00 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 21 00 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 29 00 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 31 00 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 39 00 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 40 10 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 40 90 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8533 90 00 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

8534 00 11 5,2 free 3,9 2,6 1,3 free

8534 00 19 5,2 free 3,9 2,6 1,3 free

8534 00 90 5,2 free 3,9 2,6 1,3 free

8536 50 03 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8536 50 05 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8536 50 07 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8536 69 10 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8536 69 30 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8536 90 10 3,2 free 2,4 1,6 0,8 free

8536 90 20 free free free free free free

8541 10 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 10 91 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 10 99 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 21 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 21 90 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 29 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 29 20 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 29 30 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 29 80 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 30 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 30 90 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 40 11 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 40 19 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 40 91 3,2 free 1,6 0,8 free free

8541 40 93 1,8 free 0,9 0,5 free free

8541 40 99 1,8 free 0,9 0,5 free free

8541 50 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 50 90 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8541 60 00 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8541 90 00 4,1 free 2,0 1,0 free free

8542 12 00 14 free 7,0 3,5 free free

8542 13 01 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 05 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 11 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 13 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 15 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 17 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 22 free free free free free free

8542 13 25 free free free free free free

8542 13 27 free free free free free free

8542 13 32 free free free free free free

8542 13 35 free free free free free free

8542 13 37 free free free free free free

8542 13 41 free free free free free free

8542 13 43 free free free free free free

8542 13 45 free free free free free free

8542 13 47 free free free free free free

8542 13 49 free free free free free free

8542 13 51 free free free free free free

8542 13 53 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 55 free free free free free free

8542 13 61 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 13 63 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 65 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 67 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 69 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 70 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 13 72 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 74 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 76 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 82 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 13 84 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 13 91 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 13 99 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 01 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 05 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 15 free free free free free free

8542 14 20 free free free free free free

8542 14 22 free free free free free free

8542 14 29 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 30 free free free free free free

8542 14 42 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 14 44 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 50 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 14 60 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 65 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 70 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 75 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 14 80 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 14 91 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 14 99 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 01 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 05 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 15 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 22 free free free free free free

8542 19 25 free free free free free free

8542 19 27 free free free free free free

8542 19 31 free free free free free free

8542 19 35 free free free free free free

8542 19 41 free free free free free free

8542 19 49 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 55 free free free free free free

8542 19 62 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 19 68 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 71 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 19 72 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 74 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 76 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 82 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 19 84 5,6 free 2,8 1,4 free free

8542 19 92 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 19 98 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 20 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 30 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 50 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 61 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 65 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 69 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 70 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 91 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 95 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 30 99 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 40 10 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 40 30 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 40 50 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 40 90 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 50 00 7 free 3,5 1,8 free free

8542 90 00 4,1 free 2,0 1,0 free free

8543 11 00 free free free free free free

8543 30 10 free free free free free free

8543 30 20 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 30 90 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 81 00 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 89 15 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 89 17 free free free free free free

8543 89 70 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 89 72 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 89 73 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 89 79 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 90 20 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 90 30 5 free 3,8 2,5 1,3 free

8543 41 10 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

8544 49 20 4,8 free 3,6 2,4 1,2 free

8544 51 10 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

8544 70 00 6,3 free 4,7 3,1 1,6 free

8548 90 10 3,3 free 2,5 1,6 0,8 free

9006 10 10 free free free free free free

9006 99 10 4 free 3,0 2,0 1,0 free

9009 11 00 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9009 21 00 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9009 90 10 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9009 90 90 3,8 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

9010 41 00 free free free free free free

9010 42 00 free free free free free free

9010 49 00 free free free free free free

9010 50 10 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

9010 90 10 3,6 free 2,7 1,8 0,9 free

9011 10 10 8 free 6,0 4,0 2,0 free

9011 20 10 8 free 6,0 4,0 2,0 free

9011 90 10 8 free 6,0 4,0 2,0 free

9012 10 10 4,5 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

9012 90 10 4,5 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

9013 80 11 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9013 80 19 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9013 80 30 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9013 90 10 6,5 free 4,9 3,3 1,6 free

