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Documento DOUE-L-2009-82572

Decisión del Consejo, de 22 de diciembre de 2009, por la que se modifica la red de consulta de Schengen (especificaciones técnicas).

Publicado en:
«DOUE» núm. 353, de 31 de diciembre de 2009, páginas 49 a 67 (19 págs.)
Unión Europea



Visto el Reglamento (CE) no 789/2001 del Consejo, de 24 de abril de 2001, por el que el Consejo se reserva competencias de ejecución en relación con determinadas disposiciones detalladas y procedimientos prácticos de examen de solicitudes de visado [1], y en particular su artículo 1, apartado 2,

Vista la iniciativa de la República Checa,

Considerando lo siguiente:

(1) La red de consulta de Schengen fue creada para permitir la consulta entre las autoridades centrales de los Estados miembros en lo referente a las solicitudes de visado presentadas por los nacionales de determinados terceros países.

(2) En virtud del artículo 22 del Reglamento (CE) no 810/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 13 de julio de 2009, por el que se establece un Código comunitario sobre visados (Código de visados) [2], modifica las normas actuales aplicables en caso de que un Estado miembro haya requerido que las autoridades centrales de otros Estados miembros consulten a sus autoridades centrales durante el examen de las solicitudes presentadas por los nacionales de determinados terceros países, o a determinadas categorías de estos nacionales. Las especificaciones técnicas de la red de la consulta de Schengen deben modificarse en consecuencia.

(3) El artículo 31 del Código de visados establece que, excepto en el caso de los visados de tránsito aeroportuario, todo Estado miembro podrá requerir que se informe a sus autoridades centrales sobre los visados expedidos por los demás Estados miembros a los nacionales de determinados terceros países, o a determinadas categorías de éstos.

(4) La transmisión de dicha información hace necesaria la creación de un nuevo formulario en la red de consulta de Schengen.

(5) El visado de larga duración, válido simultáneamente como visado de corta duración (del tipo "D+C"), se abolirá y el visado de tránsito (del tipo "B") se fusionará con el visado de corta duración (del tipo "C") a partir de la fecha de aplicación del Código de visados.

(6) Las especificaciones técnicas de la red de consulta de Schengen deberán modificarse en consecuencia y aplicarse a partir de la fecha de aplicación del Código de visados.

(7) De conformidad con los artículos 1 y 2 del Protocolo no 22 sobre la posición de Dinamarca anejo al Tratado de la Unión Europea y al Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea, Dinamarca no participa en la adopción de la presente Decisión y no está vinculada por ella ni sujeta a su aplicación. Dado que la presente Decisión desarrolla el acervo de Schengen, Dinamarca, de conformidad con el artículo 4 de dicho Protocolo, decidirá, dentro de un período de seis meses a partir de la fecha de adopción de la presente Decisión por el Consejo, si la incorpora a su legislación nacional.

(8) Por lo que respecta a Islandia y a Noruega, la presente Decisión constituye un desarrollo de las disposiciones del acervo de Schengen en el sentido del Acuerdo celebrado por el Consejo de la Unión Europea, la República de Islandia y el Reino de Noruega sobre la asociación de estos dos Estados a la ejecución, aplicación y desarrollo del acervo de Schengen [3], que entran en el ámbito mencionado en el artículo 1, letra a), de la Decisión 1999/437/CE del Consejo, de 17 de mayo de 1999, relativa a determinadas normas de desarrollo de dicho Acuerdo [4].

(9) Por lo que respecta a Suiza, la presente Decisión constituye un desarrollo de disposiciones del acervo de Schengen en el sentido del Acuerdo entre la Unión Europea, la Comunidad Europea y la Confederación Suiza sobre la asociación de la Confederación Suiza a la ejecución, aplicación y desarrollo del acervo de Schengen [5], que entran en el ámbito mencionado en el artículo 1, letra a), de la Decisión 1999/437/CE del Consejo, en relación con el artículo 3 de la Decisión 2008/146/CE del Consejo [6] sobre la celebración, en nombre de la Comunidad Europea, de dicho Acuerdo.

