Está Vd. en

Documento DOUE-L-1994-82201

Reglamento (CE) nº 3289/94 del Consejo, de 22 de diciembre de 1994, por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CEE) nº 3030/93 relativo al régimen común aplicable a las importaciones de algunos productos textiles originarios de terceros países.

[Disposición derogada]

Publicado en:
«DOCE» núm. 349, de 31 de diciembre de 1994, páginas 85 a 104 (20 págs.)
Comunidades Europeas



Visto el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea, y en particular su

artículo 113,

Vista la propuesta de la Comisión,

Visto el dictamen del Parlamento Europeo (1),

Considerando que la Comunidad ha firmado el Acta final de la Ronda Uruguay

de negociaciones del GATT, por la que se crea la Organización Mundial del

Comercio (en lo sucesivo denominada «OMC»);

Considerando que el Acuerdo de la OMC sobre textiles y vestidos (denominado

en lo sucesivo «ATV») regulará el comercio de textiles y vestidos entre

todos los miembros de la OMC hasta su integración total en el régimen

general de la OMC con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el artículo 2 del ATV; que

en consecuencia resulta apropiado ampliar el ámbito de aplicación del

Reglamento (CEE) nº 3030/93 del Consejo, de 12 de octubre de 1993, relativo

al régimen común aplicable a las importaciones de algunos productos textiles

originarios de países terceros (2) de forma que queden cubiertos los

productos textiles enumerados en el Anexo del ATV que no han sido integrados

en el régimen normal de la OMC, originarios de cualquier miembro de la OMC;

Considerando que el artículo 2 del ATV establece la integración de todos los

textiles y prendas de vestir en el régimen normal de la OMC en tres fases;

que es necesario por lo tanto, establecer un procedimiento comunitario bien

definido para la selección de productos que se integrarán y notificarán a la

OMC en cada fase;

Considerando que el Acuerdo de la OMC sobre textiles y vestidos estipula

también las tasas anuales de crecimiento que se aplicarán automáticamente,

durante un período de diez años, tras la entrada en vigor de la OMC, a las

restricciones cuantitativas comunitarias restantes de las importaciones

originarias de países miembros de la OMC, o que, por lo tanto, sería

conveniente modificar las restricciones cuantitativas comunitarias previstas

en el Anexo V del Reglamento (CEE) nº 3030/93 relativo a las importaciones

originarias de países miembros de la OMC en cada fase del Acuerdo de la OMC

sobre textiles y vestidos a través del procedimiento contemplado en el

artículo 17 del Reglamento, y que a tal fin debería modificarse el apartado

1 del artículo 2 del Reglamento;

Considerando que es necesario modificar las disposiciones de salvaguardia

establecidas en el Reglamento (CEE) nº 3030/93 a fin de alinearlas con las

nuevas disposiciones en materia de salvaguardia del Acuerdo de la OMC sobre

textiles y vestidos respecto de las importaciones procedentes de miembros de

la OMC;

Considerando que el ATV contiene una disciplina reforzada acerca de la

elusión de los límites cuantitativos respecto de los países terceros con los

que la Comunidad no haya celebrado acuerdos bilaterales, por lo que parece

apropiado establecer el procedimiento comunitario de aplicación de estas

nuevas disposiciones,


Artículo 1

El Reglamento (CEE) nº 3030/93 se modifica como sigue:

a) el apartado 1 del artículo 1 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

«1. El presente Reglamento será aplicable a:

- las importaciones de productos textiles enumerados en el Anexo I,

originarios de países terceros con los que la Comunidad haya celebrado

acuerdos bilaterales, protocolos u otros arreglos de los contemplados en el

Anexo II;

- las importaciones de productos textiles que no hayan sido integrados en la

Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) en el sentido del apartado 6 del

artículo 2 del Acuerdo OMC sobre textiles y vestidos (ATV) que figuran en el

Anexo XI.»;

b) se añade el siguiente apartado al final del artículo 1:

«7. El Consejo, por mayoría cualificada, a propuesta de la Comisión,

modificará el Anexo X del presente Reglamento a fin de integrar los

restantes productos enumerados en el Anexo X en la OMC en tres fases de la

forma siguiente:

- el 1 de enero de 1998, los productos que en 1990 representasen al menos el

17 % del volumen total de la exportaciones de la Comunidad de todos los

textiles y productos de vestir objeto del ATV importados en la Comunidad;

- el 1 de enero del año 2002, los productos que en 1990 representasen al

menos el 18 % del total de productos de vestir objeto del ATV importados en

la Comunidad;

- el 1 de enero del año 2005, los restantes productos.

Antes de cada fase de integración contemplada en el presente apartado, la

Comisión presentará al Consejo un informe sobre el cumplimiento por parte de

los países terceros de sus compromisos respecto del régimen del GATT

contemplado en el artículo 7 del ATV.»;

c) el apartado 1 del artículo 2 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

«1. La importación en la Comunidad de productos textiles enumerados en el

Anexo V originarios de los países suministradores enumerados en dicho Anexo

estará sujeta a los límites cuantitativos anuales establecidos en dicho


d) el Artículo 10 se sustituye por el siguiente:

«Artículo 10

Medidas de salvaguardia

1. Si las importaciones en la Comunidad de los productos pertenecientes a

una categoría determinada no sujeta a las restricciones cuantitativas

enunciadas en el Anexo V, y originarias de uno de los países enumerados en

el Anexo IX, sobrepasaren, comparadas con las cantidades totales de las

importaciones en la Comunidad de los productos de la misma categoría durante

el año civil anterior, los porcentajes indicados en el cuadro que figura en

el Anexo IX, estas importaciones podrán ser sometidas a restricciones

cuantitativas en las condiciones fijadas en el presente artículo.

2. El apartado 1 no se aplicará cuando se hayan alcanzado los porcentajes

que en el mismo se contemplan a causa de un descenso de las importaciones

totales en la Comunidad y no a causa de un aumento de las exportaciones de

los productos originarios del país proveedor.