9017 10 10 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

9017 20 05 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

9017 20 31 free free free free free free

9017 90 10 3,7 free 2,8 1,9 0,9 free

9026 10 10 free free free free free free

9026 10 51 4,8 free 3,6 2,4 1,2 free

9026 10 59 4,8 free 3,6 2,4 1,2 free

9026 10 91 3,6 free 2,7 1,5 0,9 free

9026 10 99 3,6 free 2,7 1,5 0,9 free

9026 20 10 free free free free free free

9026 20 30 4,8 free 3,6 2,4 1,2 free

9026 20 51 3,3 free 2,5 1,6 0,8 free

9026 20 59 3,3 free 2,5 1,6 0,8 free

9026 20 90 3,3 free 2,5 1,6 0,8 free

9026 80 10 free free free free free free

9026 80 91 4,8 free 3,6 2,4 1,2 free

9026 80 99 3,6 free 2,7 1,5 0,9 free

9026 90 10 free free free free free free

9026 90 90 3,3 free 2,5 1,6 0,8 free

9027 20 10 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

9027 20 90 4,4 free 3,3 2,2 1,1 free

9027 30 00 3,5 free 2,6 1,8 0,9 free

9027 50 00 4,4 free 3,3 2,2 1,1 free

9027 80 11 4,4 free 3,3 2,2 1,1 free

9027 80 15 free free free free free free

9027 80 18 4,4 free 3,3 2,2 1,1 free

9027 80 91 4 free 3,0 2,0 1,0 free

9027 80 95 free free free free free free

9027 80 98 4 free 3,0 2,0 1,0 free

9027 90 50 4,4 free 3,3 2,2 1,1 free

9030 40 10 free free free free free free

9030 40 90 5,5 free 4,1 2,8 1,4 free

9030 82 00 free free free free free free

9030 90 20 4,4 free 3,3 2,2 1,1 free

9031 41 00 free free free free free free

9031 49 10 free free free free free free

9031 90 20 4,6 free 3,4 2,3 1,1 free

EC-ITA - Schedule CXL - Attachment A, Section 2

Description HS 97 Headings

* Quartz reactor tubes and holders designad for 7020 00 05

insertion into diffusicon and oxidation furnaces

for production of semiconductor wafers

* Chemical vapour deposition apparatus for semiconduc- 8419 89 20

tor production

* Parts of chemical vapour deposition apparatus for 8419 90 30

semiconductor production

* Spin dryers for semiconductor wafer processing 8421 19 95

* Parts of spin dryers for semiconductor wafer pro- 8421 91 10


* Deflash machines for cleaning and removing 8424 89 30

contaminants from the metal leads of

semiconductor packages prior to the electroplating


* Spraying appliances for etching, stripping or cleaning 8424 89 20

semiconductor wafers

* Parts of spraying appliances for etching, 8424 90 10

stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers

* Machines for working any material by removal of 8456 10 10

material, by laser or other light or photo beam

in the production of semiconductor wafers

* Apparatus for stripping or cleaning semiconductor 8456 99 30


* Machines for dry-etching patterns on semiconductor 8456 91 00


* Focused ion beam milling machines to produce or repair 8456 99 10

masks and reticles for patterns on semiconductor


* Lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks in semi- 8456 10 10

conductor production by laser beam

* Machines for sawing monocrystal semiconductur boules 8464 10 10

into slices, or wafers into chips

* Grinding, polishing and lapping machines for pro- 8464 20 05

cessing of semiconductor wafers

* Dicing machines for scribing or scoring semiconductor 8464 90 10


* Parts for machines for sawing monocrystal semiconductor 8466 91 15

boules into slices, or wafers into chips

* Parts of dicing machines for scribing or scoring 8466 91 15

semiconductor wafers

* Parts of grinding, polishing and lapping machines 8466 91 15

for processing of semiconductor

* Parts of focused ion beam milling machines to produce 8466 93 15

or repair masks and reticles for patterns on semicon-

ductor devices

* Parts of lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks 8466 93 15

in semiconductor production by laser beam

* Parts of lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks 8466 93 15

in semiconductor production by laser beam

* Parts of machines for working any material by removal 8466 93 15

of material, by laser or other light or photo beam

in the production of semiconductor wafers

* Parts of apparatus for stripping or cleaning semicon- 8466 93 15

ductor wafers

* Parts of machines for dry-etching patterns on semicon- 8466 93 15

ductor materials

* Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors 8477 10 10

8477 59 05

* Parts of encapsulation equipment 8477 90 05

* Automated machines for transport, handling and storage 8428 39 93

of serniconductor wafers wafer cassettes, wafer boxes

and other material fot semiconductor devices

* Apparatus for growing or puiling monocrystal semicon- 8479 89 65

ductor boules

* Apparatus for physical deposition by spurtering on 8419 89 25

semiconductor wafers 8453 89 70

* Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or 8479 89 75

cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays 8479 89 76

* Die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders, and wire 8479 89 77

bonders for asembly of semiconductors 8515 80 05

8515 90 10

* Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors 8479 89 79

8543 89 73

* Epitaxial deposition machines for semiconductor wafers 8479 89 70

* Machines for bending, folding and straightening semi- 8462 21 05

conductor leads 8462 29 05

* Physical deposition apparatus for semiconductor produc- 8543 89 72


* Spinners for coating photographic emulsions on semicon- 8421 19 93

ductor wafers

* Part of apparatus for physical deposition by 8543 90 30

sputtering on semiconductor wafers

* Parts for die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders, 8479 90 50