(10) Por lo que respecta a Liechtenstein, la presente Decisión constituye un desarrollo de disposiciones del acervo de Schengen en el sentido del Protocolo entre la Unión Europea, la Comunidad Europea, la Confederación Suiza y el Principado de Liechtenstein sobre la adhesión del Principado de Liechtenstein al Acuerdo entre la Unión Europea, la Comunidad Europea y la Confederación Suiza sobre la asociación de la Confederación Suiza a la ejecución, aplicación y desarrollo del acervo de Schengen, que entran en el ámbito mencionado en el artículo 1, letra a), de la Decisión 1999/437/CE del Consejo, en relación con el artículo 3 de la Decisión 2008/261/CE del Consejo [7] relativa a la firma, en nombre de la Comunidad Europea, y a la aplicación provisional de determinadas disposiciones de dicho Protocolo.

(11) La presente Decisión constituye un desarrollo de disposiciones del acervo de Schengen en las que el Reino Unido no participa, de conformidad con la Decisión 2000/365/CE del Consejo, de 29 de mayo de 2000, sobre la solicitud del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte de participar en algunas de las disposiciones del acervo de Schengen [8]; por tanto, el Reino Unido no participa en la adopción de este acto y no está vinculado por él ni sujeto a su aplicación.

(12) La presente Decisión constituye un desarrollo de disposiciones del acervo de Schengen en las que Irlanda no participa, de conformidad con la Decisión 2002/192/CE del Consejo, de 28 de febrero de 2002, sobre la solicitud de Irlanda de participar en algunas de las disposiciones del acervo de Schengen [9], por tanto, Irlanda no participa en la adopción de este acto y no está vinculada por él ni sujeta a su aplicación.

(13) Por lo que respecta a Chipre, la presente Decisión constituye un acto que desarrolla el acervo de Schengen o está relacionado con él de otro modo en el sentido del artículo 3, apartado 2, del Acta de adhesión de 2003.

(14) La presente Decisión constituye un acto que desarrolla el acervo de Schengen o está relacionado con él de otro modo en el sentido del artículo 4, apartado 2, del Acta de adhesión de 2005.


Artículo 1

Las partes 1, 2, 3 y 4 de la red de consulta de Schengen (especificaciones técnicas) se modifican según se establece en los anexos I, II, III y IV, respectivamente.

Artículo 2

La presente Decisión entrará en vigor a los veinte días de su publicación en el Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea.

La presente Decisión será aplicable a partir del 5 de abril de 2010.

Artículo 3

Los destinatarios de la presente Decisión son los Estados miembros, de conformidad con los Tratados.

Artículo 4

La presente Decisión se publicará en el Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea.

Hecho en Bruselas, el 22 de diciembre de 2009.

Por el Consejo

El Presidente

A. Carlgren


(1) DO L 116 de 26.4.2001, p. 2.

(2) DO L 243 de 15.9.2009, p. 1.

(3) DO L 176 de 10.7.1999, p. 36.

(4) DO L 176 de 10.7.1999, p. 31.

(5) DO L 53 de 27.2.2008, p. 52.

(6) DO L 53 de 27.2.2008, p. 1.

(7) DO L 83 de 26.3.2008, p. 3.

(8) DO L 131 de 1.6.2000, p. 43.

(9) DO L 64 de 7.3.2002, p. 20.


La parte 1 de la red de consulta de Schengen (especificaciones técnicas) se modifica como sigue:

1. En el punto 1.1.2, se suprime el último párrafo.

2. En el punto 1.1.3, el párrafo primero se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"The application developed by each Member State reads delivery notifications from the inbox – on the basis of FORM R – and checks whether there is a corresponding delivery notification (FORM R) for every sent A, B, C, E, F, G or H form, which contained the "Document unifier". The "Document unifier" is a unique context string – which identifies the mail – in the line beginning with the numbers "000".";

3. En el punto 1.3, el párrafo cuarto se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"The "Subject" item of the message contains "file number" and a full stop (".") followed by the form-type identifier (Letter: "A", "B", "C", "E", "F", "G", "H" or "R"). For the respective forms, the "file number" equals the content of its heading: "001" in FORM "A", "B", "C", "F", "G", "H" and the content of heading "048" in an FORM E. For heading definitions see 2.1.2.


Subject : AUT0000010106AJKT00.B

Subject : FRA2007022457471104.E".


La parte 2 de la red de consulta de Schengen (especificaciones técnicas) se modifica como sigue:

1) El punto 2.1.1 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"The general process flow of documents may be described shortly as follows. Detailed information can be found in 3.1 "LIST OF FUNCTIONALITIES".