3. Cuando la Comisión considere, por propia iniciativa o a petición de un

Estado miembro, que se dan las condiciones definidas en el apartado 1 y que

hay razones para someter una categoría de productos determinada a una

restricción cuantitativa:

a) iniciará consultas con el país proveedor de que se trate, según el

procedimiento del artículo 16, con el fin de llegar a un acuerdo o a

conclusiones comunes sobre un nivel de restricción adecuado para la

categoría o los productos en cuestión;

b) hasta tanto tenga lugar una solución mutuamente satisfactoria, la

Comisión pedirá, como regla general, al país proveedor interesado que

limite, por un período provisional de tres meses a partir de la fecha de la

solicitud de consultas, las exportaciones de productos de la categoría en

cuestión hacia la Comunidad. Este límite provisional será igual al 25 % del

nivel resultante de la aplicación de la fórmula establecida en el apartado

1, si éste fuese mayor al 25 % del nivel de las importaciones alcanzado

durante el año civil anterior;

c) podrá someter, hasta tanto tenga lugar la conclusión de las consultas,

las importaciones de productos de la categoría en cuestión a restricciones

cuantitativas idénticas a las solicitadas al país proveedor en virtud de la

letra b). Estas medidas se aplicarán sin perjuicio de las disposiciones

definitivas que adopte la Comunidad habida cuenta del resultado de las


4. a) En caso de que las importaciones en la Comunidad de productos textiles

no sujetos a los límites cuantitativos fijados en el Anexo V originarios de

Bulgaria, la República Checa, Hungría, Polonia, Rumania o la República

Eslovaca se efectúen en cantidades tan importantes o en condiciones tales

que perjudiquen gravemente o supongan un peligro real para la

correspondiente protección comunitaria o para los productos que compitan

directamente con las mismas, dichas importaciones podrán ser objeto de

restricciones cuantitativas en las condiciones establecidas en los

protocolos adicionales celebrados con los mencionados países.

b) Lo dispuesto en el apartado 3 se aplicará también en dichos casos con la

salvedad de que el límite provisional a que se refiere la letra b) del

apartado 3 se fijará en un 25 %, como mínimo, del nivel de importaciones

registrado durante el período de doce meses que haya expirado dos meses

antes o, cuando no se disponga de datos, tres meses antes del mes en el que

se haya solicitado la celebración de consultas.

5. a) En cuanto a los productos enumerados en el Anexo X no sujetos a las

restricciones establecidas en el Anexo V originarios de países miembros de

la Organización Mundial del Comercio, se podrán adoptar medidas de

salvaguardia cuando se demuestre que se está importando en la Comunidad un

producto en particular en cantidades tan importantes que cause un perjuicio

importante o suponga un peligro real para el sector económico de la

Comunidad que produce productos similares o productos que entran en

competencia directa. Será necesario demostrar que el importante perjuicio o

la amenaza real del mismo es provocado por un aumento de las importaciones

de dicho producto y no por otros factores tales como cambios tecnológicos o

cambios en los gustos del consumidor.

b) En la determinación del importante perjuicio o la amenaza real,

mencionados en el apartado a), se analizará la repercusión de estas

importaciones en la situación del sector económico de que se trate,

reflejada en los cambios operados en variables económicas de importancia,

tales como producción, productividad, utilización de la capacidad,

existencias, cuota de mercado, exportaciones, salarios, empleo, precios

interiores, rentabilidad e inversión.

c) Se determinará el país o países terceros, miembro o miembros de la

Organización Mundial del Comercio, a los que se atribuya el perjuicio

importante o la amenaza real, como se indica en el apartado a), basándose en

un aumento súbito e importante de las importaciones de otras fuentes, la

cuota de mercado, los precios para la importación y los precios interiores

en una fase comparable de la transacción comercial.

6. Cuando la Comisión considere, por propia iniciativa o a petición de un

Estado miembro, que se dan las condiciones definidas en el apartado 5 y que

hay razones para someter una categoría de productos determinada a una

restricción cuantitativa:

a) iniciará consultas con el país proveedor en cuestión, conforme al

procedimiento del artículo 16 para llegar a un acuerdo o a conclusiones

conjuntas sobre un nivel de limitación adecuado para la categoría de

productos de que se trate;

b) en circunstancias críticas y excepcionales, en que la demora pudiese

causar un perjuicio de difícil reparación, podrá imponerse un límite

cuantitativo a los productos en cuestión a condición de que la solicitud de

consultas se haga en el plazo de cinco días laborables como máximo a partir

de la adopción de la medida. Dicha restricción provisional no será inferior

al nivel real de importaciones del país proveedor en el período de doce

meses que termina dos meses antes del mes en que se presentó la solicitud de


7. a) Las medidas adoptadas en aplicación de los apartados 3, 4 y 6 serán

objeto de una comunicación de la Comisión que se publicará a la mayor

brevedad en el Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas.

b) La Comisión someterá los casos urgentes al Comité previsto en el artículo

17, por propia iniciativa o en el plazo de cinco días laborables a partir de

la fecha de recepción de una solicitud de uno o varios Estados miembros que

aleguen razones urgentes, y adoptará una decisión en el plazo de cinco días

laborables a partir del término de las deliberaciones del Comité.

8. Las consultas con el país proveedor previstas en los apartados 3, 4 y 6

podrán desembocar en un acuerdo entre este país y la Comunidad sobre la

aplicación y el nivel de las restricciones cuantitativas. Estos acuerdos o

conclusiones comunes deberán establecer que las restricciones cuantitativas

convenidas sean administradas según un sistema de doble control.

9. Si las partes no llegaran a una solución satisfactoria en el plazo de

sesenta días a partir de la notificación de la solicitud de consultas, la

Comunidad tendrá derecho a aplicar una restricción cuantitativa definitiva

con un nivel anual que no sea inferior a:

a) 106 % del nivel que alcanzaron las importaciones en el año civil anterior

al año en el que las importaciones hayan superado el nivel resultante de la

aplicación de la fórmula establecida en el apartado 1, que dio lugar a la

solicitud de consultas, o el nivel resultante de la fórmula establecida en

el apartado 1 si se trata de los países proveedores enumerados en el Anexo

IX, si éste fuese mayor;

b) en el caso de Bulgaria, la República Checa, Hungría, Polonia, Rumania o

la República Eslovaca, el 110 % de las importaciones durante el período de

doce meses que termina dos o, cuando no haya datos, tres meses antes del mes

en el que se efectuó la solicitud;

c) si se trata de países proveedores miembros de la OMC, el nivel real de

importaciones del país proveedor en cuestión durante el período de doce

meses que termina dos meses antes del mes en el que se formuló la solicitud

de consultas.

10. El nivel actual de los límites cuantitativos fijados de conformidad con

los apartados 3 a 6 o 9 no podrá ser inferior al nivel de importaciones en

la Comunidad en 1985 de Argentina, Brasil, Hong Kong, Pakistán, Perú, Sri

Lanka y Uruguay, y en 1986 de Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malasia, Macao,

Filipinas, Singapur, Corea del Sur y Tailandia, de productos de la misma

categoría y originarios del mismo país proveedor.