and wire bonders for assembly of semiconductors

* Parts for spinners for coating photographic emulsions 8421 91 10

on semiconductor wafers

* Parts of apparatus for growing or pulling monocrystal 8479 90 50

semiconductor boules

* Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, 8479 90 50

stripping or cleaning semiconductor

wafers and flat panel displays 843 90 30

* Parts of automated machines for transport, handling 8431 39 20

and storage of semiconductor wafers, wafer cassettes,

wafer boxes and other material for semiconductor


* Parts of encapsulation equipment for assembly of semi- 8479 90 50

conductors 8453 90 30

* Parts of epitaxial deposition machines for semicon- 8479 90 50

ductor wafers

* Parts of machines for bending, foiding and 8466 94 10

straightening semiconductor leads

* Parts of physical deposition apparatus for semicon- 8419 90 30

ductor production 8543 90 30

* Injection and compression moulds for the manufacture 8480 71 10

of semiconductor devices

* Resistance heated furnaces and ovens for the manu- 8514 10 05

facture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor 8514 30 11

wafers 8514 30 91

* Inductance or dielectric furnaces and ovens for the 8514 20 05

manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor


* Apparatus for rapid heating of semiconductor wafers 8419 89 15

8514 30 91

* Parts of resistance heated furnaces and owens for the 8514 90 10

manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor


* Parts of apparatus for rapid heating of wafers 8419 90 30

8514 90 10

* Parts of furnaces and ovens of headings No 8514 10 to 8514 90 10

No 8514 30

* Wafer probers 8536 90 20

* Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials 8543 11 00

* Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or 8479 89 75

cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays 8479 89 76

8543 30 10

8543 30 20

* Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, 8479 90 50

stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat 8543 90 30

* Parts of ion implanters for doping semiconductor 8543 90 30


* Apparatus for projection, drawing or plating circuit 9010 41 00

patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials and 9010 42 00

flat panel displays 9010 49 00

* Parts and accessories of the apparatus of headings 9010 90 10

No 9010 41 to 9010 49

* Optical stereoscopic microscopes fitted with equipment 9011 10 10

specifically designad for the handling and transport of

semiconductor wafers or reticles

* Photomicrographic microscopes fitted with equipment 9011 20 10

specifically designad for the handling and transport

of semiconductor wafers or reticles

* Parts and accessories of optical stereoscopic 9011 90 10

microscopes fitted with equipment specifically

designad for the handling and transport of semiconduc-

tor wafers or reticles

* Parts and accessories of photomicrograpbic microscopes 9011 90 10

fitted with equipment specifically designad for the

handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or


* Electron beam microscopes fitted with equipment speci- 9012 10 10

fically designad for the handling and transport of

semiconductor wafers or reticles

* Parts and accessories of electron beam microscopes 9012 90 10

fitted with equipment specifically designed for the

handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or


* Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for pro- 9006 10 l0

ducing masks or reticles from photoresist coated 9017 20 31


* Parts and accessories for pattern generating apparatus 9006 99 10

of a kind used for producing masks or reticies from 9017 90 10

photoresist coated substrates

* Parts of such pattern generating apparatus 9017 90 10

* Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking 9030 82 00