The following messages can be exchanged via the Schengen Consultation Network:









The receipt of any form A, B, C, F, G, E or H has to be acknowledged by replying with a form R, if the original message contained a "Document unifier". The "Document unifier" is labelled by "000" on the form (the individual headings are documented below.). For the sake of clarity, the notification of the delivery is not stated explicitly in the following flow samples.".

2) El punto se modifica como sigue:

- el párrafo primero se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Four forms – A, B, C and H – are exchanged via the network. A FORM A contains the consultation request on which the consulted authority has the opportunity to reply within 7 calendar days (See also 1.2.2). If the applicant has a nationality or belongs to a category of such a national for whom prior consultation is requested by a/some Member State(s) consultation of those States' central authority is required pursuant to Article 22 of the Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of 13 July 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) [1].

- el párrafo tercero se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"If the consulting (requesting) authority issues a VLTV it notifies this to all Member States by sending C FORMs.";

- bajo el cuadro (Fig. 2), se añade el párrafo siguiente:

"According to Article 31 of the Visa Code a Member State may require that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of specific third countries or to specific categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This information is transmitted by sending an H-FORM.".

3) El punto se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"If and only if a State intends to represent another State or to be represented by another State, the consultation procedure shall meet the requirements referred to in Article 8 of the Visa Code and in the representation arrangements concerned, as described in the below sample process pictures (pictures 1 and 2).

Consultation when processing a visa application in the context of representation shall be subject to the following rules, in accordance with Article 22 of the Visa Code, and can be carried out in the framework of one or both of the following scenarios:

Picture 1 — Norway representing Sweden


Norway’s central authorities are to ensure that necessary consultations of the other States take place. The absence of a reply within seven (7) days shall mean that the consulted State(s) has(have) no grounds for objecting to the issuing of the visa. If the represented State (Sweden) wants to be involved this has to be laid down in a bilateral representation arrangement between the States involved (Norway and Sweden). In that case, the represented State must always reply to the representing State's FORM F using a FORM G (obligation to reply). A visa cannot be issued if no reply indicating consent is received. The represented State may specify on the FORM G reply, that a Visa of Limited Territorial Validity (VLTV) should be issued in the framework of representation. In this case, all other Schengen States are duly notified (by means of a FORM C) of the VLTV's issued by the representing State. It is not necessary to state the territory to which the visa is limited.

Picture 2 — Norway representing Sweden


Sweden’s central authorities are to ensure that necessary consultations of the other State(s) take place. The absence of a reply within seven (7) days shall mean that the consulted State(s) has(have) no grounds for objecting to the issuing of the visa. The represented State must always reply to the representing State's FORM F using a FORM G (obligation to reply). A visa cannot be issued if no reply indicating consent is received. The represented State may specify on the FORM G reply, that a Visa of Limited Territorial Validity (VLTV) should be issued in the framework of representation. In this case, all other Schengen States are duly notified (by means of a FORM C) of the VLTV's issued by the representing State. It is not necessary to state the territory to which the visa is limited. The consultation procedure (7 calendar days) and any further communication between the represented State and representing State in relation to the decision process (e.g. exchange of forms F and G) has to be done within 15 calendar days in accordance with Article 23(1) of the Visa Code.".

4) En el punto 2.1.2, el párrafo primero se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Each heading is identified by a number ranging from 001 to 999, followed by the separation sign ".", the value of the heading and <CR><LF> (=Hexa: 0X0D resp. 0X0A) or <LF> (=Hexa:0X0A). The leading numbers refer to the headings in a form (A, B, C, F, G, H, E, R).".