11. Los límites cuantitativos fijados en virtud del presente artículo no se

aplicarán a los productos que ya hayan sido expedidos a la Comunidad, a

condición de que hayan sido enviados por el país proveedor del que son

originarios con vistas a su exportación a la Comunidad antes de la fecha de

notificación de la solicitud de consulta.

12. Las medidas adoptadas en virtud de lo dispuesto en el apartado 5 estarán

en vigor:

a) por un período de tres años sin prórroga; o

b) hasta que se integre el producto en el GATT 1994, si esto tuviese lugar


13. Las medidas previstas en los apartados 3, 4, 6 y 9 y los acuerdos

mencionados en el apartado 9 se adoptarán y aplicarán conforme al

procedimiento establecido en el artículo 17.»;

e) al final del artículo 15 se añade el siguiente apartado:

«5. Además, cuando conste la implicación del territorio de países terceros

miembros de la OMC enumerados en el Anexo XI pero que no figuran en el Anexo

V, la Comisión solicitará la celebración de consultas con el país o países

terceros de que se trate con arreglo al procedimiento establecido en el

artículo 16 a fin de tomar las medidas apropiadas para resolver el problema.

La Comisión, de acuerdo con el procedimiento establecido en el artículo 17,

podrá fijar límites cuantitativos respecto del país o países terceros de que

se trate o tomar cualquier otra medida apropiada.»;

f) el artículo 20 se sustituye por el siguiente:

«Artículo 20

El presente Reglamento no dispensará en ningún caso del cumplimiento de las

disposiciones de los acuerdos bilaterales, protocolos o arreglos sobre

comercio textil que la Comunidad haya celebrado con los países terceros

enumerados en el Anexo II ni del cumplimiento del ATV respecto de los

miembros de la OMC enumerados en el Anexo XI, que prevalecerán en caso de


g) los Anexos I y II del presente Reglamento se añaden como Anexos X y XI


Artículo 2

El presente Reglamento entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 1995.

El presente Reglamento será obligatorio en todos sus elementos y

directamente aplicable en todos los Estados miembros.

Hecho en Bruselas, el 22 de diciembre de 1994.

Por el Consejo

El Presidente


(1) Dictamen emitido el 14 de diciembre de 1994 (no publicado aún en el

Diario Oficial).

(2) DO nº L 275 de 8. 11. 1993, p. 1. Reglamento modificado por última vez

por el Reglamento (CEE) nº 195/94 de la Comisión (DO nº L 29, de 2. 2. 1994,

p. 1).



List of textiles and clothing products not integrated into the WTO withi

the meaning of Article 2 of the AT


HS No |Product description


5004 00 |Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale

5005 00 |Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale

5006 00 |Silk yarn & yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silk-worm gut

5007 10 |Woven fabrics of noil silk

5007 20 |Woven fabrics of sil/silk waste, other than noil silk, 85 %/more of such fibres

5007 90 |Woven fabrics of silk, nes

5105 10 |Carded wool

5105 21 |Combed wool in fragments

5105 29 |Wool tops and other combed wool, other than combed wool in fragments

5105 30 |Fine animal hair, carded or combed

5106 10 |Yarn of carded wool, mayor que/= 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale

5106 20 |Yarn of carded, wool menor que 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale

5107 10 |Yarn of combed wool, mayor que/ 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale

5107 20 |Yarn of combed wool, menor que 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale

5108 10 |Yarn of carded fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale

5108 20 |Yarn of combed fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale

5109 10 |Yarn of wool/of fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight of such fibres, put up

5109 90 |Yarn of wool/of fine animal hair, menor que 85 % by weight of such fibres, put up

5110 00 |Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair

5111 11 |Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mayor que 185 % by weight;menor que/= 300 g/m2

5111 19 |Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight, mayor que 300 g/m2

5111 20 |Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres

5111 30 |Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres

5111 90 |Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight, nes

5112 11 |Woven fabric of combed wool/fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight,menor que/= 200 g/m2

5112 19 |Woven fabrics of combed wooi/fine animal hair, mayor que/= 85 % by weight, mayor que 200 g/m2

5112 20 |Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, menor que 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres

5112 30 |Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, menor que 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres

5112 90 |Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, menor que 85 % by weight, nes

5113 00 |Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair

5204 11 |Cotton sewing thread mayor que/= 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale

5204 19 |Cotton sewing thread, menor que 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale

5204 20 |Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale

5205 11 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, mayor que/= 714,29 dtex, not put up

5205 12 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up

5205 13 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 232,56 mayor que/= dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up

5205 14 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 192,31 mayor que/= dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up

5205 15 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale

5205 21 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, combed, mayor que/= 714,29, not put up

5205 22 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, combed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up

5205 23 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, combed, 232,56 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up

5205 24 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, combed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up

5205 25 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, single, combed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale

5205 31 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, mayor que/= 714,29 dtex, not put up, nes

5205 32 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up, nes

5205 33 |Cotton yarn. mayor que/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, 232,56 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up, nes

5205 34 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up, nes

5205 35 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up, nes

5205 41 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, mayor que/= 714,29 dtex, not put up, nes

5205 42 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multi, combed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up, nes

5205 43 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multi, combed, 232,56 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up, nes

5205 44 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up, nes

5205 45 |Cotton yarn, mayor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up, nes

5206 11 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, mayor que/= 714,29, not put up

5206 12 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up

5206 13 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single uncombed, 232,56 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up

5206 14 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up

5206 15 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, uncombed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale

5206 21 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, combed, mayor que/= 714,29 dtex, not put up

5206 22 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, combed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up

5206 23 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, combed, 232,56 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up

5206 24 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single, combed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up

5206 25 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, single combed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale

5206 31 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, uncombed,menor que/= 714,29, not put up, nes

5206 32 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up, nes

5206 33 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, 232,56 mayor que dex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up, nes

5206 34 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up, nes

5206 35 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up, nes

5206 41 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, mayor que/= 714,29, not put up, nes

5206 42 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, 714,29 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 232,56, not put up, nes

5206 43 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, 232,56 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 192,31, not put up, nes

5206 44 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, 192,31 mayor que dtex mayor que/= 125, not put up, nes

5206 45 |Cotton yarn,menor que/= 85 %, multiple, combed, menor que 125 dtex, not put up, nes

5207 10 |Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) mayor que/= 85 % by weight of cotton, put up