semiconductor wafers or devices

* Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus for 9030 90 20

measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices

* Parts of instruments and appliances for measuring or 9030 90 20

checking semiconductor wafers or devices

* Optical instruments and appliances for inspecting 9031 41 00

semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting

masks, photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing

semiconductor devices

* Optical instruments and appliances for measuring 9031 49 10

surface particulate contamination on semiconductor


* Parts and accessories of optical instruments and 9031 90 20

appliances for inspecting semiconductor wafers or

devices or for inspecting masks, photomasks or

reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices

* Parts and accessories of optical instruments and 9031 90 20

appliances for measuring surface particulate contami-

nation on semiconductor wafers

EC - ITA - Schedule CXL - Attachment B

Computers: automatic data processing machines 8741 10 90

capable of

(1) storing the processing program or programs and 8471 30 00

at least the data immediately necessary for the 8471 41 90

execution of the program;

(2) bing freely programmed in accordance with the 8471 49 90

requirements of the user; 8471 50 90

(3) performing arithmetical computations specified by 8528 12 10

the user;

(4) executing without human human intervention, a 8528 13 10

processing program which requires them to modify 8543 89 17

their execution, by logical decision during the

processing run.

The agreement covers automatic data processing machines

whether or not they are able to receive and process with

assistance of central processing unit telephony signals,

television signals, or other analogue or digitally

processed audio or video signals. Machines performing a

specific function other than data processing, or incor-

porating or working in conjunction with an automatic data

processing machine, and not otherwise specified under

Attachment A or B, are not coyered by this agreement.

The agreement covers such automatic data processing

machines whether or not they are able to receive and

process with the assistance of the central processing

unit telephony signals, television signals, or other

analogue or digitally processed audio or video signals

However, machines performing a specific function other

than data processing, or incorporating or working

in conjunction with an autopiatic data processing machine,

and not referred to under Part A or B, are excluded from

the product coverage of this agreement.

Electric amplifiers when used as repeaters in line 8517 50 10

telephony products falling within this agreement, 8517 80 90

and parts thereof.

Flat panel display devices (including LCD, electro- 8471 60 90

luminescence, plasma, vacuum-fluorescence and other 8473 30 10

technologies) for products falling within this agreement, 8473 30 90

and parts thereof. 8531 20 30

8531 20 51

8531 20 59

8531 20 80

8531 80 30

8531 90 10

8531 90 30

9013 80 11

9013 80 19

9013 80 30

9013 90 10

* Network equipment: local area network (LAN) and wide 8471 50 90

area network (WAN) apparatus, including those products 8471 60 90

dedicated for use solely or principally to permit 8517 50 90

the interconnection of automatic data processing

machines and units thereof for a network that is used

primariiy for the sharing of resources such as central

processor units, data storage devices and input or

output units - including adapters, hubs, in-line

repeaters, converters, concentrators, bridges and

routers, and printed circuit assemblies for physical

incorporation into automatic data processing machines

and units thereof.