5) El punto 2.1.4 se modifica como sigue:

- en el cuadro, la entrada "027" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"027. | Main destination | M | Code (3) x3 | CZE (see 2.2.1)"; |

- la entrada "023" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"023. | Border of entry | M | Code (3) | CZE (see 2.2.1)"; |

- la entrada "026" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"026. | Type of visa | M | Code (1) | C"; |

- se suprimen las entradas 029, 030, 031 y 032;

- se añade la siguiente entrada:

(*4) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.";

"099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | O*4 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |

- las explicaciones, bajo el cuadro, se modifican como sigue:

- la entrada "027" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"Heading No. 027: Main destination | format: Code (3) x 3 |

This refers to the Member State or Member States (max 3) of main destination where the visa applicant should stay.";

- la entrada "023" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"Heading No. 023: Border of entry | format: Code (3) |

This refers to the applicant’s information about the State of first entry.";

- la entrada "026" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"Heading No. 026: Type of visa | format: Code (1) |

"C" visas type is to be used.";

- se suprimen las entradas 029, 030, 031 y 032;

- se añade la siguiente entrada:

"Heading No. 099: Reference number of the application in the VIS format: alphanumblank (33)

Unique number for identifying the visa application, consisting of country code [A-Z] indicating the issuing State, supplemented with a sequence of capital letters, numeral code, TELEX characters and blanks in minimal length 1 and maximum length 30 characters.

The maximum total length has to be 33 characters.".

6) El punto 2.1.5 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:


(*) : M: Mandatory heading; O: Optional heading.

(*1) : See *1 of form A.

(*2) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.

No | Heading | M/O* | Format | Examples/Comments |

000. | Document unifier (to use in form R) | M*1 | alphanumblank (50) | DB-SQNR06755-MTS-ID-AUT |

001. | Reference number of consultation request | M | alphanum (19) | DSL0290096401230100 |

040. | Reference number of reply | M | alphanum (19) | FRA0010020030040050 |

3 | "1"explicit approval"2"refusal |


042. | Date of reply | M | date (8) | 19960305 (YYYYMMDD) |

099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | O*2 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |


Heading No. 040: Reply reference | format: alphanum (19) |

Identifier of a reply to a consultation.

The heading’s structure is as follows:

3 bytes for identification of the consulting State.

16 free bytes for identification at national level.

Heading No. 041: Reply | format: code (1) |

Consultation can result in the following replies:

"1" explicit approval within the deadline of 7 calendar days.

"2" refusal within the deadline of 7 calendar days.

Heading No. 042: Date of reply | format: date (8) |

This is the date the consulted central authority formulates its reply.

Heading No. 099:


7) El punto 2.1.6 se modifica como sigue:

- en el cuadro, la entrada "045" se sustituye por la siguiente:

(*4) :

The previous version of visa number with 9 characters has to remain operational and readable.

Exception for Germany: ICAO document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents provides the country code "D" for Germany.";

"045. | Visa number | M | alphanumblank (12)(*4) | D000000001, CZE000000001 |

- la entrada "026" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"026. | Type of visa | M | Code (1) | C"; |

- la entrada "027" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"027. | Main destination | M | Code (3) x3 | CZE (see 2.2.1)"; |

- la entrada "023" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"023. | Border of entry | M | Code (3) | CZE (see 2.2.1)"; |

- se suprimen las entradas 029, 030, 031 y 032;

- se añade la entrada siguiente:

(*5) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.";

"099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | O*5 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |

- las explicaciones, bajo el cuadro, se modifican como sigue:

- la entrada "045" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"Heading No. 045: Visa number | format: alphanumblank (12) |

Unique number for identifying the visa sticker, consisting of one or three letter(s) identifying the State, supplemented with TELEX characters if needed and a sequence number of the visa sticker. The total number of characters shall amount to 12 [2].

"Other headings:


8) El punto 2.1.7 se modifica como sigue:

- en el cuadro, la entrada "027" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"027. | Main destination | M | Code (3) x3 | CZE (see 2.2.1)"; |

- la entrada "023" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"023. | Border of entry | M | Code (3) | CZE (see 2.2.1)"; |

- la entrada "026" se sustituye por la siguiente:

"026. | Type of visa | M | Code (1) | C"; |

- se suprimen las entradas 029, 030, 031 y 032;

- se añade la entrada siguiente:

(*4) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.";

"099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | O*4 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |

- en las explicaciones, bajo el cuadro, "Headings" se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Other headings:


9) El punto 2.1.8 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:


(*) : M: Mandatory heading; O: Optional heading.

(*1) : See *1 of form A.

(*2) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.