5207 90 |Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread)menor que/= 85 % by weight of cotton, put up for retail sale

5208 11 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, unbleached

5208 12 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, mayor que 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, unbleached

5208 13 |Twill weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5208 19 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes

5208 21 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, bleached

5208 22 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, mayor que 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, bleached

5208 23 |Twill weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5208 29 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes

5208 31 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, dyed

5208 32 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, mayor que 100 g/m = to 200 g/m2 =, dyed

5208 33 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5208 39 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes

5208 41 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, yarn dyed

5208 42 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, mayor que 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5208 43 |Twill weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5208 49 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes

5208 51 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, printed

5208 52 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, mayor que 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, printed

5208 53 |Twill weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, printed

5208 59 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes

5209 11 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5209 12 |Twill weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5209 19 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes

5209 21 |Plain weave cotton fabric, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5209 22 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5209 29 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes

5209 31 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5209 32 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5209 39 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes

5209 41 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5209 42 |Denim fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2

5209 43 |Twill weave cotton fabrics. other than denim. mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5209 49 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes

5209 51 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, printed

5209 52 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, printed

5209 59 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes

5210 11 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5210 12 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5210 19 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres,menor que/= 200 g/m2, unbleached nes

5210 21 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5210 22 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5210 29 |Woven fabrics of cotton,menor que/ 85 % mixed with man-made fibres,menor que/= 200 g/m2, bleached nes

5210 31 |Plain weave cotton fabrics,menor que/ 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5210 32 |Twill weave cotton fabrics,menor que/ 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5210 39 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres,menor que/= 200 g/m2, dyed, nes

5210 41 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5210 42 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5210 49 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fib,menor que/= 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes

5210 51 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, printed

5210 52 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, printed

5210 59 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres,menor que/= 200 g/m2, printed, nes

5211 11 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5211 12 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached

5211 19 |Woven fabrics of cotton,menor que/ 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes

5211 21 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5211 22 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, bleached

5211 29 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, bleached nes

5211 31 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5211 32 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, dyed

5211 39 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes

5211 41 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed

5211 42 |Denim fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2

5211 43 |Twill weave cotton fabrics, other than denim, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, mayor que 200 g/m2

|, yarn dyed

5211 49 |Woven fabrics of cotton, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, mayor que 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes

5211 51 |Plain weave cotton fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, printed

5211 52 |Twill weave cotton fabrics,menor que/ 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, printed

5211 59 |Woven fabrics of cotton,menor que/ 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, mor than 200 g/m2, printed, nes

5212 11 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes

5212 12 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes

5212 13 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes

5212 14 |Woven fabrics of cotton,menor que/= 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colours, nes

5212 15 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes

5212 21 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes

5212 22 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes

5212 23 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes

5212 24 |Woven fabrics of cotton, mayor que 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colours, nes

5212 25 |Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes

5306 10 |Flax yarn, single

5306 20 |Flax yarn, multile (folded) or cable

5308 20 |True hemp yarn

5308 90 |Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres

5309 11 |Woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of flax, unbleached or bleached

5309 19 |Woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of flax, other than unbleached or bleached

5309 21 |Woven fabrics of flax, containg menor que 85 % by weight of flax, unbleached or bleached

5309 29 |Woven fabrics of flax, containing menor que 85 % by weight of flax, other than unbleached or bleached

5311 00 |Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn

5401 10 |Sewing thread of synthetic filaments

5401 20 |Sewing thread of artificial filaments

5402 10 |High tenacity yarn (other than sewing thread), nylon/oth polyamides filaments, not put up

5402 20 |High tenacity yarn (other than sewing thread), of polyester filaments, not put up

5402 31 |Texturd yarn nes, of nylon/oth polyamides filaments,menor que/= 50 tex/s.y., not put up

5402 32 |Texturd yarn nes, of nylon/oth polyamides filaments, mayor que 50 tex/s.y., not put up

5402 33 |Textured yarn nes, of polyester filaments, not put up for retail sale

5402 39 |Textured yarn of synthetic filaments, nes, not put up

5402 41 |Yarn of nylon or other polyamides filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up

5402 42 |Yarn of polyester filaments, partially oriented, single, nes, not put up

5402 43 |Yarn of polyester filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up

5402 49 |Yarn of synthetic filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up

5402 51 |Yarn of nylon or other polyamides filaments, single, mayor que 50 turns/m, not put up

5402 52 |Yarn of polyester filaments, single, mayor que 50 turns per metre, not put up

5402 59 |Yarn of synthetic filaments, single, mayor que 50 turns per metre, nes, not put up

5402 61 |Yarn of nylon or other polyamides filaments, multiple, nes not put up

5402 62 |Yarn of polyester filaments, multiple, nes, not put up

5402 69 |Yarn of synthetic filaments, multiple, nes, not put up

5403 10 |High tenacity yarn (other than sewing thread), of viscose rayon filament, not put up

5403 20 |Textured yarn nes, of artificial filaments, not put up for retail sale

5403 31 |Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up

5403 32 |Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single, mayor que 120 turns per m, nes, not put up

5403 33 |Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, single, nes, not put up

5403 39 |Yarn of polyester filaments, single, nes, not put up

5403 41 |Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, multiple, nes, not put up

5403 42 |Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, multiple, nes, not up

5403 49 |Yarn of artificial filaments, multiple, nes, not put up

5404 10 |Synthetic mono, mayor que/= 67 dtex, no cross sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm

5405 00 |Artificial mono, 67 dtex, cross-sect mayor que 1 mm; strip of artificial textile materials wmenor que/= 5 mm


5406 10 |Yarn of synthetic filament (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale

5406 20 |Yarn of artificial filament (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale

5407 10 |Woven fabrics of high tenacity fibres yarns of nylon oth polyamides/polyesters

5407 20 |Woven fabrics obtained from strip/the like of synthetic textile materials

5407 30 |Fabrics specif in Note 9 Section XI (layers of parallel synthetics textile yarn)

5407 41 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes

5407 42 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, dyed, nes

5407 43 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, yarn dyed, nes

5407 44 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, printed, nes

5407 51 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes

5407 52 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, dyed, nes

5407 53 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, yarn dyed, nes

5407 54 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, printed, nes

5407 60 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of non-textured polyester filaments, nes

5407 71 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes

5407 72 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, dyed, nes

5407 73 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, yarn dyed, nes

5407 74 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, printed, nes

5407 81 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, unbleached or bleached, nes