* Monitors: display units of automatic data processing 8471 60 90

machines with a cathode ray tube with a dot screen

pitch smaller than 0,4 mm not capáble of receiving and

processing television signals or other analogue or

digitally processed audio or video signals without

assistance of a central processing unit of a computar

as defined in this agreement.

The agreement does not, therefore, cover televisions,

including high definition televisions (1).

* Optical disc storage units for automatic data 8471 70 51

processing machines (including CD drives and DVD-

drives), whether or not having the capability of

writing/recording as well as reading, whether or not

in their own housings.

(1) Participants will conduct a review of this product description in

january 1999 under the consultation of paragraph 3 of the Declaration.

* Paging alert devices and parts thereof. 8527 90 92

8529 90 40

* Plotters whether input or output units of HS heading 8471 60 90

No 8471 or drawing or drafting machines of HS heading 8471 80 90

No 9017. 9017 10 10

9017 20 05

* Printed circuit assemblies for products falling within 8473 10 11

this agreement, including such assemblies for external 8473 21 10

connections such as cards that conform to the PCMCIA 8473 29 10

standard. 8473 30 10

Such pmed circuit assemblies consist of one or more 8473 40 11

printed circuits of heading 8534 with one or more 8473 50 10

active elements assembled thercon, with or without 8504 90 05

passive elements 'Active elements' means diodes, 8504 90 91

transistors and similar semiconductor devices, whether 8517 80 90

or not photosensitive, of headin 8541, and integrated 8517 90 11

circuits ano micro assemblies of headin 1 g 8542. 8517 90 82

8522 90 51

8528 12 90

8529 90 40

8531 90 10

8529 90 30

8543 90 20

8543 90 30

8548 90 10

9026 90 90

9027 90 50

9030 90 20

* Projection type flat panel display units used with 8471 60 90

automatic data processing machines which can display 8528 30 05

digital information generated by the central processing 8531 80 30


* Proprietary format storage devices including media 8471 70 51

therefor for automatic data processing machines, with 8471 70 53

or without removable media and whether magnetic, 8471 70 59

optical or other technology, including Bernoulli Box, 8471 70 60

Syquest, Zipdrive cartridge storage units. 8471 70 90

8523 20 11

8523 20 19

8523 20 90

8523 90 00

8524 31 00

8524 39 10

8524 40 10

8524 40 91

8524 40 99

8524 91 10

8524 91 90

8524 99 10

* Multimedia upgrade kits for automatic data processing 8543 89 79

machines, and units thereof, put up for retail sale,

consisting of, at least, speakers and/or microphones,

as well as a printed circuit assembly that enables the

ADP machine and units thereof to process audio signals

(sound cards).

* Set top boxes which have comunication function a micro- 8517 50 90

processor-based device incorporating a modem for 8517 80 90

gaining access to the internet, and having a 8525 20 99

function of interactive information exchange.


2 April 1997

Council for Trade in Goods



The following communication was sent on 26 March 1997 to the Chairman of the Council for Trade in Goods with a request that it be circulated to all Members.

The following Members of the World Trade Organization ("WTO") and States or separate customs territories in the process of acceding to the WTO:



Czech Republic

Costa Rica


European Communities

Hong Kong









New Zealand



Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu,

Kinmen and Matsu


Slovak Republic

Switzerland (1)



United States

(hereinafter referred to as "participants")(2), having been parties to the Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products(3) (hereinafter referred to as "Declaration"), or having agreed, in the period since the Declaration was circulated, to participate in the expansion of world trade in information technology products according to the modalities set forth in the Declaration, met on 26 March 1997(4), took the decisions described below, as provided for in the Annex to the Declaration, and established the elements described below, concerning the further implementation of the Declaration, as reflected below.

Agreement on actions foreseen in the Declaration

1. The participants accepted(5) the results of the review process described in paragraph 2 of the Annex to the Declaration, as reflected in the documents attached hereto, which were submitted by participants and have been reviewed and approved on a consensus basis.

2. The participants agreed that the criteria established in paragraph 4 of the Annex to the Declaration have been met, and therefore, that participants shall implement (5) the actions foreseen in the Declaration.