No | Heading | M/O* | Format | Examples/Comments |

000. | Document unifier (to use in form R) | M*1 | alphanumblank (50) | DB-SQNR06755-MTS-ID-AUT |

001. | Reference number of consultation request | M | alphanum (19) | DSL0290096401230100 |

040. | Reference number of reply | M | alphanum (19) | FRA0010020030040050 |

3 | "1"explicit approval"2"refusal"5"approval for LTV |


042. | Date of reply | M | date (8) | 19960305 (YYYYMMDD) |

101. | Comments | O | alphanumblank (240) | LTV:BNL-D-F |

099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | O*2 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |

Heading No. 041: Reply | format: code (1) |

In addition to the codes mentioned in heading 041. of


the following code is also allowed:

"5" approval for LTV

Heading No. 101: Comments | Format: alphanumblank (240) |

This optional space enables the represented State to transmit additional information to the representing State for the purpose of issuing the visa.

Other headings:


10) El punto 2.1.9 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:


(*) : M: Mandatory heading; O: Optional heading.

(*1) : See *1 of form A.

(*2) : M if heading 050. = 1.

(*3) : M if heading 050. = 2.

(*4) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.

No | Heading | M/O* | Format | Examples/Comments |

000. | Document unifier (to use in form R) | M*1 | alphanumblank (50) | DB-SQNR06755-MTS-ID-AUT |

047. | Reference of error message | M | alphanum (19) | DSL0290096401230100 |

048. | Document reference (erroneous form) | M | alphanum (19) | FRA0010020030040050 |

A | {"A"|"B"|"C"|"F"|"G"|"H"} |


1 | 1technical error2logical error |


008 | (number of the first heading which had an error) |


01 | reply received too late |

02 | consultation/information not required |

03 | VLTV has been issued in the meantime |

04 | received in duplicate |

05 | form unknown |


099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | O*4 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |

Heading No. 047: Reference of error message | Format: alphanum (19) |

The purpose of this heading is to identify the error message:

3 bytes identifying the sending State

16 bytes for the national identification number

Heading No. 048: Document reference (erroneous form) | Format: alphanum (19) |

This identifies the document the error refers to.

It contains one of the following headings of a referred form:

- "Reference number of request", (heading 001 of a referred "A" or "F").

- "Reference number of reply", (heading 040 of a referred "B" or "G").

- "Reference of the decision", (heading 044 of a referred "C" or "H").

Heading No. 049: Type of form | Format: code (1) |

Possible indications:. "A", "B", "C", "F", "G" or "H".

Heading No. 050: Type of error | Format: code (1) |

This heading indicates the error causing an E Form to be sent. The following codes can be used:

"1" technical error

"2" logical error

Heading No. 051: Reason for the technical error | Format: num (3) |

If error code 1 appears under heading No. 050, the number of the heading of the document which contains the first error must compulsorily be entered under heading No. 051.

Heading No. 052: Reason for the logical error | Format: code (2) |

If error code 2 appears under heading No. 050, the reason for the error shall be entered, according to the following codes:

"01" Reply received too late

"02" No consultation/information required

"03" Reply was not taken into account since visa of limited territorial validity has been issued in the meantime

"04" Form received in duplicate

"05" Unknown which form was received

The national applications shall be adapted in such a way that the statistics generated on Form E enable distinction of the number of error messages caused by technical errors (code = "1" under Heading No. 050) and logical errors (code = "2" under Heading No. 050).

Additional rule for form E:

It is prohibited to scan a form E itself for logical or technical failures and to reply to a malformed E by another form E to prevent a cumulative process – "Snowball Effect".".

11) En el punto 2.1.10, bajo el epígrafe "Additional rules for form R", el segundo inciso se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"If a Member State receives an alleged erroneous form R, it has to discard this form R without processing it. This means that the Member State should ignore forms R that seem to be invalid. Consequently an application which had to discard potentially malformed forms R will have remaining, unacknowledged forms A,....., H which will have to be resent until a valid form R arrives. If the problem persists it has to be solved bilaterally by technical staff.".

12) Después del punto 2.1.10 se añade el punto siguiente:


(*) : M: Mandatory heading; O: Optional heading.

(*1) : See *1 of form A.

(*2) :

The previous version of visa number with 9 characters has to remain operational and readable.

Exception for Germany: ICAO document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents provides the country code "D" for Germany.

(*3) : Special procedure for Greece. See form A.

(*4) : Each Member State specifies a central clearing point which is permanently accessible by email. The central clearing point communicates the reasons for the refusal by secure means of communication – depending on the content – to the central clearing point of the requesting Member State where the visa application is pending.