5407 82 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, dyed, nes

5407 83 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, yarn dyed, nes

5407 84 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, printed, nes

5407 91 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes

5407 92 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, dyed, nes

5407 93 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, yarn dyed, nes

5407 94 |Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, printed, nes

5408 10 |Woven fabrics of high tenacity filament yarns of viscose rayon

5408 21 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of artificial fibres o strip of artificial textile material, unbleached

|/bleached nes

5408 22 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of artificial fibres or strip of artificial textile material, dyed, nes

5408 23 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of artificial fibres or strip of artificial textile material, y dyed, nes

5408 24 |Woven fabrics, mayor que/= 85 % of artificial fibres or strip of artificial textile material, printed, nes

5408 31 |Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes

5408 32 |Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, dyed, nes

5408 33 |Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, yarn dyed, nes

5408 34 |Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, printed, nes

5501 10 |Filament tow of nylon or other polyamides

5501 20 |Filament tow of polyesters

5501 30 |Filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic

5501 90 |Synthetic filament, tow, nes

5502 00 |Artificial filament tow

5503 10 |Staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides, not carded or combed

5503 20 |Staple fibres of polyesters, not carded or combed

5503 30 |Staple fibres of acrylic or modacrylic, not carded or combed

5503 40 |Staple fibres of polypropylene, not carded or combed

5503 90 |Synthetic staple fibres, not carded or combed, nes

5504 10 |Staple fibres of viscose, not carded or combed

5504 90 |Artificial staple fibres, other than viscose, not carded or combed

5505 10 |Waste of synthetic fibres

5505 20 |Waste of artificial fibres

5506 10 |Staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides, carded or combed

5506 20 |Staple fibres of polyesters, carded or combed

5506 30 |Staple fibres of acrylic or modacrylic, carded or combed

5506 90 |Synthetic staple fibres, carded or combed, nes

5507 00 |Artificial staple fibres, carded or combed

5508 10 |Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres

5508 20 |Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres

5509 11 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % nylon or other polyamides staple fibres, single, not put up

5509 12 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % nylon or other polyamides staple fibres, multi, not put up nes

5509 21 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, single, not put up

5509 22 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes

5509 31 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, single, not put up

5509 32 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % acrylic/modacrylic staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes

5509 41 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of other synthetic staple fibres, single, not put up

5509 42 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of other synthetic staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes

5509 51 |Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed w/artificial staple fibres, not put up, nes

5509 52 |Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes

5509 53 |Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up. nes

5509 59 |Yarn of polyester staple fibres, not put up, nes

5509 61 |Yarn of acrylic staple fibres mixed w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes

5509 62 |Yarn of acrylic staple fibres mixed with cotton, not up, nes

5509 69 |Yarn of acrylic staple fibres, not put up, nes

5509 91 |Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes

5509 92 |Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes

5509 99 |Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres, not put up, nes

5510 11 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, single, not put up

5510 12 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes

5510 20 |Yarn of artificial staple fibres mixed w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes

5510 30 |Yarn of artificial staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes

5510 90 |Yarn of artificial staple fibres, not put up, nes

5511 10 |Yarn, mayor que/= 85 % of synthetic staple fibres, other than sewing thread, put up

5511 20 |Yarn, menor que 85 % of synthetic staple fibres, put up for retail sale, nes

5511 30 |Yarn of artificial fibres (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale

5512 11 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, unbleached or bleached

5512 19 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, other than unbleached or bleached

5512 21 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of acrylic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached

5512 29 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of acrylic staple fibres, other than unbleached or bleached

5512 91 |Woven fabrics; containing mayor que/= 85 % of other synthetic staple fibres, unbl/bl

5512 99 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of other synthetic fibres, other than unbl/bl

5513 11 |Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cottn.menor que/= 170 g/m2, unbleached


5513 12 |Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cottn.menor que/= 170 g/m2, unbleached


5513 13 |Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cot.menor que/= 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached

|, nes

5513 19 |Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cot,menor que/= 170 g/m2, unbleached


5513 21 |Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, mayor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, dyed

5513 22 |Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, dyed

5513 23 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, mayor que 85 % mixed w/cotton.menor que/= 170 g/m2, dyed, nes

5513 29 |Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton.menor que/= 170 g/m2, dyed

5513 31 |Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton.menor que/= 170 g/m2, yarn dyd

5513 32 |Twill weave polyester staple fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton.menor que/= 170 g/m2, yarn dyed

5513 33 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, dyed nes

5513 39 |Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, yarn dyed

5513 41 |Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, printed

5513 42 |Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, printed

5513 43 |Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, printed, nes

5513 49 |Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton,menor que/= 170 g/m2, printed

5514 11 |Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, unbl/bl

5514 12 |Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, unbl/bl

5514 13 |Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, unbl/bl, nes

5514 19 |Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, unbl/bl

5514 21 |Plain weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, dyed

5514 22 |Twill weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, dyed

5514 23 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, dyed

5514 29 |Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, dyed

5514 31 |Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabric, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, yarn dyed

5514 32 |Twill weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, yarn dyed

5514 33 |Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, yarn dyed nes

5514 39 |Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, yarn dyed

5514 41 |Plain weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, printed

5514 42 |Twill weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, printed

5514 43 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, ptd. nes

5514 49 |Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/cotton, mayor que 170 g/m2, printed

5515 11 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixed with viscose rayon staple fib. nes

5515 12 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixed with man-made filaments, nes

5515 13 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes

5515 19 |Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres nes

5515 21 |Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments, nes

5515 22 |Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes

5515 29 |Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, nes

5515 91 |Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres mixed with man-made filaments, nes

5515 92 |Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres mixed w/wool of fine animal hair, nes

5515 99 |Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes

5516 11 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, unbleached/bleached

5516 12 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, dyed

5516 13 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, yarn dyed

5516 14 |Woven fabrics, containing mayor que/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, printed

5516 21 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib, menor que 85 %, mixed with man-made fibres, unbleached/bleached

5516 22 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 %, mixed with man-made fibres, dyed

5516 23 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, yarn dyed

5516 24 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 %, mixed with man-made fibres, printed

5516 31 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, unbleached/bleached


5516 32 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, dyed

5516 33 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, yarn dyed

5516 34 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, printed

5516 41 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, unbleached or bleached

5516 42 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, dyed

5516 43 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, yarn dyed

5516 44 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % mixed with cotton, printed

5516 91 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, menor que 85 % unbleached or bleached, nes

5516 92 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, dyed, nes

5516 93 |Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, yarn dyed, nes

5516 94 |Woven fabrics of artificial staPle fibres, printed, nes

5602 10 |Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics

5602 21 |Felt other than needleloom, of wool or fine animal hair, not impregnated, coated, covered etc.