(1) On behalf of the customs union Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

(2) Participants took note that Panama and Poland submitted documents after 1 March 1997 that could not be reviewed by 26 March 1997 and that others may submit documents on or before 1 April 1997. Participants agreed to meet again during the week of 14 April 1997 to complete the review process with

respect to these documents. It was understood that, upon approval of these documents, the procedures set forth in the Annex to the Declaration would apply as if the documents had been approved at the meeting of 26 March 1997, and the States or separate customs territories referred to above would thenceforth be considered to be "participants" for purposes of the further implementation of the Declaration.

(3) WT/MIN(96)/16, 13 December 1996 (attached).

(4) The WTO Secretariat shall maintain a set of the informal documents exchanged by participants in consultations that led to the decisions taken at that meeting. These documents shall be made available to participants for consultation upon request.

(5) Subject to the completion of domestic procedural requirements.

Establishment of the Committee of Participants

3. In order to carry out the provisions of paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 7 of the Annex to the Declaration, the participants established a Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products (hereinafter referred to as "Committee"). The Committee shall oversee the functioning of these elements and shall serve as the forum for meetings required under its procedures and collective consultations among the participants. All decisions of the Committee shall be taken by consensus.

4. Membership in the Committee shall be open to representatives of all participants. The Committte shall elect a chairperson from among the representatives of the participants or as otherwise decided. The Committte may decide to invite, as appropriate, representatives of WTO Members and of observers to the Council for Trade in Goods that are not participants as of 26 March 1997 to attend meetings of the Committee as observers.

5. The participants agreed that any WTO Member, or State or separate customs territory in the process of acceding to the WTO, that is not a participant as of 26 March 1997, and that notifies the Committee of its interest in binding and eliminating customs duties, and other duties and charges, on the importation of information technology products into its territory pursuant to these elements, may become a participant on terms to be agreed between it and the participants at that time. Unless otherwise agreed, such WTO Member, or separate customs territory in the process of acceding to the WTO, shall, on the date that it becomes a participant, make effective all rate reductions it would have undertaken had it been a participant as of 26 March 1997.

6. The participants agreed that the C ommittee shall hold regular meetings to review developments related to the implementation of the Declaration, and shall hold special meetings at the request of any participant or as otherwise necessary by invitation of the chairperson. The first regular meeting of the Committee shall be held no later than 30 September 1997. The Committee shall consider at that meeting the schedule of future regular meetings, taking account of the meetings provided for in paragraph 7 below.

Process for monitoring implementation and consultations on and review of product coverage

7. The participants agreed that, in conducting the consultations and review described in paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Declaration(1), the Committee

may also take into account changes in patterns in trade in information technology products. The participants expressed their intent to conduct the initial review and any consultations pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Declaration according to the procedures attached hereto.

8. The participants also agreed that, in conducting the consultations described in paragraph 5 of the Annex to the Declaration(2), the Committee may consider product classification divergences with a view to ensuring that the actions foreseen in the Declaration are implemented in a coherent fashion by all participants.

(1)The text of paragraph 3 is as follows: "Participants shall meet periodically under the auspices of the Council on Trade in Goods to review the product coverage specified in the Attachments, with a view to agreeing, by consensus, whether in the light of technological developments, experience in applying the tariff concessions, or changes to the HS nomenclature, the Attachments, should be modified to incorporate additional products, and to consult on non-tariff barriers to trade in information technology products. Such consultations shall be without prejudice to rights and obligations under the WTO Agreement."

(2) The text of paragraph 5 is as follows: "Participants shall meet as often as necessary and no later than 30 September 1997 to consider any divergence among them in classifying information technology products, beginning with the products specified in Attachment B. Participants agree on the common objective of achieving, where appropriate, a common classification for these products within existing HS nomenclature, giving consideration to interpretations and rulings of the Customs Cooperation Council (also known as the World Customs Organization or "WCO"). In any instance in which a divergence in classification remains, participants will consider whether a joint suggestion could be made to the WCO with regard to updating existing HS nomenclature or resolving divergence in interpretation of the HS nomenclature."