(*5) : Mandatory if the Member State's reference number of the application is available in the VIS.".

No | Heading | M/O* | Format | Examples/Comments |

000. | Document unifier (to use in form R) | M*1 | alphanumblank (50) | DB-SQNR06755-MTS-ID-AUT |

001. | Reference number of consultation request | M | alphanum (19) | DSL0290096401230100 |

044. | Reference of the decision | M | alphanum (19) | DSL0010012345678901 |

045. | Visa number | M | alphanum (12)*2 | D000000001, CZE000000001 |

19960302 | (YYYYMMDD) |


026. | Type of visa | M | code (1) | C |

002. | Surname at birth | M | name (50) | IVANOVA |

003. | Other surname | M | name (50) | POPOVA |

004. | First names | M | name (25) | NATALIA |

005. | Date of birth | M | date (8) | 19640123 |

006. | Place of birth | M | alphanumblank (35) | MOSCOW |

F | {"M"|"F"|"X"} |


UKR | (see 2.2.1) |


01 | (see 2.2.3) |


RUS | (see 2.2.1) |


011. | Number of travel document | M | alphanumblank (20) | PP00000001 |

08 | (00-90) |


01 | (see 2.2.4) |


CZE | (see 2.2.1) |


RUS | (see 2.2.1) |


19960301 | (YYYYMMDD) |


013. | Planned travel dates (entry and exit) | M | date (8) x 2 | 19960401 (and extra 013. with) 19960428 (YYYYMMDD) |

1 | {"1"|"2"|"M"} |


01 | (see 2.2.5) |


021. | Parents' names | O*3 | name (50) | IVANOV |

022. | Reference in Schengen State | O | alphanumblank (50) x 2 | TRANSPORT COMPANY. |

023. | Border of entry | M | code (3) | CZE (see 2.2.1) |

19960225 | (YYYYMMDD) |


(…) | (…) |


(…) | (…) |


(…) | (…) |


(…) | (…) |


(…) | (…) | (…) | (…) | (…) |

033. | Privileged member of a Union citizen's family | O*4 | code (1) | 1 (see2.2.6) |

099. | Reference number of the application in the VIS | M*5 | alphanumblank (33) | CZE200907264365 |

13) El punto 2.2.3 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:
















14) El punto 2.2.4 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:











99 OTHER".


(1) OJ L 243, 15.9.2009, p. 1.";

(2) See Annex to Council Regulation (EC) No 856/2008 of 24 July 2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 laying down a uniform format for visas as regards the numbering of visas (OJ L 235, 2.9.2008, p. 1).";


La parte 3 de la red de consulta de Schengen (especificaciones técnicas) se modifica como sigue:

1. El punto 3.1 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:


For every form of type …:

A Consultation request regarding visa application

B Reply to consultation request

C Notification of issue of VLTV

F Visa applications in the framework of representation

G Reply to a visa application in the framework of representation

E Error form

Notification of issue of a visa

The communication system has to perform the following functionalities:

- Prepare the form

- Send the form via the network

- Retrieve the form

- Prepare, send and retrieve a "R — Delivery Notification" form

In addition the communication system also has to perform the functionalities:

- Procedures to be applied for receiving Form E

- Error Management

- Logs

The schemes below illustrate the position of the functions and the sequence of the different stages.

Send form types A, B, C, E, G, F or H:

Fig. 4: Message Exchange Function Sequence.";


2. En el punto 3.2.1, el título se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Preparing Form "A, B, C, E, G, F or H" ";

3. En el punto 3.2.2, el título se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Sending Form "A, B, C, E, G, F or H" via the Network";

4. En el punto 3.2.3, el título se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Retrieving Form "A, B, C, E, G, F or H" ";

5. El punto 3.2.4 se modifica como sigue:

- el título se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"Preparing, Transmitting and Retrieving a Delivery Notification for Form "A, B, C, E, G, F or H" ";

- el apartado a.) se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"a.) Preparing a delivery notification for the form

When the national application has received the form it shall prepare an "R" form in order to acknowledge the form of type "A, B, C, E, G, F and H" (each document that contains a line that starts with ′000.′) that was received.