5602 29 |Felt other than needleloom, of other textile materials, not impregnated, coated, covered etc.

5602 90 |Felt of textile materials, nes

5603 00 |Non wovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated

5604 20 |High tenacity yarn of polester, nylon other polyamid, viscose rayon, coated, etc.

5606 00 |Gimped yarn nes: chenille yarn: loop wale-yarn

5607 10 |Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of jute or other textile bast fibres

5607 21 |Binder or baler twine, of sisal or other textile fibres of the genus Agave

5607 29 |Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of sisal textile fibres

5607 30 |Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of abaca or other hard (leaf) fibres

5607 41 |Binder or baler twine, of polyethylene or polypropylene

5607 49 |Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of polyethylene or polypropylene

5607 50 |Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other synthetic fibres

5607 90 |Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other materials

5608 11 |Made up fishing nets, of man-made textile materials

5608 19 |Knotted netting of twine/cordage/rope, and other made up nets of man-made textile materials

5608 90 |Knotted netting of twine/cordage/rope, nes, and made up nets of other textile materials

5609 00 |Articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope and cables, nes

5701 10 |Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, knotted

5701 90 |Carpets of other textile materials, knotted

5702 10 |Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar textile hand-woven rugs

5702 20 |Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir)

5702 31 |Carpets of wool/fine animal hair, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes

5702 32 |Carpets of man-made textile materials, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes

5702 39 |Carpets of other textile materials, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes

5702 41 |Carpets of wool/fine animal hair, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes

5702 42 |Carpets of man-made textile materials, of woven pile construction, made up, nes

5702 49 |Carpets of other textile materials, of woven pile construction, made up, nes

5702 51 |Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not made up, nes

5702 52 |Carpets of man-made textile materials, woven, not made up, nes

5702 59 |Carpets of other textile materials, woven, not made up, nes

5702 91 |Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, made up, nes

5702 92 |Carpets of man-made textile materials, woven, made up, nes

5702 99 |Carpets of other textile materials, woven, made up, nes

5703 10 |Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, tufted

5703 20 |Carpets of nylon or other polyamides, tufted

5703 30 |Carpets of other man-made textile materials, tufted

5703 90 |Carpets of other textile materials, tufted

5704 10 |Tiles of felt textile materials, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2

5704 90 |Carpets of felt of textile materials, nes

5705 00 |Carpets and other textile floor coverings, nes

5801 21 |Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton, other than terry and narrow fabrics

5801 22 |Cut corduroy fabrics of cotton, other than narrows fabrics

5801 23 |Woven weft pile fabrics of cotton, nes

5801 25 |Woven warp pile fabrics of cotton, cut, other than terry and narrow fabrics

5801 26 |Chenille fabrics of cotton, other than narrow fabrics

5801 32 |Cut corduroy fabrics of man-made fibres, other than narrow fabrics

5801 33 |Woven weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres, nes

5801 36 |Woven fabrics of man-made, other than narrow fabrics

5802 30 |Tufted textile fabrics, other than products of heading No 5703

5803 10 |Gauze of cotton, other than narrow fabrics

5803 90 |Gauze of other textile material, other than narrow fabrics

5804 21 |Mechanically made lace of man-made fibres, in the piece, in strips/motifs

5804 29 |Mechanically made lace of other textile materials, in the piece, in strips/in motifs

5804 30 |Hand-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs

5806 10 |Narrow woven pile fabrics and narrow chenille fabrics

5806 20 |Narrow woven fabrics, cntg by wt mayor que/= 5 % elastomeric yarn/rubber thread nes

5806 31 |Narrow woven fabrics of cotton, nes

5806 32 |Narrow woven fabrics of man-made fibres, nes

5806 39 |Narrow woven fabrics of other textile materials, nes

5806 40 |Fabrics consisting of warp w/o weft assembled by means of an adhesive

5807 10 |Labels, badges and similar woven articles of textile materials

5807 90 |Labels, badges and similar articles, not woven, of textile materials, nes

5808 10 |Braids in the piece

5809 00 |Woven fabrics of metal thread/of metallized yarn, for apparel, etc, nes

5810 10 |Embroidery without visible ground, in the piece, in strips or in motifs

5810 91 |Embroidery of cotton, in piece, in strips or in motifs, nes

5810 92 |Embroidery of man-made fibres, in the piece, in strips or in motifs, nes

5810 99 |Embroidery of other textile materials, in the piece, in strips/motifs, nes

5811 00 |Quilted textile products in the piece

5902 10 |Tire cord fabric made of nylon or other polyamides high tenacity yarns

5902 20 |Tire cord fabric made of polyester high tenacity yarns

5902 90 |Tire cord fabric made of viscose rayon high tenacity yarns

5903 10 |Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, nes

5803 20 |Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with polyurethane, nes

5903 90 |Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with plastics, nes

5905 00 |Textile wall coverings

5906 91 |Rubberized textile knitted or crocheted fabrics, nes

5909 00 |Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing

5910 00 |Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile material

5911 10 |Textile fabrics used for card clothing, and similar fabric for technical uses

5911 20 |Textile bolting cloth, whether or not made up

5911 31 |Textile fabrics used in paper-making or similar machines, menor que 650 g/m2

5911 32 |Textile fabrics used in paper-making or similar machines weighing mayor que/= 650 g/m2

5911 40 |Textile straing cloth used in oil presses or the like, inclusive of human hair

5911 90 |Textile products and articles for technical uses, nes

6001 10 |Long pile knitted or crocheted textile fabrics

6001 21 |Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton

6001 22 |Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres

6001 29 |Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other textile materials

6001 91 |Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, nes

6001 92 |Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes

6001 99 |Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other textile materials, nes

6002 10 |Knitted or crocheted textile fabrics, withmenor que/= 30 cm, mayor que/= 5 % of elastomeric/rubber, nes

6002 20 |Knitted or crocheted textile fabrics, of a width not exceeding 30 cm, nes

6002 30 |Knitted crocheted textile fabrics, width mayor que 30 cm, mayor que/= 5 % of elastomeric/rubber, nes

6002 41 |Warp knitted fabrics, of wool or fine animal hair, nes

6003 42 |Warp knitted fabrics, of cotton, nes

6002 43 |Warp knitted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes

6002 49 |Warp knitted fabrics, of other materials, nes

6002 91 |Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of wool or of fine animal hair, nes