GATT 1994 Article XXVIII

9. The participants agreed that any participant that is a WTO Member having recourse to the provisions of Article XXVIII of the GATT 1994 with respect to the possible modification or withdrawal of a concession included in its WTO schedule of tariff concessions, as modified pursuant to these procedures, shall so notify the other participants at the time that it notifies the Director-General of the WTO. Upon the request of any participant, the Committee shall convene a meeting within 30 days of the circulation of the notification to consider the potential impact of the proposed modification or withdrawal of the concession on the trade of other participants in information technology products. Such deliberations shall be without prejudice to rights and obligations under the WTO Agreement.

10. The participants agreed that, in light of the technical specificity of information technology products, participants may wish to consider, in the course of the review provided for in paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Declaration, additional procedures to address the concerns of small- and medium-sized exporting participants regarding their rights under Article XXVIII, bearing in mind that a review will be conducted by the Council for

Trade in Goods five years from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement pursuant to paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994.

Incorporation of the Annex to the Declaration

11. The participants agreed that the modalities set forth in the Annex to the Declaration including the Attachments to that Annex, are an integral part of these elements.


A. Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products, WT/MIN(96)/16, 13 December 1996.

B. Approved Schedules of Participants(1).

(1) Available for consultation by participants and WTO Members in the WTO Secretariat (Market Access Division).


Pursuant to paragraph 7 above, it is the intention of the participants to conduct the initial review and any consultations pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Declaration according to the following schedule:

(a) Beginning 1 October 1997 and no later than 31 December 1997, participants may submit to the Committee lists of additional information technology products for possible additional tariff concessions, including supporting technical documentation to facilitate consideration by the Committee, taking into account paragraph 5 of the Annex to the Declaration regarding classification issues. Such lists shall be circulated to all participants.

(b) Beginning 1 January 1998 and no later than 31 March 1998, participants that have submitted the documentation described in paragraph (a) above shall consult upon request with interested participants to clarify information and exchange views on the documentation submitted, including technical specifications of the products covered in such documentation.

(c) No later than 30 June 1998, the Committee shall meet to decide whether to revise Attachment A or B to the Annex to the Declaration, and if so, to establish a revised list of products with respect to which participants would bind and eliminate customs duties and other duties and charges. Such list would replace Attachment A or B.

(d) If the Committee decides to establish a revised list pursuant to paragraph (c), then each participant shall submit no later than 1 September 1998 a document similar to that required under paragraph 2 of the Annex to the Declaration.

(e) The Committee shall meet no later than 15 September 1998 to conduct a review of these documents in a manner similar to that conducted pursuant to paragraph 2 of the Annex to the Declaration, and shall conclude its review no later than 30 September 1998. At that meeting participants shall also consider the possibility and procedures for further reviews.

(f) Upon successful completion of the Committee review, the participants shall submit to the Secretariat the documents incorporating the results of the review as proposed modifications to their WTO schedules of tariff concessions, pursuant to the Decision of 26 March 1980 on Procedures for Modification and Rectification of Schedules of Tariff Concessions (BISD,

27S/25), with a view to the entry into force of the revised schedules, and incorporation in their domestic tariff schedules, no later than 1 January 1999 bearing in mind the need of each participant to fulfil its domestic procedural requirements. Each participant that is not a Member of the WTO shall implement these measures on an autonomous basis, pending completion of its WTO accession, and shall incorporate these measures into its WTO schedule on goods.


  • Rango: Decisión
  • Fecha de disposición: 24/03/1997
  • Fecha de publicación: 12/06/1997
  • Contiene Acuerdo ADJUNTO a la misma.
  • Acceso a la información
  • Acuerdos internacionales
  • Control de las telecomunicaciones
  • Organización Mundial del Comercio
  • Telecomunicaciones


Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado

Avda. de Manoteras, 54 - 28050 Madrid