The structure of the "R" form is described in 2.1.10 FORM R: "DELIVERY NOTIFICATION"

The "R" Form is to be prepared and transmitted in direct connection to the reception of the form of type "A, B, C, E, G, F or H".

The procedure for preparing, sending and retrieving the "R" Form is otherwise the same as described in steps 1, 2 and 3 above for the normal forms.".


La parte 4 de la red de consulta de Schengen (especificaciones técnicas) se modifica como sigue:

1) El punto 4.2.1 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"4.2.1. Data supplied by the Member States

Table 2.a.: Form for data which have been sent to the other Member States (e.g. for Belgium)

The Member State providing the data will have all columns crossed out.

OUT TO | form A | form B | form C | form F | form G | form H | form E (T) | form E (L) |

AUT | | | | | | | | |

BEL | | | | | | | | |

CHE | | | | | | | | |

CZE | | | | | | | | |

DNK | | | | | | | | |

DSL | | | | | | | | |

ESP | | | | | | | | |

EST | | | | | | | | |

FIN | | | | | | | | |

FRA | | | | | | | | |

GRC | | | | | | | | |

HUN | | | | | | | | |

ISL | | | | | | | | |

ITA | | | | | | | | |

LTU | | | | | | | | |

LUX | | | | | | | | |

LVA | | | | | | | | |

MLT | | | | | | | | |

NLD | | | | | | | | |

NOR | | | | | | | | |

POL | | | | | | | | |

PRT | | | | | | | | |

SVK | | | | | | | | |

SVN | | | | | | | | |

SWE | | | | | | | | |

Table 2.b.: Form for data received from the other Member States (e.g. for Belgium)

The Member State providing the data will have all columns crossed out.

IN FROM | A rec. | A acc. | B rec. | B acc. | C rec. | C acc. | F rec. | F acc. | G rec. | G acc. | H rec. | H acc. | | E (tech). | E (log) |

AUT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

BEL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

CHE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

CZE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

DNK | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

DSL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

ESP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

EST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

FIN | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

FRA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

GRC | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

HUN | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

ISL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

ITA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

LTU | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

LUX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

LVA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

MLT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

NLD | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

NOR | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

POL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

PRT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

SVK | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

SVN | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

SWE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

A rec. – A forms received

A acc. – A forms accepted

B rec. – B forms received

B acc. – B forms accepted

C rec. – C forms received

C acc. – C forms accepted

F rec. – F forms received

F acc. – F forms accepted

G rec.– G forms received

G acc. – G forms accepted

H rec. – H forms received

H acc. – H forms accepted

E(tech) – received E forms due to the technical errors in forms, which have been sent to the other Member States

E(log) – received E Forms due to the logical errors in forms which have been sent to the other Member States";

2) El punto 4.2.2 se sustituye por el texto siguiente:

"4.2.2. Tables of Bilateral Statistics

Table 3.: Form for data containing bilateral statistics


| Sent out | Received | Accepted |

A forms | XY 1 | YX 10 | YX 11 |

B forms | XY 2 | YX 12 | YX 13 |

C forms | XY 3 | YX 14 | YX 15 |

Total E forms | XY 4 | YX 16 | |

E forms technical error | XY 5 | YX 17 | |

E forms logical error | XY 6 | YX 18 | |

F forms | XY 7 | YX 19 | YX 20 |

G forms | XY 8 | YX 21 | YX 22 |

H forms | XY 9 | YX 23 | YX 24 |


| Sent out | Received | Accepted |

A forms | YX 1 | XY 10 | XY 11 |

B forms | YX 2 | XY 12 | XY 13 |

C forms | YX 3 | XY 14 | XY 15 |

Total E forms | YX 4 | XY 16 | |

E forms technical error | YX 5 | XY 17 | |

E forms logical error | YX 6 | XY 18 | |

F forms | YX 7 | XY 19 | XY 20 |

G forms | YX 8 | XY 21 | XY 22 |

H forms | YX 9 | XY 23 | XY 24". |


  • Rango: Decisión
  • Fecha de disposición: 22/12/2009
  • Fecha de publicación: 31/12/2009
  • Aplicable desde el 5 de abril de 2010.
Referencias anteriores
  • Fronteras
  • Libre circulación de personas
  • Redes de telecomunicación
  • Reglamentaciones técnicas
  • Visados


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Avda. de Manoteras, 54 - 28050 Madrid