6002 92 |Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, nes

6002 93 |Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes

6002 99 |Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other materials, nes

6101 10 |Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6101 20 |Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of cotton, knitted

6101 30 |Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of man-made fibres, knitted

6101 90 |Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of other textile materials, knitted

6102 10 |Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6102 20 |Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of cotton, knitted

6102 30 |Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of man-made fibres, knitted

6102 90 |Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of other textile materials, knitted

6103 31 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6103 32 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of cotton, knitted

6103 33 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6103 39 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of other textile materials, knitted

6103 41 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6103 42 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, knitted

6103 43 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6103 49 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, knitted

6104 11 |Womens/girls suits, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6104 12 |Womens/girls suits, of cotton, knitted

6104 13 |Womens/girls suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6104 19 |Womens/girls suits, of other textile materials, knitted

6104 21 |Womens/girls ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6104 22 |Womens/girls ensembles, of cotton, knitted

6104 23 |Womens/girls ensembles, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6104 29 |Womens/girls ensembles, of other textile materials, knitted

6104 31 |Womens/girls jackets, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6104 32 |Womens/girls jackets, of cotton, knitted

6104 33 |Womens/girls jackets, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6104 39 |Womens/girls jackets, of other textile materials, knitted

6104 41 |Womens/girls dresses, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6104 42 |Womens/girls dresses, of cotton, knitted

6104 43 |Womens/girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6104 44 |Womens/girls dresses, of artificial fibres, knitted

6104 49 |Womens/girls dresses, of other textile materials, knitted

6104 51 |Womens/girls skirts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6104 52 |Womens/girls skirts, of cotton, knitted

6104 53 |Womens/girls skirts, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6104 59 |Womens/girls skirts, of other textile materials, knitted

6104 61 |Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6104 62 |Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, knitted

6104 63 |Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6104 69 |Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, knitted

6105 10 |Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, knitted

6105 20 |Mens/boys shirts, of man-made fibres, knitted

6105 90 |Mens/boys shirts, of other textile materials, knitted

6106 10 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of cotton, knitted

6106 20 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of man-made fibres, knitted

6106 90 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of other materials, knitted

6107 11 |Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of cotton, knitted

6107 12 |Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of man-made fibres, knitted

6107 19 |Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of other textile materials, knitted

6107 21 |Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of cotton, knitted

6107 22 |Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, knitted

6107 29 |Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of other textile materials, knitted

6107 91 |Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc. of cotton, knitted

6107 92 |Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc. of man-made fibres, knitted

6107 99 |Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc. of other textile materials, knitted

6108 21 |Womens/girls briefs and panties, of cotton, knitted

6108 22 |Womens/girls briefs and panties, of man-made fibres, knitted

6108 29 |Womens/girls briefs and panties, of other textile materials, knitted

6108 31 |Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of cotton, knitted

6108 32 |Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, knitted

6108 91 |Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of cotton, knitted

6108 92 |Womens/glrls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of man-made fibres, knitted

6108 99 |Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of other textile materials, knitted

6109 10 |T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, knitted

6109 90 |T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of other textile materials, knitted

6110 20 |Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of cotton, knitted

6110 30 |Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of man-made fibres, knitted

6111 20 |Babies garments and clothing accessories of cotton, knitted

6111 30 |Babies garments and clothing accessories of synthetic fibres, knitted

6112 11 |Track suits, of cotton, knitted

6112 12 |Track suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6112 19 |Track suits, of other textile materials, knitted

6112 20 |Ski suits, of textile materials knitted

6112 31 |Mens/boys swimwear, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6112 39 |Mens/boys swimwear, of other textile materials, knitted

6112 41 |Women/girls swimwear, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6112 49 |Women/girls swimwear, of other textile materials, knitted

6113 00 |Garments made up of impregnation coated, coverd or laminated textile knitted fabric

6114 10 |Garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6114 20 |Garments nes, of cotton, knitted

6114 30 |Garments nes, of man-made fibres, knitted

6114 90 |Garments nes, of other textile materials, knitted

6115 19 |Panty hose and tights, of other textile materials, knitted

6115 20 |Women full-I/knee-I hosiery, of textile yarn menor que 67 dtex/single yarn knitted

6115 91 |Hosiery nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

61l5 92 |Hosiery nes, of cotton, knitted

6115 93 |Hosiery nes, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6115 99 |Hosiery nes, of other textile materials, knitted

6116 10 |Gloves, impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber, knitted

6116 91 |Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted

6116 92 |Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of cotton, knitted

6116 93 |Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of synthetic fibres, knitted

6116 99 |Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of other textile materials, knitted

6117 10 |Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of textile materials, knitted

6117 20 |Ties, bow ties and cravats, of textile materials, knitted

6117 80 |Clothing accessoires nes, of textile materials, knitted

6117 90 |Parts of garments/of clothing accessoires, of textile materials knitted

6201 12 |Mens/boys overcoats and similar articles of cotton, not knitted

6201 92 |Mens/boys anoraks and similar articles, of cotton, not knitted

6201 93 |Mens/boys anoraks and similar articles, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6202 12 |Womens/girls overcoats and similar articles of cotton, not knitted

6202 92 |Womens/girls anoraks and similar article of cotton, not knitted

6203 11 |Mens/boys suits, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6203 12 |Mens/boys suits, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6203 19 |Mens/boys suits, of other textile materials, not knitted

6203 21 |Mens/boys ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6203 22 |Mens/boys ensembles, of cotton, not knitted

6203 23 |Mens/boys ensembles, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6203 29 |Mens/boys ensembles, of other textile materials, not knitted

6203 31 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6203 32 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of cotton, not knitted

6203 33 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6203 39 |Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of other textile materials, not knitted

6203 41 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6203 42 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted

6203 43 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6203 49 |Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted

6204 11 |Womens/girls suits, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6204 12 |Womens/girls suits, of cotton, not knitted

6204 13 |Womens/girls suits, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6204 19 |Womens/girls suits, of other textile materials, not knitted

6204 21 |Womens/girls ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6204 22 |Womens/girls ensembles, of cotton, not knitted

6204 23 |Womens/girls ensembles, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6204 29 |Womens/girls ensembles, of other textile materials, not knitted

6204 31 |Womens/girls jackets, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6204 32 |Womens/girls jackets, of cotton, not knitted

6204 33 |Womens/girls jackets, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6204 39 |Womens/girls jackets, of other textile materials, not knitted

6204 41 |Womens/girls dresses, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6204 42 |Womens/girls dresses, of cotton, not knitted

6204 43 |Womens/girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6204 44 |Womens/girls dresses, of artificial fibres, not knitted

6204 49 |Womens/girls dresses, of other textile materials, not knitted

6204 51 |Womens/girls skirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6204 52 |Womens/girls skirts, of cotton, not knitted

6204 53 |Womens/girls skirts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6204 59 |Womens/girls skirts, of other textile materials, not knitted

6204 62 |Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted

6204 63 |Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6205 10 |Mens/boys shirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6205 20 |Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, not knitted

6205 30 |Mens/boys shirts, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6205 90 |Mens/boys shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted

6206 10 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of silk or silk waste, not knitted

6206 30 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of cotton, not knitted

6206 40 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6206 90 |Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted

6207 11 |Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of cotton, not knitted

6207 19 |Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of other textile materials, not knitted

6207 21 |Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of cotton, not knitted

6207 22 |Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6207 91 |Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of cotton, not knitted

6207 92 |Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. man-made fibres, not knitted

6207 99 |Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of other textile materials, not knitted

6208 11 |Womens/girls slips and petticoats, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6208 21 |Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of cotton, not knitted

6208 22 |Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6208 91 |Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc. of cotton, not knitted

6208 92 |Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc. of man-made fibres, not knitted

6208 99 |Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc. of other textile materials, not knitted

6210 10 |Garments made up of textile felts and of nonwoven textile fabrics

6210 40 |Mens/boys garments nes, made up of impregnated, coated covered, etc, textile woven fabrics

6210 50 |Womens/girls garments nes, of impregnated, coated covered, etc, textile woven fabrics

6211 11 |Mens/boys swimwear, of textile materials, not knitted

6211 12 |Womens/girls swimwear, of textile materials, not knitted

6211 20 |Ski suits, of textile materials, not knitted

6211 31 |Mens/boys garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6211 32 |Mens/boys garments nes, of cotton, not knitted

6211 33 |Mens/boys garments nes, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6211 39 |Mens/boys garments nes, of other textile materials, not knitted

6211 41 |Womens/girls garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted

6211 42 |Womens/girls garments nes, of cotton, not knitted

6211 43 |Womens/girls garments nes, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6211 49 |Womens/girls garments nes, of other textile materials, not knitted

6210 10 |Brassieres and parts thereof, of textile materials

6212 20 |Girdles, panty girdles and parts thereof, of textile materials

6212 30 |Corselettes and parts thereof, of textile materials

6213 10 |Handkerchiefs, of silk or silk waste, not knitted

6213 20 |Handkerchiefs, of cotton, not knitted

6213 90 |Handkerchiefs, of other textile materials, not knitted

6214 10 |Shawls, scarves, veils and the like; of silk or silk waste, not knitted

6214 30 |Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6214 40 |Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of artificial fibres, not knitted

6214 20 |Ties, bow ties and cravats, of silk or silk waste, not knitted

6216 00 |Gloves, mittens and mitts, of textile materials, not knitted

6217 10 |Clothing accessoires nes, of textile materials, not knitted

6217 90 |Parts of garments or of clothing accessories nes, of textile materials not knitted

6301 10 |Electric blankets, of textile materials

6301 30 |Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of cotton

6301 40 |Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres

6301 90 |Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of other textile materials

6302 10 |Bed linen, of textile knitted or crocheted materials

6302 21 |Bed linen, of cotton, printed, not knitted

6302 22 |Bed linen, of man-made fibres, printed, not knitted

6302 29 |Bed linen, of other textile materials, printed, not knitted

6302 31 |Bed linen, of cotton, nes

6302 32 |Bed linen, of man-made fibres, nes

6302 39 |Bed linen, of other textile materials, nes

6302 40 |Table linen, of textile knitted or crocheted materials

6302 51 |Table linen, of cotton, not knitted

6302 52 |Table linen, of flax, not knitted

6302 53 |Table linen, of man-made fibres, not knitted

6302 59 |Table linen, of other textile materials, not knitted

6302 91 |Toilet and kitchen linen, of cotton, nes

6302 92 |Toilet and kitchen linen, of flax

6302 93 |Toilet and kitchen linen, of man-made fibres

6302 99 |Toilet and kitchen linen, of other textile materials

6303 92 |Curtains/drapes/interior blinds curtain/bed valances, of synthetic fibres, not knitted

6303 99 |Curtains/drape/interior blind curtain/bed valance, of other textile materials, not knitted

6304 11 |Bedspreads of textile materials, nes, knitted or crocheted

6304 19 |Bedspreads of textile materials, nes, not knitted or crocheted

6304 91 |Furnishing articles nes, of textile materials, knitted or crocheted

6304 92 |Furnishing articles nes, of cotton, not knitted or crocheted

6304 93 |Furnishing articles nes, of synthetic fibres, not knitted or crocheted

6304 99 |Furnishing articles nes, of other textile materials, not knitted or crocheted

6305 20 |Sacks and bags, for packing of goods, of cotton

6306 11 |Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of cotton

6306 12 |Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of synthetic fibres

6306 19 |Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of other textile materials

6306 21 |Tents, of cotton

6306 22 |Tents, of synthetic fibres

6306 29 |Tents, of other textile materials

6306 31 |Sails, of synthetic fibres

6306 39 |Sails, of other textile materials

6306 41 |Pneumatic mattresses, of cotton

6306 49 |Pneumatic mattresses, of other textile materials

6306 91 |Camping goods nes, of cotton

6306 99 |Camping goods nes, of other textile materials

6307 20 |Life jackets and life belts, of textile materials

6307 90 |Made up articles, of textile materials, nes, including dress patterns

ex 6405 20 |Footwear with soles and uppers of wool felt


6601 10 |Umbrellas and sun umbrellas, garden type

8708 21 |Safety seat belts for motor vehicles

ex 9404 90 |Pillow and cushios of cotton, quilts, eiderdowns, comforters and similar articles of textile materials





Lista de miembros de la Organización Mundial del Comercio

[La lista será hecha por la Comisión a su debido tiempo con arreglo al

procedimiento del artículo 17 del Reglamento (CEE) nº 3030/93].»


  • Rango: Reglamento
  • Fecha de disposición: 22/12/1994
  • Fecha de publicación: 31/12/1994
  • Fecha de entrada en vigor: 01/01/1995
  • Esta norma se entiende implícitamente derogada por el Reglamento 2015/937, de 9 de junio (Ref. DOUE-L-2015-81206).
  • Fecha de derogación: 26/06/2015
Referencias anteriores
  • Importaciones
  • Productos textiles


Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado

Avda. de Manoteras, 54 - 28050 Madrid